Common law Essays

  • Civil Law Vs Common Law

    963 Words  | 4 Pages

    There are two major legal traditions – the Common law and Civil law traditions. Each tradition has different source, concept, rule and development history. The adoptions of legal traditions in certain countries are largely affected by their historical background as well. John Henry Merryman (as cited in O’Connor, 2012, p.8) defined “legal tradition” as “a set deep rooted, historically conditioned attitudes about the nature of law, about the role of law in the society…. about the proper organization

  • Comparison Between Common Law And Civil Law

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    between Common Law and Civil Law Law is an essential element for any civilization. Laws in general are the rules set and enforced by an authority that we must follow. The main purpose of these rules is to solve a specific problem or conflict between two parties or more. Furthermore, laws were there long time ago and still exist until this day to help solve various cases and scenarios we see and hear about in our daily life. Law can be categorized into two general categories; which are common law and

  • Equity: The Inflexibility Of The Common Law

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    complete justice’ than would be the result of leaving the parties to their remedies at common law. Equity developed as a result of the inflexibility of the common law. To deal with this a writ system was introduced in the 12th century.To

  • Disadvantages Of Common Law

    780 Words  | 4 Pages

    Question 1 a. Common Law Definition of common law: The common law, sometimes known as case law, is the body of law that is based on the judges through the decisions made in court. In the system of common law, when a court decides and reports its decision regarding a specific case, the case then becomes a part of the body of law and can be used in cases that involve related matters in the future. Common law has been dispensed in the courts in England since the Middle Ages. It can also be found in

  • Common Law Characteristics

    1220 Words  | 5 Pages

    Outline the main characteristics of a common law legal system. “Common law dates from the 11th century when William I set up Royal Courts to apply a uniform (common) system of law across the whole of England” (Hughes & Ferrett 2011). Until that time there were laws that were differently interpreted from one city to another. “Common law is generally uncodified system. This means that there is no comprehensive compilation of legal rules and statutes. While common law does rely on some scattered statutes

  • Common Mistakes In Law

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    parties to a contract. For a mistake to affect the validity of a contract it must be an "operative mistake", The effect of a mistake is: At common law, when the mistake is operative the contract is usually void ab initio (from the beginning). Therefore, no property will pass under it and no obligations can arise under it. Even if the contract is valid at common law, in equity the contract may be voidable on the ground of mistake. Property will pass and obligations will arise unless or until the contract

  • Civil Law Vs Common Law

    716 Words  | 3 Pages

    legal system is better: civil law or common law. Each legal system may have some advantages and deficiencies which will discuss. If a foreign legal system has some advantages, why not merge them in the national legal system? In that way the resulting combining of the two legal systems can only improve their common goal of designing a fair and just legal system which can provide legal certainty and protection to all citizens and legal persons. The civil law and common law systems are the results of

  • Holmes The Common Law

    1297 Words  | 6 Pages

    Even with all the criticisms levelled at it, The Common Law remains an instructive and pioneering book that has by no means lost its essential power. A work of such insight transcends temporal bounds and is — or at least should be — rediscovered anew by successive generations. The work is not static. It bends, and is bent by, each new audience that encounters it. As Holmes wrote in a letter to Harold Laski in 1919, he — Holmes — “started all the inquiries that since have gone over many matters

  • Pros And Cons Of Common Law System

    592 Words  | 3 Pages

    Where the Law Comes From - Source How would you explain or describe common law, stare decisis and the use of precedence in the United States?  What do you think about the power of the courts under this system?  What are the pros and cons (good and bad) aspects of this type of legal system? Law comes from constitution, statutes, regulations, cases, common law principles. For example, common law is derived from the customs and judicial decisions in English and the federal government, which is not

  • Putative Spouse: Common Law Marriage

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    Putative Spouse However, even though Common Law marriage is not recognized in Nevada, there are situations in which parties who were not legally married such as in the case of a void marriage, may still be able to have a court enforce certain rights and liabilities incurred as a result of such a relationship once such relationship has come to an end. For example, a party whose marriage has been annulled may still have rights to property acquired during the relationship. One such remedy is called

  • Common Law Vs Trial Court Case Study

    702 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sources of Law: Common law finds its foundation in precedents, rulings and decisions made by past judges Stare decisis (let the decision stand) is a key concept. But judges have developed the means to change or adapt the common law by modifying, distinguishing or overruling precedent case law. The common law is not written down in a law book but is collected in volumes that contain the reports of legal decisions. Each case is given its own legal identity through a system of numbered citations. 2

  • Common Law Pros And Cons

    648 Words  | 3 Pages

    When the United States was established as a country in 1776, the government adopted English common law as its legal foundation. This common law holds that minors must exercise through their parents any legal rights they may have and that minors have no legal standing to contract or bring lawsuits. The law with respect to minors has seen significant changes since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Before legal reforms, children were treated almost the same way as the property of their parents

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Common Law System

    1268 Words  | 6 Pages

    deciding later similar cases. The English Law system is a legal system where the precedent has a great weight. This law system can be subdivided into two main interrelated branches: statute (or statutory) law and common law. Statute is an Act of Parliament, which starts its life as a bill, goes through the parliament, receives royal assent and becomes law. [5] Common law works in a different way, the judges rather than the Parliament make common law or ‘judge-made law’. Considering criminal and civil cases

  • Common Law Or The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

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    and is enforceable by law. In order to create an enforceable contract there must be an offer from one person requesting another person to do or not do something. The offer has to be accepted in order to be valid. In this paper I will discuss how a contract can be valid or not by providing the five elements of a contract that must exist order for the contract to be enforceable In addition to discussing the five elements I will identify why a contract is governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial

  • Assignment 1: Understanding The Common Law Legal System

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    The Common Law Humber LakeShore Prof:Ann Corbold Cyril John Ave Benito Student#:N01268668 The Common Law The Common Law (Aarbo, 2015 ) is a system where law is based on the previous decisions. The judge is asked to decide, the judge set out the logic and must reason that he or she used to arrive at the final decision. The body of decisions made by judges is what we call case law. The principles in common law are similar facts that should make the decisions similar

  • Reasoning By Analogy Is A Pervasive Feature Of Common Law

    1073 Words  | 5 Pages

    INCREMENTALISM Reasoning by analogy is a pervasive feature of common-law cases. Every volume of reports contains countless examples. This is not at all surprising. Analogy is an honorable, typical device of common sense reasoning, and many legal systems assign to analogy a formal place in their jurisprudence. In the common law, analogy, essentially, gets small recognition; it even lacks an official name. Yet analogy is the very core or seed of common-law growth. Rules change slowly, as courts extend or contract

  • Difference Between Self Defence And Common Law

    772 Words  | 4 Pages

    Self-defence is an act of defending yourself or others against means of harm or in the action of crime prevention. As defined under Section 3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967 it states that ‘a person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime. Self-defence is also mentioned in the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008. The CJIA Section 76(1) provides that ‘in deciding whether the force used is reasonable, considerations must be taken into account so far as

  • The Common Law Origins Of The Infield Fly Rules By William S. Stevens

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    “The Common Law Origins of the Infield Fly Rule,” published in the Univ. of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1975. In this article, the author, William S. Stevens, drew an analogy between the development of baseball’s “infield fly rule” and the corresponding development of English common law as it applies to the regulation of human behavior. In order to understand this analogy, one must first get familiar with the concept behind the, “Infield Fly Rule” and English Common Law (Anglo-American Common Law) to

  • Common Law Vs Civil Law System

    709 Words  | 3 Pages

    Common Law system Vs. Civil Law system The civil law system and the common law system are indeed two diverse legal systems. Most countries nowadays go with one of the two main legal structures: common law or civil law . Before starting the comparison of those two major legal system, we need to know what is law and why is it important to us. Law has many diverse definitions, but they are all based on the same perception which is the comprehension of enforceable guidelines that guides the relationship

  • Oblique Intent In Common Law

    1956 Words  | 8 Pages

    What constitutes an intention to commit a criminal offence has been the focus of intense common law debate for more than three decades. Intention can be separated into two sub-sections: ‘direct intent’ and ‘oblique intent.’ The preponderance of murder cases deal with the concept of direct intent, and prove to be uncomplicated as the defendant embarks on a course of conduct to bring about a result which in fact occurs. When considering the concept of oblique intent, it is essential to look at the