
Why Are The American Colonists Justified In The Revolutionary War

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Neither the Revolutionaries nor Loyalists were particularly innocent in the Revolutionary War. The war, however, was only a facade. Only a small portion of the population of the Thirteen Colonies truly supported independence. Most colonists merely supported better representation in Parliament, were Loyalist, or simply refrained from opinion. The real reasons why the colonies seceded were because of the Boston Massacre, new taxes, and the Proclamation of 1763. The Boston Massacre was in no way a massacre. A massacre involves dozens of people that were killed or wounded. In the Boston Massacre, only five colonists died, and it was not deliberate. British soldiers were backed into a corner by a mob, pelted with rocks, taunted, cursed at, and practically being attacked. Not to mention that the colonists were demanding the British soldiers to fire. The Boston Massacre was nothing more than a street fight between a seemingly “patriot” mob and a squad of British soldiers that was blown out of proportion by the media. The involved …show more content…

In order to compensate for the enormous debt, Britain issued taxes on the colonies. However, contrary to what the colonists believed, Britain wasn’t singling America out. British citizens were being taxed as well, in fact even more so. The tax ratio between the British and the Colonists was 30-1 (American). Although the British didn’t have the Stamp Act, or the Sugar Act, or other inflammatory tariffs, their purpose was not to overtax the Americans. Though the Colonists had the stamp act, most of them never had the need to use stamps. Yet, they still revolted against the act only four months after it was established (1765). The British had just finished funding a huge war the colonists started, so it’s completely justifiable that they simply enacted minor taxes in order make up for the chaos that was created by colonists’ unsatisfiable need for land

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