Passing gun control legislation that creates a universal background check and gun database system as well as passing mental health legislation that improves the health care system’s protocols and policies for assisting people with mental health disorders and that enacts counseling programs in communities and schools will decrease the likelihood of mass shootings in schools. The United States is bitterly divided. Issues of great concern, such as the rise of mass shootings, are partisanized. Both sides of the debate will not comprise or listen to what their opponents have to say. Groups from both sides can only agree that one innocent life taken from gun violence is one too many.
The law is never something to take lightly especially when the specific law is set in place to prevent the loss of human life. Gun control laws have a basis set by the federal government and are expanded upon by each individual state as they deem fit. Federal gun laws and state gun laws have their similarities and differences, but both are set in place as a barrier of protection against those who could cause bodily harm to others if equipped with such power that a gun holds. The U.S federal Government has its own set of regulations concerning firearms and the state of California builds upon them to create a stronger gun policy, meaning both sets of codes and regulations have similarities and differences, but no matter the differences, these laws are set in place to prevent massacres like the Las Vegas, Nevada shooting, and while California gun laws are built upon federal laws, they can be improved for a safer more controlled environment. Federal gun laws are the foundation for state laws and the building blocks for more advanced restrictions set by individual
What should be permitted or not permitted is not the people's option, Instead, it's the government that is in power. For instance, some states permit the person to openly hold a gun while other states permit holding a concealed weapon. To decrease the frequency of mass shootings serves as one of the main justifications for extending gun regulations. The US has seen an increase in the frequency of mass shootings, which often result in four or more
However, it is important to note that the Second Amendment was written in a time when guns were far less powerful than they are today. The founding fathers could not have imagined the type of weapons that are now readily available to the public. Additionally, the Second Amendment does not give Americans an unlimited right to own any type of weapon they want. It is the responsibility of the government to regulate and ensure the safety of its citizens.
Criminals don’t follow laws. Gun control laws are more oppressive on citizens than criminals, which is literally someone who has broken, or is breaking, a law. Why are some gun control laws and rulings so heavily pushed? Especially considering that the majority of these laws have very little actual basis aside from the “guns are scary and bad” train of thought. This is going to be going into why most of these laws, current, and proposed, make no sense such as the Magazine Capacity bans that some states are putting in place, the entirety of the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), and the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban(AWB).
Alters, Sandra M. Gun Control: restricting rights or protecting people. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2011. Alters, Sandra book was extremely useful in writing my paper. She identifies what the right to bear arms actually means and provides clarity on laws, regulations and ordinances for firearms.
When it comes to the topic of guns, most of us will readily agree that it is our constitutional right to bare arms. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of as AR platform and assault rifles. Whereas some are convinced that we should not be able to own them, others maintain that we should be able to own assault rifles. The term “assault weapon” is an invention of pro-gun control politicians that demonizes semi-automatic rifles with certain looks.
The regulations of guns in the USA has been a hot topic in the GOP debates this election year. Gun Control seems always to come up in conversation when it is time to elect our next president or when a tragic event involving guns occurs. Regulations of guns in the USA has been around since the early 1900s, and is ever changing to this day. There are both Pros and Cons to Gun control laws. Also many factors on why there are different laws on guns in different parts of the country.
The government must govern, lead, and protect the people of the United States not limit us in ways that overall hurt the population. The government needs to reevaluate the laws that protect our country to the end. Even if they try to ban certain criteria of guns people will always find a way around the
This is an important topic in America, this decides whether the citizens are in control of the government or if the government is in control of us. Gun control is the problem in the United States.
Anthony Borges’ life will be forever changed as a result of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. When CBS News interviewed him he should have been at soccer practice. However, he had just come off a ventilator and was struggling to breathe. He had underwent eight surgeries and was scheduled for another one. Borges was shot five times in the recent school shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
Another reason why gun control is barely talked about is because political people do not want to approach the topic, they could potentially lose supporters. If a political campaigner is for gun control some of their supporters could be against gun control and vice versa. It was not until 1992 when politicians openly showed they were for gun control. In the book "Shots in the Dark”, it stated that Bill Clinton was the first politician to be for gun control. Bill Clinton openly endorsed the death penalty as a result of gun control.
Gun control has been a controversial issue for many years. Many citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would reduce the threat of crime. People have the right to bear arms for protection, or even just the pleasure of hunting and recreational activity. With the recent events involving firearms and mass shootings, people are skeptical whether to increase or decrease gun laws. Americans have a constitutional right to own handguns and stricter laws and licensing will not effectively save lives.
The Second Amendment guarantees law-abiding Americans the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. But over time, gun control laws have placed limits on that freedom. Some politicians and gun control proponents argue that these laws are necessary — even at the cost of infringing upon a fundamental American right. But the fact is, gun control doesn’t work the way advocates argue it does. What is Gun Control?
Some people want to ban guns, so they are illegal and not the problem. Others want to put limits on what type of guns the people can buy. Then there are the