
The Myth Of Co-Parenting Analysis

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Hope Edelman’s “The Myth of Co-Parenting,” focuses on Edelman’s marriage falling apart when her husband spends the majority of his waking hours at work. Edelman describes the hardships she faces while raising her daughter for almost two years with an absentee husband. She is left assuming the role of a traditional wife; cleaning the house, stocking the fridge, and taking care of her daughter. Co-parenting is not only hard for the woman in Edelman’s instance, but is also difficult for the husband in Eric Bartels’ “My Problem with Her Anger.” Bartels examines the scrutiny he is under from his wife for performing seemingly easy tasks incorrectly. He feels attacked by his wife when she criticizes the improper manner in which he loads the dishwasher and sorts the laundry. These references to kitchen appliances reveal that after they have started a family, spouses …show more content…

If the microwave is used correctly, food for the family will be provided. The dishwasher’s purpose is to clean the impurities from the dishes. If the dishwasher is used improperly, it will stop functioning until it is unclogged. There is no compromise in using the dishwasher; either Bartels is doing it correctly, or he is not. The microwave is the compromise; instead of using an oven, which is much harder to master, Edelman’s father uses the more convenient option. Although the microwave was used after the spouses were separated, it saved Edelman’s family from starving. Compromise comes in strange forms, and Edelman’s past and present families are full of it. Her lament about the lack of a chore chart can easily be solved, and she acknowledges the areas in her marriage that need fixing. Bartels only examines the lack of praise in his relationship without fully discovering what is needed in order to reach a compromise in his

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