Steve Jobs Speech Rhetorical Devices

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This speech was revolutionary in the world of phones. It was the time where phones were merely communication devices. Where all other phones were very mechanical in the way they function. Steve Jobs here, in the year 2007, in the month of June, released the world's most revolutionary invention, creation, product - the iPhone. This is the very first iPhone ever created.
It paved the way for the world of smartphones. They are one of the pioneers of multi-touch gadgets. This perfectly aligns with the subject - communication. As we know, and as Steve Jobs concisely states, it is an iPod, a phone, and an internet communicator. Relevant to our previous topics, this is the most modern evolution of communication.
Steve Jobs, other than being a genius, a billionaire, …show more content…

He starts his speeches by using attention grabbers to really reel in the audience. Steve uses the pathos rhetoric, he shows the people what milestones they have broken and what they are about to break. Right away, without any delay, Steve Jobs would then pitch his new product in. He, again, ticks two very valuable principles of effective communication; he is complete and concise with his pitch. A great example from the speech is the statement, “It’s an iPod. It’s a phone. It’s an internet communicator.” It concisely gives the audience exactly what they need to know about the product. Steve Jobs, like I said before, is an expert in public speaking. That being said, he is always very natural in the way he expresses himself. Although, you could tell that what he says are all sales and marketing, you could also tell that he is intentional about what image and message he wants to give off. On the topic of feedback, you could tell that the audience is in awe of the product launch, and they seem excited about what he has to offer. The only other time he may act on the feedback is when he sees the product’s sales trends. Basically, it tells him

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