
Why Is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Be Banned

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A Lack of Redeemable Attributes:
The Banning of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Vexatious environments have been established in a myriad of schools across the United States. The cause, the teaching of inhumane, offensive, and disturbing material in books. Some of the greatest narratives have questionable content, however many books contain content that causes not only parents, but teachers and students to question if these books should be taught. While countless books have been challenged, many of these bans have no credibility. However the book One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey validates that books should be banned. The novel follows the rebellious actions of McMurphy narrated through Chief Bromden, as they attempt to overthrow …show more content…

Readers generally connect more with the characters than the plot of a story. Characters are like the brushes used to paint an artwork. The story is carried through them and their actions. Minor characters affect the book less, and major characters leave a lasting impression. In a study from Ohio State University it was discovered that, "When you 'lose yourself' inside the world of a fictional character while reading a story, you may actually end up changing your own behavior and thoughts to match that of the character" (Grabmeire 1). The actions and aspects of fictional characters can alter those of students exposed to books. In the case of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, it would be objectionable to force students to study a personality altering book. Any book can be taught, however the poor character choice in the book demonstrates that it should not be taught. The characters in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest have tendencies and behavior issues that would indefinitely affect students. It would be unjust to teach this book to students, as they would receive lessons from the characters that may stunt and hinder them in the future. As a result of the influence of fictional characters on a reader, the book One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest should not be taught. Fore it would be unreasonable to force students to inherit poor

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