Essay On Side Effects Of Cosmetic Surgery

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Cosmetic surgery has started in the early 600BC by a Hindu surgeon, at that time the most common surgery will be the rhinoplasty, a cosmetic surgery on the nose. Furthermore, a man called Gaspare Tagliacozzi had become the “the father of plastic surgery” by reconstructing the nose using the flaps of upper arm skin in the 16th century based on Robinson(2015). According to Donohoe.M(2016), the number of people who attend cosmetic surgery worldwide has been increasing greatly since 2005 and the people who attend cosmetic surgery are mostly women compared to men. Although that the side effects and risk of cosmetic surgery is bad, but there are still people daring to attend it just to enhance their own appearance between cosmetic surgery …show more content…

According to Anna(2015), the side effects that the patients have experienced after the surgery are headaches, nausea, and prolonged pain and also the most common side effect is inflammation occurs around the area of the body where the surgery was done, this is because of the chemicals that are used during the surgery still remains inside the body and it does not suit the patient, so side effects will occur. Other than that these side effects may slowly dissipate over time but it can be very worse in the beginning and some individuals may experience bruising around the areas of their body that had undergo the surgery. Although that the side effects may dissipate over time, but during the time that the side effects remains, it may not be good the appearance of an individual and this may cause them to stay out of the public for a very long time or absent from their works. Furthermore, side effects occurs after surgery may also because of unlicensed surgeons because the price of the surgery is cheap causes many people will attend it or the surgeons failed in their surgeries and they did not take responsibility for

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