
WISC-IV Critique

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This critique will be reviewing the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). The WISC-IV was authored by David Weschler and was published by PsychCorp, which is a brand of Harcourt Assessment Inc in 2003 (Plake, 2005). The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Generation can take anywhere from 65-80 minutes to administer and should be done individually (Plake, 2005). In The Sixteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook Plake (2005) states, an individual administering the WISC-IV should allow for an additional 10-15 minutes if using supplemental tests. The price of the WISC-IV can range anywhere from 725 to 1,075. For 725 dollars you will obtain the basic kit where you receive the administrations manual, technical …show more content…

Furthermore, and individual administering the WISC-IV will need administrative experience pertaining to testing children with a unique and diverse backgrounds (Plake, 2005). The WISC-IV will provide a full scale IQ for the child. This number represents the child’s overall cognitive ability (Plake, 2005). Any individual taking the WISC-IV will be tested on four indexes. The four additional scores that can be obtained are the Verbal Comprehension Index, Perceptual Reasoning Index, Working Memory Index, and Processing Speed Index. There are 15 subtests that are distributed between these four domains. Of those subtests ten of them are core subtests and the other five tests are supplementary tests (Plake, 2005). The Verbal Comprehension index will measure verbal attention, concentration, and processing speed. Assessment for the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) includes Similarities, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. VCI subtests include Information and Word Reasoning (Whisten, 2013). Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) assesses the child’s fluid reasoning abilities, perceptual organization, and motor skills. Assesment for PRI will include Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, and

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