The Negative Effects Of Gambling

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As an economic and social matter, gambling has always raised deep questions for the policymaker and for the government officials. The government has already done some studies on this issue. In addition, most of these studies have suggested that gambling legalization would contribute economic growth and social benefits as well to local regions and to the society in general. Negative consequences seem to be rarely an issue to these studies. Therefore, the negative influence was hardly ever been tackled. However, results of these studies seem in conflict with those of the social events that have taken place by extreme gamblers in recent years that definitely deserved a further investigation. The masses do not have enough professional knowledge …show more content…

Gambling may be defined as taking an artificial risk, hoping for excessive gain far beyond what the investment of time, money, or skill would justify. When a man plays cards by way of gambling, he thinks he can make some quick and easy money. Therefore, gamblers try to justify gambling by saying that all of life is a gamble. They claim that the farmer who plants a crop is a gambler because the farmer can only pray for good market quotation. Business people who make investments in merchandise are undertaking a high-risk speculation. In fact, the farmer, and businesspersons do not rely on unexpected chance. They are using skill, energy, and knowledge to gain success. No other person must suffer a loss in order for these people to succeed. In contrast, the gamblers ' success can only occur at the expense and suffering of others - someone else has to lose. It is true that an element of risk exists even in legitimate undertakings; there is not any blame for one’s hardworking and contribution to the society. People all need food provided by farmers and businesspersons gain profits to the companies then benefit the national interest. Obviously, gamble cannot provide such a positive impression to the …show more content…

The major benefits of gambling usually come from profits and tax revenues from the gamble. In fact, the economic benefits of casinos are often exaggerated. The problems associated with gambles such as crime and addiction outweigh the economic benefits. A major source of gambling revenues comes from the ten percent of the population that gambles most heavily. At least one in five compulsive gamblers file for bankruptcy after they have exhausted multiple credit cards and other lines of credit. Gamblers have to pay the price that they will lose the opportunities to work. Sometimes gambles are in secret, or they do not tell how much time or money they spend; instead, they often create stories to try to justify their activities. They do not want to escape from the imaginary huge pleasant sensation. When we see drug dealers and prostitutes operate near casinos, we know a person sliding into the deep. Once the beautiful fantasy was disillusioned, it is not easy to go back to the society again. Gamble refresh people’s concept of money. Gamblers will no longer earn money from work after they experienced sudden wealth and collapse. Gamble deprives a person’s cognition to restart a new life. It is really a

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