
The Decline Of The Black Press In The 1950's

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In the 19th century, the journey to unity, freedom, and equality for African Americans began with the creation of the black press. Its contribution to the overall advancement of people of color was one of the greatest of all time. Though it possessed a strong impact on the lives of African Americans, the demand for a black press eventually faded, specifically during the pre-civil rights era. The decline in the prevalence of minority based newspapers was the result of various changes in lifestyle; changes that would affect black and white America. During the 1950’s the downward spiral of the circulation of black newspapers began. For the black press, the 50’s introduced a more educated and opinionated audience, as well as an increase in funding from white owned businesses for advertisements. From this, African American journalist were forced to adopt a more conservative tone, which was foreign from the much more common, …show more content…

For the first time in history, white owned news stations took an interest in African Americans that were not superb athletes or criminals. This event sparked a new, unequal field of competition amongst white and black news presses. However, inferior in every aspect of the business, African Americans slowly, but surely lost the battle against their more resourceful opponent. White broadcasting establishments also began hiring black journalist, which promised higher salaries, larger audiences, and more guidance for those that accepted. From this, the black press lost employment and skill. One newspaper article titled, Erna’s Strictly Feminine, discussed the different definitions of integration for white and black Americans. Though the author expressed an interest in integration, she also mentions how it should not equate to the disappearance of what African American’s had built, specifically mentioning the black

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