Essay On Being Human

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Humans are bizarre; they live on this planet along with all other creatures, yet they seem to be above everyone in a strangely unique way. Their intelligence and capabilities are far more developed than many of the other species on Earth. A human’s brain gives him/her the ability to perform many complex and challenging actions. Brilliant, exceptional minds grant humankind the unique gift of being human.
Humans are incredibly imaginative creatures; from the second they enter this complex world, they are already imagining themselves as princesses, veterinarians, and astronauts. Mankind has created a dream world of the ideal life, whether it be stepping foot on the dusty surface of the moon or simply opening their own business, despite reality …show more content…

On Oct. 22, 1962, John F. Kennedy made the decision to set up naval blockades around Cuba to prevent the Soviet Union from importing more nuclear weapons and military supplies. Despite the stress and pressure he was under at the time, Kennedy was able to consider the consequences of each choice he had and choose the wisest, most beneficial decision for the nation, resulting in success. Although we may not have as serious decisions, we too, as human beings, are presented with decisions on a daily basis, to which we must recognize the choices we have and decide accordingly. One may argue that other animals have the ability to make decisions as well. Animals make decisions according to survival; humans make choices based on their will to survive as well, yet they will also make choices for what will bring them the most pleasure or make their day more enjoyable. The Huffington Post article What Makes Us Human? states that “...we can think about alternative futures and make deliberate choices accordingly.” If an individual were given the choice between his/her favorite ice cream flavor and one they may not feel as strongly about, they will choose their favorite, as it will bring them more satisfaction. The same goes for larger decisions; we will likely choose the path which will benefit us and/or the people around us most. Our minds allow us to make decisions in order to improve our life

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