
Theme Of Selflessness In The Great Gatsby

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Gatsby Essay

Parents teach their children right from wrong at an early age. These caregivers try their best to insure that their children grow wiser, with all the tools they need, so the kids can be held accountable. Being successful in modern society, entails proper following of the societal rules, or else the consequences may include losing a job, losing a home, or losing companions and being left in a state of solitaire. However, in ‘the Great Gatsby’ by Fitzgerald, the idea of good people, who go to school, who get a job, who are kind to, and for other people— who follow the rules, actually end up suffering at the hands of the immoral people, who choose not to follow the rules of society. A person is deemed just, or iniquitous, based …show more content…

When the act of selflessness is decided, feelings of utter defeat and turmoil are the result.

The dominant class has demonstrated in ‘The Great Gatsby’, when selfishness is chosen rather than selflessness, one can have less mishaps in life and be more resilient to the dreadful events that may occur. Tom Buchanan in particular, is notorious for putting himself first in order to be successful, in regards to his job, his social life, and his reputation. For instance, Tom and Gatsby were having an …show more content…

Jay Gatsby is essentially, the most recognizable person due to all of his motivations and stakes concerning Daisy. Namely, while Daisy and Gatsby were having their affair, she did not want the scandal to be known, because if it did her reputation would be ruined. However, Gatsby did not feel the same way, he did not care about reputation or status, his main goals were to soul heartedly be with Daisy for the rest of their lives, and he knew to do that they would have to eventually at least tell her husband. Although Jay felt this way, he fired all his regular staff and replaced them with people he trusted because he “‘wanted somebody who wouldn't gossip.’” (114). This act of replacing all his staff, displays a strong, devoted nature in Gatsby, that is not consistent with the other upper classmen, it comes from his perseverance as a child. Gatsby had to work, to get the money, the house, all the clothes, and everything else he has today. His giving instincts towards other people, is his way of compensating for what he didn't have as a boy. This dedicated nature escalates at the end of the novel when Gatsby claims he was the one driving the car that killed Mrs. Wilson, as Jay is talking with Nick, Gatsby says “‘Yes,’ [Daisy was driving the car] he said after a moment ‘but of course I'll say I did it.’”

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