
What Is Cotton In Memphis's History And Culture

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“Cotton is woven into Memphis's history and culture.“ (The Cotton Museum of Memphis). In fact, cotton plantation slaves shouted chants that soon became the blues we all know and love today. Cotton is a plant fiber that is difficult growing, yet could make many fabrics and textiles. Also, thanks to Memphis and it’s cotton there were many more jobs in the city. Memphis was well known for the cotton they grew and traded. A plant called cotton made Memphis known and provided many jobs for it’s people.

What is Cotton
Cotton is a plant fiber that is complicated to grow, but provides many fabrics and textiles. For example, cotton can make jersey, velvet, and flannel. These are soon made into textiles such as shirts, jeans, pillows, …show more content…

“By the late 1840s, river boats loaded with cotton lined the riverbanks at Memphis and the cotton became a very important part of the economy of the city. ” (Memphis Historical Society). This explains one way the cotton was transported. Another way is to have trucks on the road importing and exporting Memphis’ cotton. “ The cotton industry generated numerous other activities in the area. - hotels, grocers, dry goods, mule trading - all in support of the Cotton Row brokers. “ ( Memphis Historical Society). That explains all the little shops of clothing for work at people there would first need to weave cotton cloth and so the cloth in the clothing for the cashiers and other sellers to sell. It also shows why there used to be hotels and stores along Cotton Row. “ The Memphis Cotton Exchange has been an important institution since 1873. ”( Memphis Historical Society). The Memphis Cotton Exchange was all-in-all a cotton auction. Auctions need many people to run them. First of all, an auction needs farmers to farm cotton so people can auction it off. Auctions also need an auctioneer to auction off all the cotton to the people. Of course, auctions are always going to need a place to have the auction, so owners of nearby shops or shelters might host the auction for the people. The people of Memphis had many jobs thanks to the cotton they grew and …show more content…

“By 1900, Memphis was the world's largest market for cotton.“ (David Kusha). More specifically, by 1898 Memphis was the leading resource in the U.S. People came from bordering states just to buy or sell the cotton at the Memphis Cotton Exchange. People also came to see the Memphis Cotton Carnival. “ It’s original purpose was to promote and celebrate the cotton industry. “ (Ennead) Which means that Memphis created a fair that would advertise the cotton and increase profits. It worked, many more people bought clothing from small clothing stores around Cotton Row. “Because of segregation, blacks could not participate. So Dr. Q.R. Venson founded what became the Cotton Makers Jubilee in 1935 for African-Americans.” (Steve Pike). This shows that African-Americans were not allowed to attend the Memphis Cotton Carnival, so they created their own. Around half a century later, the two carnivals combined to make the Memphis

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