
Why Is The Stamp Act Important In Pre-Revolutionary

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The Stamp Act, Catalyst to the American Revolutionary War In pre-revolutionary history certain significant events such as the Sugar Act, the Currency Act, the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party and led to the drafting of the declaration of independence. However, the most significant event that led to the drafting of the declaration of independence was the stamp act. The stamp act was the most significant event because it helped the colonists successfully united against England and because the stamp act congress was created and would serve as a model for the continental congress and many members of the stamp act congress would become key figures in the battle for independence. Before the passing of the Stamp Act Ben Franklin had tried …show more content…

But before the law was put into effect it was already being met with opposition in the colonies. On 28 July 1764 George Wythe and Robert Carter Nicholas, members of the Virginia legislatures standing Correspondence Committee protested it arguing that "the most vital Principle of the British Constitution" was that "no Subjects of the King of great Britain can be justly made subservient to Laws without either their personal Consent, or their Consent by their representatives." . This statement reflected the attitude of many colonists, and the new law fostered “a growing inter-colonial unity and the development of organizations and methods of resistance to ministerial and parliamentary acts. These organizations and methods later played a vital role in the colonies, keeping issues before the public and resisting further encroachments of their rights until such a time as they were to go to war.” Out of that unity and development the Sons of Liberty were formed. The Sons of Liberty originated with the purpose of preventing the implementation of the law. Their method of stopping it were “episodes of violence” that were “planned and prepared by persons who were recognized at the time as belonging to the “better and wiser part”” . The key part of this is the groups who were seeking to oppose and become independent from England saw an opportunity to …show more content…

With the boycott of British goods and the resources available the colonies would have the ability to produce goods and negate the need for the importation of British products. A merchant named William Kelly had resided in the colonies previously and testified to the potential industrial capabilities. He stated “Can British Goods be Manufactd in New York Most Undoubtedly? Cabinet Ware they may make in New York? They have not gone so far in Iron Ware Thinks they have the means for Iron Ware for they can make Steel There is great plen ty of Wood and Streams of Water so proper for making Forges that many are Erected.” In his testimony he also questioned the ability to produce wool as well. This testimony is important because brings up the ability for the colonies to wage and sustain an armed conflict against Great

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