
The Fifth Amendment

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America the picture perfect vision of white picket fences and economic prosperity is seen as a symbol of the dream that is portrayed around the world. The founding fathers built this great nation upon the principles of freedom, liberty, equality and the pursuit of happiness for all. That is why in 1788 the United States Constitution was brought into play, to manifest all of their visions. The constitution plays a big role in the America we know today, it was written in 1787 when congress authorized the delegates of all 13 states to gather in Philadelphia. In a nutshell, the constitution serves as a written guideline to how the delegates were to interact with their individual state forming the new perspective of government which is now call …show more content…

These articles and amendments work as the bridge that connects the structure of the present-day American Government. But at this present moment, the dream has been shattered with media coverage shown around the world of the equality aspect being destroyed. The police brutality against minorities and African Americans especially have contrasted with the structure built by the founding fathers. The controversial question is, the constitution written to protect all or just some who fit the so call American profile? Whiles, we look at the posed question we can look at one of the most protection driven amendments made. For the purpose of this paper the fifth amendment section one will be explained and analyzed. In addition, we will be looking at the law, advantages and disadvantages of the amendment. Finally using the case study of the Central Park Jogger to understand if the founding father’s aspect of protection and liberty are being carried out in modern day America. The Fifth …show more content…

The aspect of criminal protection is hard to wrap one’s head around, but we have to remember a fundamental concept in the United States justice system, the expression “innocent until proven guilty.” This was first used in the Bill of Rights to ensure all citizens receive a fair trial if they are ever charged with a crime, a principle known as due process of law. This rule can serve to prevent gross injustices, such as convictions made by juries and judges even when no evidence links a defendant to a crime. Another advantage is that you are not required to answer any irrelevant question about your personal life which has nothing to do with the case. Finally,

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