
Take Back The Night Event Analysis

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On Thursday September 28th, I attended ‘Take Back the Night’ for my second activity/ engagement assignment. This event started at 6:30pm and conclude around 9:00pm. The main purpose of this event was to bring awareness about violence that is happening in St. Cloud, Minnesota area. This ties in with the social justice issue of violence against women. Throughout the event there was multiple subevents to either learn more about the topic or take part changing this issue. To start out the night there was a social hour where you could go around and take to different organizations around the area that are helping with this issue. For example, Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center, SCSU Women’s Center, and Anna Marie’s Alliance were a three of the seven different organizations that helped put on this event.
After social hour, the event went into a speaker, the Interim President of St. Cloud State University spoke a few words. He talked about how the university has a no tolerance for violence against women, and that he was glad to see so many St. Cloud State University students at …show more content…

Cloud. After talking with the different organizations during social hour, I gained new information about how many of these acts actually take place. I was completely shocked about the number of case. I learned that the number has decreased since a few years back, but that is still not good enough. My preconceptions of this group have changed since going to this event because I learned and was exposed to true, factual stories. The one aspect of the night that will stay with me for the rest of my life, is the visual that Anna Marie’s Alliance put on. They had around eleven cases that happened in Minnesota with in the last year, and they had pairs of shoes in front of their name to show that their shoes are empty due to domestic violence. This is what really changed my

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