Electronic commerce Essays

  • Digital Rights Management (DRM)

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    Digital rights management is an industry technology that protects various forms of digital content such as financial reports, online digital music, electronic books, product specification, etc. DRM is essentially an access and usage control technology in the application level. Most people have heard of software licensing and digital library lending services but perhaps not related it with Digital Rights Management (DRM). The purpose of DRM is to prevent unauthorized access and redistribution of digital

  • Amazon: Compare And Contrast The History And Business Model Of Amazon

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    fundamentally shifted the economic land scape to such an extent that its era is dubbed the new economy (Turban et e, 2011l). At the heart of this new economy is e-commerce. E-commerce is simply doing business online. Amongst the companies at the pinnacle of the new economy and more specifically e-commerce is Amazon. Amazon was by far the greatest e-commerce performer in terms of revenue in 2013 as reported by (Wireless News, 2014). One of the company’s many accolades is that it has the seventh most visited

  • Amazon Marketing Strategy

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    1. Primary Target-Market — main consuming group/Secondary Target-Market —additional sales potential Amazon’s target customers are people who have access to the internet and have financial paying tools such as credit card, debit card, paypal etc. futher, the firm’s clients do not stay within the united states only. Amazon has reached its hand to online customers in other continents. Further the company’s prime program seems to appeal more to older shoppers than the younger ones since data shows that

  • Business Strategy Analysis Paper

    889 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction E-commerce is here to stay. An activity that buyers and sellers carry out online, whether business to business, business to consumer and or consumer to consumer. As well, exploring the use of mobile devices, the benefits of social networks and engaging the customer based on geographical location. Moreover, are essentially known as mobile e-commerce, social e-commerce, and local e-commerce. PayPal demonstrates creativity to improve business transactions since it will enhance the shopping

  • Impact Of E Commerce On Consumer Behaviour

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    Since the beginning of the 1990’s, e-commerce has radically changed consumer behaviour by introducing new retail channels (Ngai and Gunasekaran, 2007). Serious attempts to trade online started to emerge in the mid-1990s wheninnovative, technically savvy companies responded to the opportunities and challenges posed by the internet, to develop sophisticated web sites to serve customers, in their homes (Rayport and Sviokla, 1994). The present retail environment is characterised by new, store and non-

  • Lugus Principle On Amazon. Com, Inc.

    778 Words  | 4 Pages

    principle is ‘looking forward ' which consider to oversee the external changes and managing it. Amazon.com is a multination consumer electronics as well as clouding computing company that founded by Jeffery P. Bezos in 1994. And they based in Seattle, Washington. It started out as an online bookstore and subsequently, it has an offer diversity of products such as electronics, food, clothing and furthermore products. It has become the largest internet company in the United States and currently, has 230

  • Swot Analysis Of Children's Avalon

    1630 Words  | 7 Pages

    like 7107 Islands Travel Publishing Inc., Adarna House, Blue Cow Inc., Capampangan in Media Inc., Central Book Supply Inc., and many more. They also offer interactive e-books such as textbooks for students. Weaknesses Vibebookstore is an e commerce bookstore like most of online stores their scope may be limited because of their lack in distribution channel. However, the company is already establishing its brand as an educational bookstore and is gaining loyal customers. Price Strengths • Young

  • Amazon Strategy Analysis

    1729 Words  | 7 Pages

    Amazon.com Amazon.com, Inc is an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company with headquarters in Seattle, Washington. It is the largest Internet-based retailer in the world by total sales and market capitalization. Some of the key strategies of this organisation is as follows: Cost leadership Amazon leverages economies of scale and economies of learning to make products available at cheaper price. Amazon’s huge bargaining power over its suppliers and it excellent distribution reduces

  • Ecommerce Essay

    1420 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abstract : Many factors determine the success of an e-commerce business like the location of launch, products, customer trust and satisfaction, good customer retention etc. Although a plethora of research has determined that there is no one particular way that ensures whether an e-commerce business will be a success or not. The purpose of this study is to understand the Indian market for a particular type of product, understand the demand and scope of the product in a niche segment. Also to elucidate

  • SWOT Analysis Of Amazon

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    technology soars, electronic commerce is developing (Michael, Technologist, & GET Corporation, 2000). Amazon.com has already taken an important position in most B2C markets worldwide based on its and websites platform. However, with all these successful experience, Amazon.com fails in duplicating its success in China that is the largest B2C market worldwide and that has been growing rapidly in recent years. As a huge potential market, it would be rather easy to develop e-commerce in China generally

  • Amazon Big Data Case Study

    928 Words  | 4 Pages

    They are the prominent general retail stores with a physical presence. Both of these retailers have emerged as e-commerce centric due to the early adoption of e-commerce strategies. However, even those retail chains proved to be of no use to generate a tight competition with Amazon. In the long run, the growth of the e-commerce versions of these supply chains can pose a threat to Amazon. (Wahba, Phil) Advantages for an Amazon Customer Amazon adds value for money for the

  • Amazon Internal Environment Analysis

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    INTERNAL ENVIORNMENT Constantly an “evolving machine,” Amazon’s same day delivery promises to be the next big step in e-commerce (Murray and Chu, 2015). According to an article by Business Insider, a study from L2, found that a quarter of shoppers would abandon their online cart if same-day shipping wasn’t available. Per the article, that’s a problem that most retailers face, especially since only one-fifth of retail stores offer same-day shipping at checkout. The retailers who offer same-day shipping

  • Multitasking In An Always-On World By S. Craig Watkins: Article Analysis

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    Radio-Television-Film, Sociology, and the Center for African and African American Studies departments. He has also written previous titles, many with the topic of Hip Hop. This article talks about how many people today are always on some kind of electronic device. There are also many times when they are multitasking between devices. Watkins reveals that one study has found that multitasking actually often slows down productivity. Throughout his argument he tends to use a lot of analogies along with

  • Taking A Look At Amazon

    515 Words  | 3 Pages

    sometimes even doctors” (CNBC, 2017). Becoming one of Amazon’s employees is not easy. In fact, if you want to enjoy this comfy job environment, it requires not only high-educated workers but also who can be self-programmable. As a company in electronic commerce area, a large number of jobs in Amazon will be based on informational occupations, which covers areas like software programming, internet security, even biotechnology. People will be required to learn the newest technologies and make Amazon’s

  • Critical Evaluation Paper

    1830 Words  | 8 Pages

    A critical evaluation of the impact of mobile devices on e-commerce OBJECTIVE The aim of this research paper is to explain the use of the mobile devices or Mobile Web and to measure its impact on e commerce, specially the search for information, upstream of the purchase, of smartphone users, through the following problematic: To what extent does the use of the Mobile device have an impact in finding information from smartphone users prior to their purchase? We will do a quantitative study based on

  • JB Hi-Fi Case Study

    1031 Words  | 5 Pages

    JB Hi-Fi Student ID-K140699   Introduction In the first place, JB Hi-Fi is set up in 1975 in one of the Melbourne suburb Keilor east by John Barbuto. He sold his business 1983 to Richard Bouris, Peter Caserta, and David Rodd, Who grow this business to the chain of 10 Stores in Melbourne and Sydney, after the accomplishment of their business and holding the lion 's share of private value with them, they glided on Australia stock trade in 2013. As of late, numerous music stores guarantee that

  • The Cause And Causes Of Online Shopping On The Internet

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    Causes According to Amin & Noor (2013), the E-consumers generally refer to the purchaser of goods and services over electronic systems such as Internet and other computer networks. This new group of consumers is increasing in number over the years as on-line shopping become a trend and manifestation of modern life style.Based from the Paynter & Lim (2001), E-commerce would provide consumers with benefits such as interactive communications, fast delivery, and more customization that would only be

  • Value Chain Analysis Of Amazon

    2612 Words  | 11 Pages

    one of the first major companies to sell goods over the Internet and has become a well-recognized name in the world. Amazon.com is an e-commerce company of America in Washington. Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 and started as an online bookstore, but because of its success, Amazon has diversified into other lines of products and services such as groceries, electronics and Merchant Programme. Amazon.com stock price has fluctuated in recent years from $ 105 in 1999 to $ 5 in 2001. Amazon.com has developed

  • What Is Amazon Using The Competitive Forces And Value Chain Model

    879 Words  | 4 Pages

    Analyze Amazon.com using the competitive forces and value chain models. How has it responded to pressures from its competitive environment? How does it provide value to its customers? a) Competitive forces analysis i) Entry of competitors It is easy for competitors to enter the market by establishing an e-shop and Amazon laid the groundwork for competitors (Flat World Business, n.d). However, Amazon has advanced websites and high brand recognition that other competitors may not reach its level. ii)

  • Amazon's Core Value Strategy

    1781 Words  | 8 Pages

    The core value propositions for Amazon’s internet book buyers were price, customer service, selection and convenience. Bezos (2000) claimed. Amazon to be “Earth’s most customer centric”, which meant they needed to listen, be innovative and personalise. Amazon’s personalization efforts were summarised by the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, by stating “If we have seventeen million customers, we should have seventeen million stores.” (Bezos, 2000). Expansion of core businesses Amazon consists of a divisional