Cheyenne Essays

  • Indians Influence On Native Americans

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    not a thing to be avoided” (Grinnell 12). It was better for a man to go down fighting rather than waiting until he was old enough, then all of his youthful abilities were gone to waste. The Cheyenne fought for the wholesome satisfaction and not only to gain appreciation of their fellow tribesman. The Cheyenne tribe split into two separate groups in 1832 as they dispersed near the Black Hills, and other living areas south of Colorado which neighbored the Arkansas River. The Indians that migrated to

  • Example Of A Research Paper Rough Draft: Sand Creek Massacre

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    Ashlee Flaviani Professor Ball June 11, 2016 Hist 1302 Research paper rough draft : Sand Creek Massacre Sand Creek was a “small village of about 800 Cheyenne Indians along southeast Colorado” (, the struggle was violent as the need for native land grew more essential. The need for land became such a necessity that logical compromise was no longer an option. Native Americans grew progressively violent when territory became the main question. “By the end of the Civil

  • Essay On Sand Creek Massacre

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    the Sand Creek Massacre. The Sand Creek Massacre was a true surprise ambush that was a true impact on Colorado history which was not only out of context but an attempt for political advantage. The battle was a camouflaged attack on the Arapaho and Cheyenne Indians, killing innocent men, women, and children with

  • How Did Custer Feel Pressure To Defeat The Lakota

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    where he was. He was afraid that if he did not attack quickly, the Indians would split in so many groups that he will not be able to stop them. He was sure that he could win because he had already defeated the Cheyenne by a surprise attack eight years before this battle. Why did the Cheyenne women pierce Custer’s ears? The women pierced his

  • The Great Sioux War: The Battle Of Little Big Horn

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    commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand. This battle was fought between June 25 and June 26, 1876, near the Little Bighorn River in eastern Montana Territory. The Battle of Little Big Horn was fought between members of the Lakota, Sioux, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian tribes and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army. The foremost leader of the Indian tribes was Hunkpapa Sioux Chief Sitting Bull. The Officer in command of the 7th Cavalry Regiment was LT. COL George Armstrong Custer

  • General George Armstrong Custer: The Greatest Failure In History

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    In 1867, he led a failed attempt against the Southern Cheyenne Indians that resulted in his court martial and suspension for a year for not being present during the movement. General Phillip Sheridan, though, came to Custer’s defense and he was eventually reinstated. Custer once again made the army proud with

  • How Is George A Custer Ethical Or Unethical

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    Synthesis Essay – George A. Custer MSgt William F. Molnar Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy George A. Custer There probably aren’t many Americans that wouldn’t recognize the name Custer. Conversely, there are probably very few Americans with a well-formulated opinion of him. There’s a reason for that. Custer was a complicated man and so is the history surrounding his career. Passing judgment on his status as a visionary or ethical leader is nothing to be taken

  • Comparing The Buffalo And The Corn, And The First False Face

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    Have you ever read the native american myths? There are so many, “The Coyote,” “The Buffalo And The Corn,” and “The First False Face” are some of them. Each of them have similarities and differences. So there are many similarities of the “The Coyote” “The Buffalo And The Corn” and “The First False Face” each of the stories have take place in nature but the places are different . One of them was in the desert one was in caves and the last one takes place in the mountains. Each of the stories also

  • Native American Desert

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    the lack of precipitation. Americans wanted to settle from central Texas to North Canada wanting to stay and settle The Great plains were already occupied by Native Indian the Sioux occupied the northern plains and they were very territorial the Cheyenne and the Arapaho lived in the central plains finally were the Comanche who were in the southern plains what is now Texas. The tribes used land communally because they believed land could not be own they believed God gave them the land and water and

  • John Taylor Howling Wolf Analysis

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    created amazing works of art. Most in particular would be The Treaty Signing at Medicine Lodge Creek. Both pieces portrayed similar content but the form and point of view was different. John Taylor was a journalist and Howling Wolf was the son of the Cheyenne Chief Eagle Head. Two men from very different cultures created images based on their knowledge of the event but in a style that represented their background. One image is seen as more representational while the other is seen as more abstract. There

  • The Arapaho Tribe

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    Arapaho Tribe The Arapaho tribe often referred to themselves as the Inuna-Ina. This is a rough translation of the Arapaho tribe that means “our people.” Religion, government, warring tribes, tools, geography, and food were important cultural aspects of the Arapaho tribe. Tools and food were very important cultural aspects of the Arapaho tribe. The tribe used bows and arrows, spears, and hide shields. The tribe ate buffalo, elk, deer, fish, fruit, and roots. This is important because their tools

  • Why A Custer Executed Poor Mission Command During The Battle Of Little Bighorn

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    of the operational environment and exercise disciplined initiative. Custer was the commander of a battalion in the Battle of Little Bighorn during the Indian Wars1. Little Bighorn was the location of a nomadic village of Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes2. Custer approached the unified Indian village with his force of nearly 650 men from the east and south to act as a hammer. Following Custer’s advance, additional infantry and cavalry approached from the north to act as a blocking

  • Sand Creek Massacre Summary

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    Campbell. He worked for 20 years as a criminal investigator for New Mexico. He specialized in unsolved criminal cases. He is currently working on the Sand Creek Massacre. The author then goes into detail about the massacre. He says that in 1864, 1,000 Cheyenne and Arapaho liked around Sand Creek. On the morning of November 29th, hundreds of soldiers appear at the village. A chief raised an american flag as a sign of friendship. Soon after, the soldiers opened fire with rifles and cannons. 150 indians were

  • Little Bighorn Mission Command Analysis

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    Scribbles on Scrap: A Mission Command Analysis of the Battle of the Little Bighorn The massacre at the Little Bighorn in 1876 was one of the most recognizable battles in American history. The defeat of the 7th Cavalry Regiment and the slaughter of 268 Soldiers by the Sioux serves as an enduring subject of study for contemporary military professionals. The basic modus operandi for command principles in the times of the Indian Wars loosely mirrors the mission command philosophy of today; however

  • Great Plains Indian Tribes

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    The Great Plains indian tribes dominated much of the area of South Dakota. There were many tribes that lived in this vast area of the Great Plains. The Sioux, the Cheyenne, Lakota, Pawnee, Crow, and many more different tribes. These tribes have two different social groups or adaptive groups. One group is the tribes that learned how to ride horse and used horses in their society. The Second Group did not but more stayed in one area and grew crops. Many of the tribes worshipped the Earth and different

  • Personal Narrative: A Ghostly Spark

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    A Ghostly Spark Introduction (reveal): Native American culture has always been an interest of mine. Since my beginning with the Boy Scouts of America on my path to Eagle Scout, I have come closer to the dense but often forgotten history of the First Nation people of America. Upon joining the Order of the Arrow, the BSA’s honor society centered around Native American virtues and beliefs, I have continued to take it upon myself to learn more about the long forgotten Native history. While I knew about

  • Teton Indian Chief: Sitting Bull

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    Sitting bull Sitting bull was born in 1831. Sitting bull was a Teton Indian chief. Sitting bull joined his first war at age fourteen and earned a reputation for bravery in battle. In 1868 the Sioux accepted peace with the United States government, but when black hills in the late 1870 's a group of white prospectors invaded Sioux lands. Sitting bull was probably one of the most famous Native American. When sitting bull was ten he killed his first buffalo. In June 1863 he took arms against the United

  • The Impact Of Westward Expansion On Native Americans

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    means the Indians can get more land, but eventually that did not last(doc 3,4). One of the most important and well-known wars was the Sand Creek Massacre. On November 29, 1864, John Chivington led 700 troops in an unprovoked attack on the Arapaho and Cheyenne villagers. There they killed over 200 women, children, and older men. US Indian Commissioner admitted that :We have substantially taken possession of the country and deprived the Indians of their accustomed means of support.” -PBS (WHY). This greatly

  • Compare And Contrast Wars With Native Americans

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    refused to leave, so the U.S. military decided to relocate them using force. Military general Custer troops decided not to follow the specific orders that the U.S. military made and attacked a Cheyenne village. Many of his men including Custer died. As revenge the U.S. military came, and forced the Cheyenne and Sioux onto reservations. Another reason they wanted the land was because

  • Lakota Way Essay Examples

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    In his book, The Lakota Way, Joseph M. Marshall III describes bravery as “Facing the possibility, and sometimes the probability, of death and great bodily harm as without a doubt one of the most daunting realities any human being can confront.” Bravery was essential to the survival of the early people of the Lakota Nation. It takes bravery even today to trek through life and to be successful. There are many ways for people to be brave today. Of the twelve Lakota virtues described by Marshall,