
The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson

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Book review The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novel by Scotsman Robert Louis Stevenson. It was published in 1886 and is considered a classic of British literature. This novel is one of the authors most well known works. Even until today it has remained in the public's view. Numerous writers have found inspiration in this novella which have resulted in various popular adaptations. Its genre is of the psychological variety with shocking twists and happenings. The novel is known to bring forth the issue of multiple personality disorder. Combined with the novels brilliant implementation makes it well studied within the realm of psychology.

Walking down a street in 1900th century London …show more content…

A maid identifies the transgressor as Mr Hyde. Progressing from acts violence to ruthless murder, Dr Jekyll is forced to confront the chaos. When Mr Utterson yet again pursue the topic of Mr Hyde with Dr Jekyll, Henry shows a letter to Gabriel stating that Mr Hyde will disappear forever. However Mr Utterson suspect foul play from Dr Jekyll's side and sometime later decide to break into his house. To his surprise, upon entering the office of Dr Jekyll the corpse of Mr Hyde was present. Through letters left by Dr Jekyll Mr Utterson pieces together the true nature of Mr Hyde.

During the 1900th century, London could be a very dangerous place. Amidst the Victorian society the plot of the novel “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” manifests itself. There were various settings during the gambit of the story but perhaps the most explaining one was the laboratory of Dr Jekyll. This laboratory is not your conventional clean and sterile laboratory but is depicted as a disgusting, dirty and bloody scene of gothic horror. The environment the author wanted to convey is very much explained through this scene …show more content…

Everything in the story is mirrored from Mr Utterson’s eyes. The readers are bound by an outsider’s perspective and like Mr Utterson, we too become a third party to the happenings of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. For a story which have the label horror strapped on it, it is disappointing to say the least. Where is the fear, anguish and suspense that is promised to us? The most intriguing aspects could not be observed which ruined the reader's experience of the story. This, depending on how you see it, is not Robert Louis Stevenson's fault but those who raised the expectations of the novel. Only rare glimpses of Mr Hyde was provided and the detestable, evil and nightmarish character that is promised never truly manifests in the reader’s eyes. Had it been written differently, the duality of human nature could have been more thoroughly

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