Algae Essays

  • Algae Growth Lab Report

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    The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of pollution on algae growth. Through a series of experiments that lasted a month, four of the six hypotheses were proven to be correct or partially correct. The first hypothesis stated that if 0.5 mL of salt was added to algae, then the algae would grow slower than the positive control. This was proven correct, as shown by the difference of the data from the positive control and the container with 0.5 mL of salt in it. The end rating of the Salt #2

  • Camium Stress On Algae Research Paper

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    SUBMITTED BY: Saba Tassadaq Registration # 1725252 Assignment: Cadmium stress on freshwater algae Submitted to: Miss. Urmah Mahrosh (IESE.SCEE.NUST) Table of abbreviations used CdSO4 Cadmium sulphate ROS Reactive oxygen species TEM Transmission electron microscope DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid ITEM If then else minimizer CCD Charged

  • Summary: The Top-Down Effects Of Brine Shrimp On Algae

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    72580 Rodriguez Silva The Top-down Effects of Brine Shrimp on Algae INTRODUCTION An ecosystem is a delicate structure moderated by the network of interactions between all of the organisms that inhabit it. These organisms can be arranged into trophic levels, forming a chain or pyramid in which energy flows from one level to another. In a top-down trophic cascade, the higher-leveled consumers regulate and dictate the biomass of the trophic levels below (Leroux and Loreau 2015). The removal or addition

  • Fertilizer In Algae

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    of effective amount of fertilizer to grow algae in, while light conditions stay consistent. This information will provide potential algae farmers the ideal ratio for growing algae, a multi use crop. Algae is a broad term for a single celled phytoplankton on the bottom of marine food chains. These organisms are phototrophs, they make their own food using chlorophyll and other pigments, and provide food for the rest of the aquatic food chain. While most algae is harmless, the infamous cyanobacteria

  • Megae Bay Research Paper

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    Starting with the food chain in Chesapeake bay, the plants and algae play the basis role in food chain. They make their own food by sunlight. These plants and algae are bay grass and free floating algae. The plants and algae not only feeds all other organisms in the water but also gives homes and shelter for other organisms. Frogs lay their eggs on the bay grass, giving the tadpoles a home. Fish use the grass for shelter, to hide and protect themselves. Next in the food chain are copepods, which

  • Red Tide Research Paper

    2354 Words  | 10 Pages

    occur as a result of explosion of algae population such as dinoflagellates. The expansive population concentrates along the water column and cluster in one area of the ocean, this results in the change of color of the surface water. Red tides occur along coastal areas. Color: Red tides are not necessarily always red. The color may vary from deep shades of red to pink, orange, brown or even yellow. Causes: Algae require sufficient nutrients. Warm

  • Coral Reefs

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    began to lower the amount of energy we use, the amount of waste we produce, and the amount of pollution we allow to go into the oceans the algae would not be forced to leave the coral due to the conditions of the water. This would allow the relationship between the algae and the coral to remain mutual and would also allow for the damaged coral to allow new algae to attach to its

  • Euglena Gracilis Experiment

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    Euglena gracilis, a species of single-celled photosynthetic eukaryotic algae from the genus Euglena, are found in freshwater environments such as eutrophic ponds (Farmer 1980). A key characteristic of E. gracilis are their two flagella, one of which is used for locomotion. These eukaryotic algae undergo cell division asexually in the dark (Farmer 1980). A study done by Professor Michael A. Sleigh of the Department of Biology at the University of Southampton, England shows that E. gracilis grow at

  • Island Biogeography Theory Research Paper

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    The Island Biogeography theory and species richness in different tidal pools on St Lucia coast lines By: Daniela Maia student number: 201406936 Introduction Islands are most commonly known as landmasses that are surrounded by a body of water, in this case the ocean is the body of water. Islands, however, are also isolated areas within another area that bear different species that are rare as well as unique in comparison to the surrounding environment (habitat within a habitat) says

  • Great Barrier Reef Destruction Essay

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    Crown-of-thorns starfish It seems that every animal in the world acts as a source of food for other animals; this is also true for corals. The crown-of-thorns starfish, which has 21 thorny arms and a length of 80 cm, feeds on corals, coral polyps, and coral algae. These starfish are not commonly found in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, but some of them reach the area due to ocean currents, tropical storms or human activity. However, when the population of this specific kind of starfish increases at the

  • Causes Of Coral Bleaching

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    The huge numbers of algae can block the pores on sponges, block light penetration through to the zooxanthellae living within the corals, and decrease the its resistance to coral diseases. Pollutions such as sewage outflow, the use of fertilizers from both urban and agricultural

  • Essay On Coral Reefs

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    Coral reefs. By: Valentina Sarria. Coral reefs are one of the most diverse and complex habitats. They are one of the most interesting and colorful ecosystems found in the marine environment. They are very unique in many different ways and a crucial support for human life. They play also a very important role in the marine life such as giving shelter and food for millions of species including fishes, crabs, or shrimps. They support 33% of marine fish species. They also have specific and certain

  • Environmental Effects On Coral Reef

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    careless swimmers and divers, and poorly placed boat anchors. Then there is also the problem with the hotels and resorts have a tendency to discharge untreated sewage and waste water into the ocean, which pollutes the water and helps the growth of algae, which makes it harder for the coral reefs to grow and expand. The growth of coastal cities and towns that generate multiple threats to the coral reefs that are nearby because with the expansion of the cities or towns there is limited space airports

  • Coral Bleaching Research Papers

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    Vevers. The smell of death on the reef. “I can’t even tell you how bad I smelt after the dive – the smell of millions of rotting animals. It was one of the most disgusting sights I’ve ever seen,” he says. “The hard corals were dead and covered in algae, looking like they’ve been dead for years. The soft corals were still dying and the flesh of the animals was decomposing and dripping off the reef structure” (Slezak). This isn’t the sight most people would imagine when visiting the Great Barrier

  • Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning Research Paper

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    Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning Amnesic shellfish poisoning is a rare type of food poisoning. You get it from eating seafood contaminated with a toxin (domoic acid). This toxin is produced by a saltwater form of algae and is often eaten by shellfish, such as clams, oysters, and mussels. Sometimes crabs that feed on these shellfish can also become toxic. You can get sick when you eat contaminated shellfish or crab. Cooking or freezing the shellfish does not kill the toxin. Domoic acid causes stomach

  • Photosynthesis Is Not A Factor That Can Affect The Growth Of Fish

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    growth of algae has impacted the death of the fish living in the lake. Algae, a primary producer, is a certain type of bacteria that survives in the upper layers of water which gets food and energy through photosynthesis during daytime and respiration during the night. Fish are an aquatic animal that need oxygen in order to live. Looking at the graph, we could tell that as the sky gets dark outside, the oxygen levels in the water start lowering. The fish are fine during the daytime since the algae produce

  • Coral Coverage

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    nutrient rich pollution which have contaminated these coral sanctuaries. This contamination has lead to great loss of coral coverage. As well as this, nutrient rich waters have also resulted in stimulating the growth of many bioeroders such as fleshy algae, which consistently attack the structure of the reef (Hallock. P, Schlager. W,

  • Water Simulation Lab Report

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    because both are key elements in growth in lakes. The Virtual lake includes these five simulated species; green algae, cyanobacteria, bosmina, daphnia, and trout. There are two types of phytoplankton in the lake model, green algae and cyanobacteria. Green algae are a very diverse group that are photosynthetic, aquatic, plant like organisms that have a very simple reproductive structure. Green algae growth is a healthy and natural part of a lake’s ecosystem but the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus from

  • Great Barrier Reef Climate Change

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    Sustainability Plan. It has caused sea temperature increases, ocean acidification, altered weather patterns, and rising sea levels. The sea temperature increases affect many species. It causes coral bleaching to occur, which is when the microscopic algae separates from coral, taking the color, as well as the energy away. It affects the photosynthesis and reproduction of seagrass, the reproduction of coral, and enables a range of microscopic organisms that cause disease to thrive. It affects the reproduction

  • Oxybenzone Research Paper

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    world if we don’t change. When Oxybenzone, the active ingredient in 70% of suntan lotions, meets coral reefs, only trouble happens. It can kill juveniles and even prevent new coral from growing. In turn, the algae that thrives here has nowhere to go and the number of blooms will dwindle. Algae is the filter feeder keeping the water clean and the nutrient source for many fish. Without the reefs, you are doomed to smelly water, dying fish, and an all-around wasted resource. The Earth is over 71% ocean