Audience theory Essays

  • Theories Of Audience Labour

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    Audience labour Introduction The Canadian scholar Dallas.W. Smythe presented the audience commodity theory in his book Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism (1977). The demand of advertised goods is created by audience labour, and this is the purposes of monopoly capitalism advertisers. Time away from work, but not asleep is sold as a commodity to advertisers. This is the audience commodity, which perform marketing functions and work at the production and reproduction of labour power. There

  • Summary Of Erving Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach

    1455 Words  | 6 Pages

    what makes it legitimate. When people are described as being “fake”, they do not believe in their own performance. If someone who doesn’t believe in their own performance persuades others that it is real, they then have the power to play with their audience. It’s important for people to come off as slightly sarcastic so if they are accused of something, they can play it off. This is the key to identifying the difference between a performer and a con-artists. An example would be a Dunnes Stores worker

  • Satan As A Hero In John Milton's Paradise Lost

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    Satan as a Hero Satan is often depicted as the ultimate antagonist, the undisputed enemy of mankind, however John Milton tells a different story in Paradise Lost where Satan is not exactly the hero but not the villain either. While the story is ostensibly about the original sin and the fall of man, Milton focuses mostly on Satan and his role in the story, making him the protagonist. Reversing the traditional perspective of good and evil, Milton’s Satan possesses many of the characteristics of a

  • Critical Analysis Of Blood Wedding

    1986 Words  | 8 Pages

    How did Federico Garcia Lorca use the setting in Blood Wedding in conveying the themes of the play? The setting of the tragic play is in Andalucía, Spain during 1930s. It mainly inspired by a true story that happened in 1928 in a farming village of Nijar in the Spanish province of Almeria. There was a young woman named Francisca Canada Morales who tried to run away before the wedding commenced with her cousin, Francisco Montes Canada, to escape her wedding with a local man. In the play

  • Julius Caesar Prophecy Analysis

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    eventually come true. The main use of prophecy in this play was the deaths of the play’s main characters. In the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, prophecy plays a major role in cryptically laying out the deaths of the play right in front of its audience STORM During Act I of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the storm that comes March 14th is used to prophesize the death of Julius Caesar that comes the next day, the ides of March. Shakespeare gives the reader many different

  • Figure Of Speech In Julius Caesar

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    Heard of the cook who liked a particular guest? He was always currying favour with him. Bookish conversation Book 1- You look thinner Book 2- yes, I had my appendix removed What did the typewriter say to the font Answer- you are just my type What did the hungry clock do? He went back four seconds Past present and future walked into the room They were tense What was the pessimist's blood type? B Negative What happened when the mathematician told the joke about infinity? It did not have an

  • Theme Of Homosexuality In The Great Gatsby

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    The early 1900s was an era when homosexuality was denounced socially, as it was unlawful for majority of the world including the United States of America. Authors were cautious when discussing themes of homosexuality that did not conform with public opinion. Scott Fitzgerald’s wit and cleverness, were instrumental in showcasing the underlying theme of homosexuality without certifying it. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, protagonist Nick Carraway consistently possesses characteristics

  • Discrimination In 'Death And The Maiden'

    1482 Words  | 6 Pages

    Dorman could possibly be asking the audience to consider which character they associated with most through their acts of discrimination. Discrimination is morally unjust, and it is clear that within “Death and The Maiden” subtler forms of discrimination are at work, either through sexist remarks

  • Rhetoric In Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Address

    770 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ronald Reagan (Rowland 85-88), his piece of rhetoric in the form of speech contained a strong emotional emphasis to gain the trust of the audience and to overcome the economic and governmental issues confronted the United States at that time. Reagan, starts by tapping into the nine different sub-strategies that produces an emotional response within the audience. First, he started by using the strategy of appeals to basic needs where he talked about how the US was confronted by the economic affliction

  • Nelson Mandela Speech Analysis

    968 Words  | 4 Pages

    Nelson Mandela 1. The speech is in the plural ‘We’ and not in the first person. This maybe because both he and De Klerk both won the prize or because he accepted on behalf of the nation as De Klerk had his own speech. 2. The person who shall have done the most or best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies for holding and promotion of peace congresses - look at this. 3. Thanked everyone who was involved in Apartheid. Apartheid is spelt with a capital

  • Midnight Film Analysis

    1922 Words  | 8 Pages

    A2. Midnight movies and trash Midnight or camp movies are movies exhibited at cinemas or air at the television screens after midnight. The reason for their late night screening is that midnight movies have sexual, violent content. According to Chute, even going in this event could be regarded as taboo, due to the fact that, midnight movies "appeal primarily to feelings of awkwardness and alienation” (p, 11). Their popularity is due to their "embrace (of) all those flagrant films, from splatter flicks

  • How Does Disney Influence Culture

    719 Words  | 3 Pages

    No matter what part of the word you are in, the word “Disney” would probably be recognized by anyone. Why? Because Disney’s influence spans globally. From theme parks, to television networks, to movies, to Broadway shows, it is clear that Disney is “the” multi-media conglomerate. So, when Disney recently announced its intention to purchase 21st Century, a well-known mass media cooperation, it is no surprise that people reacted strongly. However, reactions seemed to be split. Some people were excited

  • The Portrayal Analysis Of Ellen Goodman's The Company Man

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    “The Company Man” by columnist Ellen Goodman describes the life of a corporate worker posthumously and is written similarly to an obituary. Through this piece, Goodman portrays the daily tasks and family of Phil, a hardworking and dedicated company employee. Although she describes Phil’s life and family, Goodman uses form follows function, irony, and juxtaposition to display her disgusted and disappointed attitude towards Phil’s life. Goodman structures her column by describing Phil’s life through

  • The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky Analysis

    844 Words  | 4 Pages

    “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” by Stephen Crane is a short story about Jack Potter, the town marshal, who finds a bride in San Antonio and is very nervous to bring her back to his hometown of Yellow Sky. Along the way, Potter runs into a minor issue with the antagonist of the story, Scratchy Wilson, though it is not long before the issue is resolved. Readers may find that they do not enjoy the story due to the awkwardness between Potter and his bride, the use of over describing the minor details

  • Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo Analysis

    1104 Words  | 5 Pages

    Released in 1958, Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo was a film centering around lies and obsession. After being released from his job as a detective after he got acrophobia, John “Scottie” Ferguson is asked to follow his friend’s wife, Madeleine. Scottie starts up an affair with her, being drawn to her mystery. After she commits suicide, Scottie struggles with guilt. When he sees another version of Madeleine, his obsession pushes him to remake the woman into Madeleine. His obsession leads him to uncover

  • Video Analysis: Like A Girl

    1273 Words  | 6 Pages

    By creating a video as well as a hashtag movement, #LikeAGirl captures the attention of a mass audience, relying on the support of both females and males. In the video, a young boy is asked if he thought that he had insulted his sister by his actions, to which he replied, “No. I mean yeah, insulted girls but not my sister.” Herein, Greenfield illustrates

  • Good Will Hunting Film Analysis

    1311 Words  | 6 Pages

    The film ‘Good Will Hunting’ directed by Gus Van Sant is a movie which follows the life of Will Hunting who is gifted with astonishing skills for maths but whom suffered with a fear of abandonment. He developed a defense mechanism which affected his ability to create long lasting relationships. An important extract from the movie is the scene ‘ It’s not your fault’. This scene conveyed the impact of childhood traumas, the effects of suppressed emotions and the idea of soulmates. These ideas were

  • Charlie Chaplin City Lights Film Techniques

    821 Words  | 4 Pages

    Charlie Chaplin’s City Lights Who is the audience that the film is created for? Is the audience small or large? City Lights , a seemingly simple yet expertly crafted silent film written by Charlie Chaplin and released in 1931 is a comedic but bittersweet love story interwoven with portrayals of social class and humanity. I do believe that this movie was meant to be far reaching and intended for a large and worldly audience, given that the strength of this film is its relatability.

  • Spellbound Movie Analysis

    884 Words  | 4 Pages

    Spellbound follows a female psychiatrist named Dr. Constance Peterson at a mental hospital who is considered by her fellow doctors as one of the best. When Dr. Anthony Edwardes arrives at a that hospital to replace the outgoing hospital director, he begins to behave very strangely, and soon Constance discovers that he is not who he claims to be. He is actually an impostor, suffering from a serious case of amnesia. His real name is John Ballantyne, and all of the circumstantial evidence indicates

  • Six Core Competencies: PMU Curriculum

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    Competencies The six core competencies are important part of the PMU curriculum. The six core competencies that the PMU try to show how important it is in the academic life, and all students should attained. 1. communication (a) Definition It is the process of using words to express thoughts, or to exchange information between two persons or more. It can be used in different ways like, by using words or sounds, or behaviors. It is the ability of expressing your thoughts or ideas in a clear