Aquaculture of salmon Essays

  • Write An Essay On Salmon Aquaculture

    1146 Words  | 5 Pages

    Salmon aquaculture, commonly known as salmon farming, is a mass production of salmon that makes up for 70% of the aquaculture industry (“Farmed Salmon”). Salmon farming began experimentally in the 1960s but began industrially in the 1980s. However, salmon consumption is now approximately three times higher than it was when the industry began almost 40 years ago. What was once a delicacy is now among the most popular fish species for consumption. This means that farming and producing salmon is cheaper

  • Persuasive Speech On Overfishing

    760 Words  | 4 Pages

    nutritional needs and they need help. A. With the overfishing, many families in 3rd world countries will not have food. 1. If overfishing continues hundreds of thousands of fish farmers and medium scale fisheries, often very poor, that depend on aquaculture and fishing, will be out of work. According to the Food and Agriculture

  • Farmed Salmon Industry Analysis

    545 Words  | 3 Pages

    When it comes to farmed salmon the federal and provincial levels of government in Canada, surprisingly, play two very separate roles. The federal government mandates jurisdiction of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, thus trying to protect and ensure the safety and sustainability of the wild salmon populations. However, being a federal level of regulation, the government also is looking to make the best political and economic move for Canada. The best economic move for the entire country is

  • Negative Effects Of Aquaculture

    2277 Words  | 10 Pages

    In comparison to commercial fishing, aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, is the farming of aquatic organisms and populating them in controlled environments. The aquaculture industry in the United States is primarily dominated by freshwater catfish farming producing more than 1 billion dollars. Although aquaculture seems beneficial, it has many negative impacts on the environment that are threatening the marine ecosystem. Marine aquaculture is the farming of seafood species that

  • Environmental Impact Of Salmon Farming

    487 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic animals, such as fish. There are various types of fish farming and each type has an ecological impact on marine life. The type of farming I will be focusing on is salmon farming. In this type of farming they use open net-cage farming which is currently one of the most harmful aquaculture production systems. There are a lot of environmental impacts that salmon farming has such as sea lice, diseases, marine mammal’s deaths, and escapes. Our main goal is to find

  • Is Australia Moving More Towards Aquaculture

    484 Words  | 2 Pages

    times this week you've had a seafood meal. Fish and chips? Barbecued prawns? Salmon sushi? Seafood is prepared in a huge variety of different ways every day by hundreds of thousands of Australians. Where do you think all the seafood we eat originates from? Local supermarkets may be supplied by Australian and overseas fisheries. Additionally, produce could be of aquaculture origin or commercially fished. Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic animals and plants DISCUSS with your classmates

  • Aquaculture: Why Fish Farming Should Stop In Canada

    379 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many articles and videos state that Aquaculture may have little benefit but more concerns: Fish farming should stop in Canada. Some people think that Aquaculture is the same thing as Agriculture, it’s not, aquaculture has far more dangerous chronic effects than aquaculture. Even though fish farming can bring economic successes, but without a healthy environment we won’t even be able to live, why do we need a good economy? As mentioned it affects our ecosystems and more. The chemicals in fish food

  • An Essay About Fish Life

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    We all use the wonderful gifts of nature the ocean provides us, whether it be some flavorful sea salt or a sea sponge loofah. But easily the most valuable treasure of the ocean is the delicious seafood it provides us! Seafood includes crustaceans, octopi, as well as fish. Some of the fish commonly caught in the ocean include tuna, tilapia, and catfish, oh my! The list is endless. Unfortunately, so is the fishing of these critters. While fish have been a staple food item in the diet of humans since

  • Rainbow Trout Research Paper

    1159 Words  | 5 Pages

    Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Introduction: The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a species of salmonids native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. In 1989, the species name Oncorhynchus mykiss became the scientific name of the rainbow trout while the anadromous forms of the coastal rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus) or redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) are commonly known as steelhead. Rainbow trout is a hardy fish, fast growing

  • Summary: The Biotope Aquarium

    2541 Words  | 11 Pages

    The Biotope Aquarium Explained In a biotope aquarium, the aquarist attempt to simulate a natural habitat, assembling fish species, plants, water chemistry and decorations found in that specific ecosystem. A “true” biotope should be a mirror of a natural habitat. There are many good reasons for setting up an aquarium that simulates a natural habitat. Those of us who have done everything, bred everything and kept most fish might simply want a new challenge. Another good reason to setup a biotope

  • Overfishing In Fish

    540 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are specific problems associated with the decrease in the number of bass in the Tri-lakes. There have been many records and data telling us that the population of the fish has been decreasing since 1988 to current day. These three main limiting factors are considered overfishing, the interactions among the bass and the organisms that live in the lake, and an increase in temperature that may be too hot for some organisms to handle. The interaction between the yellow perch and the bass has

  • Pros And Cons Of How To Catch Sea Trout

    2010 Words  | 9 Pages

    10 Tips To Catch Sea Trout In this article we will talk about how to catch sea trout and afterward give you ten tips on how to catch sea trout. There are four major types of trout that I will be referring to when I use the term sea trout. These species comprises of rainbow, brown, brook, and cutthroat trout. In fact, all the trout found inshore and near shore. The majority of the species are found in lakes as well, most of these trout seem to prefer rivers. Catching a sea trout is pretty easy.

  • Anglin Angling: The Art Of Fishing

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    Abstract Angling is a certain method of fishing that consists of a person using a hook and a line, which is normally connected to a rod. It is a safe and efficient way for fishermen to catch fish and release them with ease. With such an up and coming sport (fishing), it is important to avoid methods that cause overfishing and any harm to the fish that could result in an injury or death. There are a lot more good qualities that have to do with angling over all of the alternative methods. Most other

  • Orange Goldfish Research Paper

    423 Words  | 2 Pages

    For many it’s a first pet, a gift from family, something you won as a prize at a carnival, but for Canadian residents the familiar orange goldfish everyone knows and loves is becoming a serious problem. Some flush them in a hurry because they no longer want to take care of them, others commit them to a porcelain vortex because they believe their beloved fish has passed, and the Canadian Government is issuing a warning now to citizens of Canada to stop flushing their fish. Just a few goldfish with

  • Atlantic Salmon Research Paper

    788 Words  | 4 Pages

    Endangered Native Atlantic Salmon: Salmon Presentation Project (Not a Final Draft) Salmo salar, most commonly known as Atlantic Salmon, was once native to almost every freshwater river connected to the Hudson River. Due to what people have treated salmon during their history, many species have been endangered and even extinct, this includes the Native Atlantic Salmon. When people first came to Maine, Atlantic Salmon was the main source of food to eat. The population was still very steady then

  • Decline Of Salmon Essay

    1194 Words  | 5 Pages

    Salmon are a keystone species. The decline of salmon in recent years indicates the corresponding decline of the water and forests in the region. When salmon thrive, it’s a good indicator that nature is also thriving. Salmon pass through multiple environments through Puget Sound on their journey that takes them upriver, flowing through developed areas and agriculture on the many rivers that flow through Washington’s farmland. Their survival is dependent on clean cool water flowing from snowpack, through

  • Consequences Of Overfishing

    800 Words  | 4 Pages

    According to world wildlife organisation, overfishing occurs when more fish are caught than the population can replace through natural reproduction. Gathering as many fish as possible may seem like a profitable practice, but overfishing has serious consequences. The results may not only affect the balance of life in the oceans, but also the social and economic well-being of the coastal communities who depend on fish for their way of life. According to the research world wildlife organisation, 1

  • The Luffa Gourd In Developing Countries

    723 Words  | 3 Pages

    The intriguing Luffa Gourd has been used for Millennia for everything from food, to sponges, to engine filters. I have found that most people now-a-days don't know what the origin of the Luffa sponge is or even what it is. When asked what a Luffa is, most will answer, “ that spongy thing found in the ocean”. When I explain to them what it really is and where it comes from, there usually is a bewildered look on their face. The next comment is---you mean it grows in the ground? And why haven't I ever

  • Pros And Cons Of Importing Shrimp

    1022 Words  | 5 Pages

    Often, when one goes to a restaurant, a dish containing seafood is usually one of the most pricy dishes there is. At local grocery stores, consumers can expect to pay more than eight dollars for less than a pound of shrimp. Since seafood is in such high demand, one would think that the fishermen who put in long hours of labor to collect this abundance would be well paid; however, that is not the case. In the past few years, fishermen in South Louisiana, specifically commercial fishermen, have seen

  • Pitx1 Enhancer Lab Report

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Use of PCR and Gel Electrophoresis to Examine the Pitx1 Enhancer Region in the Stickleback Fish of Big Lake Hypothesis: Due to selective pressures in a freshwater environment, the stickleback fish in Big Lake will not have pelvic spines due to an insertion mutation in the Pitx1 enhancer region. Rationale: Since these stickleback fish are found in Big Lake, which is a freshwater lake that does not experience a marine environment, they will not have pelvic spines due to the specific selective