
Who Was To Blame For Ww2 Dbq Essay

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World War II, like World War I, had many different reasons as to why it began. All of these causes in the second world war began with Adolf Hitler, but were there other people behind it? Is Adolf Hitler the only person to blame for World War II beginning? While some may blame Hitler for World War II, others blame the Allied Nations that fought against him and Germany. With many different times that Hitler could have been stopped, they ignored the problem and continued to allow his reign of terror. The Allied Nations of Great Britain and France is the reason why Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 and began the second world war. One of the major causes of World War II that could have been prevented was how unfair the Treaty of Versailles was to …show more content…

He explained that a majority of the people in the Sudetenland, the portion that he wanted, were German speaking, so they rightfully deserved to be a part of Germany. It took the meeting of the four major world powers just under five and a half hours to come to an agreement with Hitler to give the Sudetenland to his country (Document 4). The Big Four believed that they dodged a bullet by giving Hitler what he wanted. Adolf Hitler had claimed that once he received the Sudetenland, he would not take away any other land. The Big Four came into a problem when they believed that he would end the capture of more places. Neville Chamberlain had thought that with this agreement to give the Sudetenland to Germany, Hitler would end because the other countries feared him and wanted to avoid what happened in 1914-1918 (The Munich Conference). This fear, however, drove Hitler even more to continue. This appeasement was a great mistake by the world leaders at the Munich Conference because they showed Hitler that they were afraid of him, allowing him to do more things that went against the Treaty of Versailles without any counteraction. Showing Adolf Hitler the fear of the other European countries and allowing him to take control of the Sudetenland was one of the greatest mistakes that the great leaders could make at the Munich

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