
Theme Of Satire In Fahrenheit 451

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In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury uses Satire throughout the novel to satirize censorship. In Fahrenheit 451 the government burns books so that they can hide the history of the past and keep the citizens unknown of everything. The government wants the society to be kept clueless. The government controls its citizens through television and meaningless activities so it avoids the discussion of conflicts and issues. Bradbury Satirizes the lack of education and social skills the children have due to school “I don’t think it’s social to get a bunch of people together and then not let them talk, do you? An hour of TV class, an hour of basketball or baseball or running, another hour of transcription history or painting pictures, and more sports, …show more content…

In the 24th Century the citizens don't care about their views or ideas on problems and they just vote for the wrong reasons. The people in power are elected fairly but the citizens do not actually care enough to vote. In this world people vote for a president based on his appearance, not what he is offering his community. Also they judge the candidates on how their name sounds. This satirizes there way of how they vote for an elected official. Not only does Bradbury satirize government and censorship but he shows satire through the war “ Through the aluminum wall he heard a radio voice saying, war has been declared ” (Bradbury 119). Several times throughout the novel the upcoming war keeps getting mentioned, though no one pays attention to it. This section of the novel shows that the war is going on and that it is getting ignored. The lack of sympathy for the lives lost during the war is very shocking. There are a number of deaths from the war but nobody really acknowledges it and they just continues on with their daily lives. Ray Bradbury uses satire throughout the novel to over exaggerate and mock the society in Fahrenheit 451. The use of satire in this novel also points out to the readers how different the 24th

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