
The Transgression Of The Unspeakable Word In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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The Transgression of the Unspeakable Word in the work Anthem is a rule that states one may never refer to oneself, but only of all. “We have broken the laws”, or, “Till the beasts of the forest come to tear our body.” These quotes show how one is to refer to all, even when you are talking about yourself. In the book, Ayn Rand describes a society in which everyone is equal. There is a set of rules enforced by an elderly council, in which contains transgressions. Of these includes the Transgression of the Unspeakable word, which is punishable by death. This is such a severe crime because in a society where everyone is equal, you must refer to all rather than one; when you refer to yourself, it is a deadly sin. The main character of the story, Equality, must face many challenges during the course of the book. …show more content…

He continued to learn, which eventually lead to his demise. He was exiled from the society for an invention he created alone, yet again another transgression broken. Therefore the Transgression of the Unspeakable Word has great significance in the story, due to the fact that Equality is an individual and the author uses this transgression to limit individuality. Martyrdom also plays an important role in the work Anthem. Martyrdom is the act of suffering greatly for a religion, or cause. Equality suffers greatly from his cause. Equality’s cause is to be able to create an invention that will appease the council of scholars, and further the knowledge of the society. He also wants to use this as forgiveness for his sins. However despite Equality’s best intentions, he is persecuted for his individuality. “A street sweeper! A street sweeper walking in upon the World Council of Scholars! It is not to be believed! It is against all the rules and all the laws!” “We have much to say to a wretch who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy! How dared you think your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your

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