
The Most Significant Turning Point In The Geological History Of Earth

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The singularly most significant turning point in the geological history of Earth is the Anthropocene. Detrimental human activity denotes the need for this new geological age, it marks the turning point of the homosapien impact upon the environment and atmosphere of our planet. Impacts of agriculture, the Industrial Revolution and nuclear technology are considerably major events that perpetuate this geological age.
The growth in agricultural demand has created long-term geological impacts. In both modern and ancient times, irrigation systems have diverted water from naturally occuring sources into irrigation channels, seen with the Aral Sea and Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers. The channeling siphons water from natural sources, turning once fertile lands into barron landscapes as a result of the absence of an adequate water supply. The salinisation and acidification of soil occurs with the use of inorganic fertilisers, such as nitrate fertiliser, whereby any excess nitrate not used by …show more content…

The extension of Europe to the Americas is considered to be one of the forerunners of the period, due to a sharing of resources and knowledge. With ensuing industrial technologies in the 1700-1800s, there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of greenhouse gases and pollutants in our atmosphere. These pollutants are most typically emitted from mines, wherein the process of smelting, arsenic, cadmium, copper, antimony and zinc are typically expelled, adding to the global greenhouse gases, and resulting global warming, issues. These atmospheric occurrences alter Earth’s geology through the alteration of weather patterns, oceans and destruction of natural habitats, such as coral reefs, forests and the polar ice caps. As a result, this has made air, hazardous wastes and water major issues within developing countries. The Industrial Revolution clearly has a lasting geological impact continuously recognisable

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