
Summary Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Change Irish statesmen Edmund Burke once said, “ We must obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.” Change is an inevitable aspect of life, yet many people are terrified by the very prospect of any change. They believe that is is all bad, and that it is best if things remain the same. In reality, change is neither inherently bad nor inherently good; but all changes have both positive and negative aspects, and the way a person views change depends on their perspective. As stated in the previous paragraph, change is inevitable; every person on earth will experience change in their life at some point, occasionally without even realizing that a change has occurred. However, not only is change unavoidable, it is necessary …show more content…

However, almost every change has both positive and negative aspects, if a person searches closely enough. Sometimes, a change that is believed to be positive, may actually have negative affects on the recipient of said change, possibly even without their knowledge. This is explored in Nicholas Carr's “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” In this essay Carr voices his frustrations in realizing that use of the Internet, which he believed to be a beneficial invention, was negatively affecting the way that he thought, and making it hard for him to complete activities that he once enjoyed, such as reading long books. When interviewed, Carr's friends and colleagues admitted that they were experiencing similar problems in their concentration. Throughout “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, Carr explores the theory that the Internet, which is viewed as one of the greatest inventions of all time, is actually harming the human race, and making us less human, and more machine. This is a perfect example of how seemingly favorable change can actually have a serious, long-lasting destructive effects on the recipients. Similarly, many seemingly atrocious changes may have silver linings, waiting to be

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