Animal shelter Essays

  • Animal Shelter Research Paper

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    people. That 's the way Belle, a black Shepard mix from Alabama felt. She stayed in a small dog shelter in Lawrence county, crowded with 300 other homeless dogs waiting for someone to take them in. One couple eventually did adopt her, but soon after realized they were not equipped to take care of her. After the unsuccessful adoption, Belle and a few hundred more animals were taken in from the shelter. Some, like Belle, were sent to rehabilitation centers across America due to not being trained or

  • No Kill Animal Shelter Research Paper

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    adopted my pet from the no-kill animal shelter To start with, I was very thrilled to go to the no- kill animal shelter to find my new pet! Before I left school my friends told me adopting a pet is a very troubling task! This would be the day I adopt my new pet! To continue, my family and I were going to the no-kill animal shelter. On the way there my brother kept screaming that he wanted a fish. If my father was there with me he would have picked the animal companion for us, but this was

  • Compare And Contrast Essay On Animal Shelter Vs Animal Shelters

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    would always go to our local animal shelter and adopt animals. Adopting animals and being able to give them a forever home was such a rewarding feeling. Just walking in and seeing how excited the animals got seeing us was exciting. Animal shelters are usually cheap when adopting animals. The adoption comes with lots of benefits for your new animal. With adoption, people are saving lots of unwanted, mistreated animals and giving them a forever home. The goal of animal shelters is to save the lives of the

  • Why I Deserve An Animal Shelter

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    volunteer at my local animal shelter. I must write an essay to prove that I am the best candidate for the job. I think I should be chosen because I am a very kind person to both people and animals, I work very well with animals, and I have grown up around animals so I know very much about them and how to take care of them. I am extremely caring towards other people and animals of all kinds. I feel that I would be the perfect candidate for the job because of that. Animals, particularly ones that

  • Persuasive Essay On Animal Shelter

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    The community's animal shelter for the prevention of cruelty to animals are facing a serious pet food shortage. The shelter is running dangerously low on food and other supplies they need to take care of their animals. They're about to run out. They're into reserves of food, and they are going to run out if we don't get some help. I have researched average cost of dog food per year; the total first-year cost of owning a dog is $1,270 and for a cat it's $1,070. As you can see, having a pet can cost

  • Essay On Animal Shelters

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    Visualize cracking open the door to your local animal shelter. At first, you hear the howling of dogs, and maybe hissing from cats. Once you walk in, you notice an array of behaviors exhibited by these animals. Several bounce around joyfully and wag their tails. Others stay nestled in the corner, fearful. Row after row of animals sit in cages. The line may seem endless. Why do so many animals end up in shelters, and how is it affecting the lives of these animals that prevents most of them from being adopted

  • Persuasive Animal Shelter Essay

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    Animal shelters should be able to provide a safe place for animals instead of not giving them a second chance at life. Each year animal shelters are forced to put down many animals. Most Animals can be healthy and still be euthanized some who are old or seriously ill or aggressive are more likely to be put down first after a certain number of days. Although they have space limitations shelters should not have the idea of euthanizing poor animals just because they don

  • Persuasive Essay On Animal Shelters

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    Visualize cracking open the door to your local animal shelter. At first, you hear the howling of dogs, and maybe hissing from cats. Once you walk in, you notice an array of behaviors exhibited by these animals. Several bounce around joyfully and wag their tails. Others stay nestled in the corner, fearful. Row after row of animals sit in cages. The line may seem endless. Why do so many animals end up in shelters, and how is it affecting the lives of these animals that prevents most of them from being adopted

  • Animal Shelter Persuasive Essay

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    opportunities for us to take a stand and make a change. Animal shelters around the world are constantly filling with new animals; it is simply too much for the small amounts of staff on their own to make sure every animal gets the love they deserve, as well as making sure the shelter is kept tidy and operating. Animal shelters need us, young and old, even if only for an hour. That small span of time can make the world for them; volunteering assures that animals will get daily love, lowers full-time staff stress

  • The Pros And Cons Of Animal Shelters

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    Einstein Animal abuse is a problem that has been going on for a while, but early in the last century; people have began to call it out. It wasn’t until 1936 that the first animal shelter had started by Caroline Earle White. However, others have taken an advantage of this, and just send stray animals to shelters, and it seems fine, right? Well, this is where the violence comes in:There are some shelters were there are “no-kill” policies where some shelters will euthanize the animals for no good

  • Persuasive Essay On Animal Shelter

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    The definition of a shelter is a place giving protection from bad weather or danger a place providing food accommodation for the homeless “an animal sanctuary” a shielded condition; protection Why do we even call “shelters” *hand motion* shelters when some kill innocent animals. So how could it be an animal sanctuary? Some animals don’t even get a good chance to find a new family, because there isn’t enough space in the shelter, and they are euthanized. Shelters should be a place that actually cares

  • Argumentative Essay On Animal Shelter

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    had to move and she was placed in the Glen Rose Animal Shelter in Texas. This story is one of the many reasons why families have to turn to shelters for assistance. In California, especially, where the housing costs have increased in the last few years, this have made many families relocate and have been forced to place their animals in shelters. Some shelters don’t have the capacity to house animals for a long period of time, as a result, the animals that don’t get adopted in a certain period of time

  • Persuasive Essay's Ten Reasons To Adopt A Dog

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    streets? And you want to pick them up and drop them off to the shelter but don’t have the time? Rather than picking up the dogs and dropping them off, you can help the poor animals from the very beginning. The little things like adopting a dog rather than buy a dog makes a huge difference. Plus, it’s way more cheaper than buying a new dog. Along with the reasons of adopting rather than buying includes that, many of the pets from shelters and rescues are already housetrained, which means you’re not

  • Persuasive Essay On Adopting A Dog

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    adopt one for forty or fifty bucks. There is about 7.6 million animals in animal shelters around the United States, out of the 7.6million 3.9million are dogs (ASPCA). In a year about 2.7 million animals are euthanized because they don’t get adopted in time (ASPCA). If people started choosing adoption instead of buying dogs from a breeder the number will drop drastically. There are numerous reason on why to adopt a dog from animal shelter for instance the adoption process it’s quit simple, it saves

  • Safe Home Pets

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    families. Read about Charlie's cheerful ending following 2 years living in a animal shelter on the following page… Charlie spent two years in a shelter located in Virginia. Now, Charlie has his own permanent house. “It’s finally happening, and especially when you get so attached to dogs,” Ashley Hamilton told WTVR. “It’s just huge.” Hamilton, one of the workers, who dealt with Charlie at the Spotsylvania animal shelter, turned out to be extremely nostalgic subsequent to finding that the charming

  • Eulogy Of A Dog Essay

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    I believe that if more people owned dogs, the world would be a much better place. When I was eleven years old, my family decided to adopt a dog from the animal shelter, who we later named Minnie.The people at the shelter didn’t know much about Minnie and her sisters, although they told us that they found the puppies in a bag on the side of the road, leading us to believe they had been thrown out of a car window by their past owner. And you could definitely see the timidity in Minnie’s eyes as her

  • Creative Writing: The Rocky Mountain Animal Shelter

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    is incredibly awkward in social situations. Overall, Frankie is as cool as burning lava. Frankie has one escape from the loneliness in her life, the Rocky Mountain Animal Shelter. When other kids were going to the movies, playing sports or watching tv, Frankie was at the shelter picking up dog poop. Frankie has been in love with animals ever since she was 3. Frankie has never had

  • Dry Dog Food Research Paper

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    If you’ve ever wandered down the pet food isle of your local big-box pet store, you’ll quickly come to discover that there are tons of dog food brands and varieties. But the one thing you won’t know is if those brands actually contain the proper nutrients you need to keep your dog healthy, strong and by your side for years to come. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for the best dry dog food brands for puppies or the best dry dog food for price. The most important brand of dog food is – You! Sadly

  • Argumentative Essay: The Benefits Of Dog Park

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    Dog Park Benefits I love dogs, and i believe that they should make a public dog ark in the area. I believe that the city should build a dog park for dogs because when people walk around with their dogs they like to sit down in a park like area an have their dogs with them. So if they make a dog park a lot of people will bring their dogs here and all the dogs will play with each other, while the owners may conversate with others. Then you would not see many dogs running around freely in the neighborhood

  • Comparison And Contrast Essay: Old Dogs Vs. Young Dogs

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    Comparison-and-Contrast Essay: Old Dogs (Seniors & Adults) vs. Young Dogs (Puppies & Adolescents) When I was younger, my family adopted a four year old dog named Chelsea. Ten years later, my family decided on a whim to adopt a nine month old puppy, Snoopy. From this experience, my family and I have learned a great deal about the stark differences living with an adult to senior dog and an energetic little puppy. Although many people seem to prefer the idea of adopting a puppy or adolescent dog,