
The Pros And Cons Of Underfunding Of Public Schools

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A family of color just moved into a new neighborhood in the mostly white area of Bibb County during the late mid 2000s, their reasoning to move here was for a better chance for their one child to be able to gain an education. A few days into the school year, a protest begins due to the lack of funding in the schools. One of attorneys for this case Jim Carson states that underfunding of public schools can be traced back to integration orders of the 1970s. So now the entire county has their eyes on you, your family, and the rest of the non-white people in the county and are now trying to run you out of the county. Even the system's more devoted supporters say that over time they have lost trust in the boards and administrators due to their questionable …show more content…

Private schools are typically schools that anyone can go to but they are very expensive, “Many high income families with children in private schools are likely to be recipients of this non-taxed income because 80% of the tax concession goes to the top 20% of income earners.” (Cobbold), meaning that richer families are most likely to be in the top 20% of income earners which means that 80% of tax concessions would go to them. So all the money these people have just sit somewhere and pile up. Public schools on the other hand, since they are county-based, rely mainly on tax dollars and money from the state, but the state only give public schools around $900. In a quote by Cobbold, it states, “The current school funding arrangements heavily favour private schools and will do so until at least the end of the decade. The funding policies of the Commonwealth and state governments will dramatically increase the already large resource advantage that private schools hold over public schools.”(number) This describes how this issue will continue until something is done. The main reason state governments tend to favor private schools over public schools is due to the amount of diversity there is in public schools. It is said that “Public schools enrol over 80% of all disadvantage students – low SES, Indigenous, disability and remote area students – and 95% of all disadvantaged schools are public

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