
Who Is Olivia Guilty Of The Following Prohibited Acts

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Carlos is guilty of the following Prohibited Acts: misrepresentation, forging or altering documents or credentials, and knowingly furnishing false information to the institution. Olivia is not guilty of committing any of the Prohibited Acts. Neither is Olivia guilty of facilitating academic dishonesty. Olivia is only guilty of violating Professor Clemente’s Class Attendance Policy. Olivia had been absent from Professor Clemente’s class twice before. One day in class, Professor Clemente noticed that Olivia was absent, this would be her third absence. However, when the professor reviewed the daily sign-in sheet, Olivia’s name was on it. The professor emailed Olivia and John and Carlos, who always sat next to Olivia, and asked them to meet …show more content…

Signing the sign-in sheet indicates that one was present in class. By signing Olivia’s name on the sign-in sheet Carlos indicated that Olivia was present in class that day when in fact Carlos knew Olivia was absent. Thus, Carlos misrepresented Olivia’s attendance in the class. By signing someone else’s, Olivia’s, name on the attendance sheet Carlos committed forgery, which is a prohibited act. Finally, Carlos is guilty of knowingly furnishing false information to the institution. Carlos knew Olivia was absent. Yet Carlos signed Olivia’s name, as if she was present, on the class attendance sheet …show more content…

She did not misrepresent her attendance. She did not forge her, or another’s, signature on the sign-in sheet. She did not knowingly furnish false information to the institution. Furthermore, Olivia is not guilty of facilitating academic dishonesty. Facilitating academic dishonesty requires one to intentionally or knowingly help of attempt to help another to violate a provision in the code. Olivia told Professor Clemente that she did not ask anyone to sign her into class. Carlos, when he admitted to signing Olivia’s name, mentioned that Olivia did not ask him to do so. John further backs up their claim by stating that Olivia would never have asked someone to “sign her name when she was not present.” Therefore, Olivia could not have intentionally or knowingly helped or attempted to help Carlos violate NSU’s Code. Olivia is only guilty of violating Professor Clemente’s Attendance Policy. Olivia was absent three times. According to the class syllabus, two unexcused absences result in failure. Olivia’s punishment, therefore, for missing three classes is failure of the

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