
The Pros And Cons Of Biophilic Design

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“Biophilic design is the deliberate attempt to translate an understanding of biophilia into the design of the built environment” (Kellert, 2008). It involves building and landscape design that enhance human well-being by fostering positive connections between people and natural environment. It is an innovative design approach that aims to maintain, enhance and restore the benefits of experiencing nature in the built environment. It starts by observing the effect of the mutual interaction between the natural and the built environment. The learned knowledge is then reflected onto the design and construction of the built environment. Utilizing that knowledge in architectural and urban design can guide architecture towards a more humane experience. …show more content…

(Wilson, 1984; Kellert & Wilson, 1993). Empirical findings from the field of environmental psychology and aesthetics reveals that humans are aesthetically attracted to natural elements and forms. Interaction with those elements and forms is valuable for humans physiological and psychological well-being and cognitive functioning, as it triggers several positive effects as; stress reduction, pain reduction, reduce recovery time after surgery, improve productivity...etc. (Kaplan & Kaplan 1989; Hartig et al., 2003; Ulrich et al. 1991; Ulrich, 1991 &1993; Joye, 2007a, 2007b; Van den Berg, et. al., 2004; Orians & Heerwagen 1992; Heerwagen & Orians, …show more content…

Though this may seem as a simple objective, two main limitations stand in the way of achieving it. The first is the limited understanding of the human attachment/inclination towards nature. In spite of the growing body of research (Appleton, 1975; Kellert, 2005a; Heerwagen, 2005; Biederman & Vessel, 2006), still it is not clear why certain natural forms and settings arouse positive feelings in human beings. The second limitation is the difficulty of translating this limited -but growing- knowledge in architectural terms; form, form making principles, form language, structural systems…etc. (Alexander, 2001-2005; Salingaros & Bruce, 1999; Kellert,

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