Explanation Essays

  • Flat Earthers Theory

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    one would believe the flat earth theory. Although this is not the topic of the article, the article covers what “Flat-Earthers” believe as well as the newly created theory of “No Forests” and the psychological explanation for this new theory, but leaves the reader at a loss for the explanation for why one would believe in a flat earth in the first

  • Max Weber's Contribution To Academic Discipline

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    of his theories. Therefore a conclusion can be made by saying that for Weber, any deterministic explanation of social change is rejected as he considered that the causal explanations are based on an interpretative understanding of the subjective meanings that individuals give to their reactions. Since the interpretative understandings of individuals are changing historically, there is no valid explanation of any realities in the world. Therefore, in this case, the future cannot be

  • Sociological Theory Essay

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    predict a wide variety of connected phenomena in general terms 5. a nontechnical name for hypothesis From a sociological point of interpretation, theory can be defined firstly by Giddens and Sutton (2013, p.9) as a way of creating theoretical explanations using a series of logically related statements that explain a wide variety of experimental or factual situations. Secondly by Lawson and Garrod (2009, p.276 and 322) as a systematic and general attempt to explain the phenomenon of the social world

  • Facts Needed To Establish Theories

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    whether it was the chicken or the egg that came first, it can be difficult to establish whether the facts or the theories are reliant on which. Facts are pieces of information found to be true, and are needed to establish theories. Theories are explanations about questions of our world that are required to make sense of fact. The two are thus known to be interdependent

  • Garfinkeling: A Cultural Analysis

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    undivided attention as he is requesting a service of another. After the explanation, the student who helped confirms with the student who needed help his understand of the material to ensure there was no misunderstanding. The lack of eye given to the students I asked for help caused a disruption in the system near the end where it was expected that I give my peer my undivided attention. I was paying full attention to the explanations from my classmates, however because of the symbolism that eye contact

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of The Baby In The Well By David Foster Wallace

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    Having your audience understand the purpose of a reading is determined by the author’s choice of words and valid information to support the purpose, but none of those would make sense without an explanation for that detail. David Foster Wallace, the commencement speaker of the speech “This is Water” and Paul Bloom author of the online magazine article “The Baby in the Well” are two good examples of writing that is able understand the purpose’s of each written piece . Wallace’s purpose is that it

  • Euthyphro And Socrates Analysis

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    The discourse of Socrates and Euthyphro In Euthyphro, Plato recites a conversation Socrates has with Euthyphro by “the Porch of the King” (Plato, 41). The Greek philosopher and his religious interlocutor Euthyphro mainly talk about the true meaning of piety, although it is less of a conversation and more of Socrates challenging Euthyphro, after the latter claimed that he knew everything about religious matters, and therefore piety. Socrates explains his need for Euthyphro to teach him by explaining

  • Conspiracy Theory Analysis

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    argument of the opposing side or will move straight to his supporting evidence on the topic. (insert quote—) While expanding upon the supporting evidence the author will then proceed to use his method of listing facts in numerical order to make his explanation clear.The pros of doing this throughout the paper increase for multiple reasons: this organization keeps the author’s main point structured, makes the essay easier to follow by creating a thematic rhythm in the flow of information, and keeps the

  • Without Restriction In Stanley Fish's No Such Thing, Too

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    Academic arguments cannot exist without a level of shared understanding. The entire ecosystem of authors writing, responding, arguing and developing new ideas depends on the idea that writers can apply their own interpretation to a build upon the understanding of a different writer. In Stanley Fish’s There’s No Such Thing as Free Speech and It’s a Good Thing, Too, Stanley Fish attempts to present his own interpretation of free speech. Throughout the essay, Fish tries to convince the reader that expression

  • Cod Kurlansky Analysis

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    If Kurlansky had not gone through the reasons Newlyn hates the Spaniards, it would have not been as good of a comparison near the end to discuss the running out of cod. Another example of this detailed explanations are the personal impacts seen through the exhaustion of cod are hard to completely recognize without the full story being told. Many fishermen are not just without jobs, they are without lives; “her own husband, John Sanfilippo, told her, “No one

  • Christopher Leonard The Meat Boot Analysis

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    gave it's view point on the subject, but also gave you a little history about Don Tyson to go along with it. Another major factor in why I like this article better, is that it talks about the farmer's struggles, and why we need to help them out. Explanation goes along way when writing an article. It's what gets the

  • Emile Durkheim Theory Of Crime

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    function of crime regarding its contribution towards social stability. The French Sociologist, Emile Durkheim, was the first to comprehensively establish a relation between social functionalism, crime and deviance. (Emile Durkheim - functional explanation) He put forward his ideas in his works ‘The Rules of Sociological Method’ and ‘The Division of Labour’. Durkheim argues that crime should be considered to be a normal part of society. Only a case of too much crime or too little crime should be a

  • Poem Analysis: Hadara Bar-Nadava's Telephone Pole

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    There’s this sense of isolated detachment present in the poem “Telephone Pole” amidst all this communication. By using the center source a telephone pole through which all communication flows Hadara Bar-Nadava creates a powerful message. There’s this contradictory theme running through this poem, the object the poems about has this indifferent air, but it shows bouts of awareness and emotion especially in lines thirty-four to thirty-eight. The word choice appears to have a simple meaning but has

  • Contextual Criticism In Oedipus The King

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    Contextual criticism is used in text to gain a better understanding, along with more knowledge of the text. In “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles and “The Night Face up” by Julio Cortazar. Criticizing these texts contextual for their content will help the reader have intelligent and knowledgeable interpretation of the stories. Using historical events, life experience and looking at the dominant culture we can find the context of certain passages enhances and creates a more accurate reading experience

  • Existentialism In Peter Weir's 'The Truman Show'

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    Peter Weir’s The Truman Show (1998) is about Truman Burbank, the unwitting star of a live television show that is broadcast to a global audience twenty four hours a day since his birth. What he believes to be his hometown of Seahaven is in fact a giant television studio filled with hidden cameras, designed to record his life. All the people around him, including his family and friends, are in fact actors. Every aspect of his life is controlled and written from behind the scenes by the show’s producer

  • Life In The Seafarer

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    During the tenth century, life for men and women was short and infant mortality rates were extremely high. Life for the Anglo-Saxons was exceptionally unsafe, as they could die at any moment as a result of disease, starvation, a small feud, a war, or capital punishment. Entire kingdoms would collapse, buildings were burned to the ground, and rulers were assassinated as a result of power struggles between neighboring groups. Humans observed the strong presence of death and destruction surrounding

  • Compare And Contrast Okonkwo And Nwoye

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    Fear is the core cause of the dramatic shift of lifestyle for both Okonkwo and Nwoye. Through the management of reputation and the avoidance of their father’s likeness, Okonkwo and Nwoye built new lives for themselves. Okonkwo sought power and authority to prove his masculinity and make up for Unoka’s reputation as a weak man. He did this to the point where manliness became his character. Fearlessness and violence were masculine qualities that in Igbo culture signifies strength and influence. Okonkwo

  • Big Five Theory Of Personality

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    Personality Ashley N Gold Wenatchee Valley College Table of Contents Abstract 3 Personality 4 Openness (to experience) 4 Conscientiousness 5 Extraversion 5 Agreeableness 5 Neuroticism. 6 References 7 Abstract In this paper, I will be describing my own personality using self-concept of The Big Five Theory. Personality refers to different relatively steady characteristics in people that may determine overall behavior. The Big Five Theory identifies five basic personality traits that includes

  • Jeremy Bentham's Theory Of Utility And Punishment

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    Jeremy Bentham's theory of Utility and Punishment is one of greatest yet failed phisdophys I have ever read. At one point it acturly lays out rules for understand and responding to crimes,however, while making clear rules that cover crimes generally. Bentham oversteps in how he defines punishment and how that affects his argument in a negative making his argument less effective. Bethmen splits his theory into two section ‘General View of cases Unmeet for Punishment’ and ‘Of The Proportion

  • Essay Outline For The Monkey's Paw

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    Thesis: In The Monkey's Paw by W.W Jacobs, the realistic essence of the monkey's paw made it fundamentally creepy. Point 1: The monkey's paw is a symbol for inclination for greed, exposing our superior wants as people, even the most humble. Point 2: Consequences for the actions of those using the paw develops the image of regret and fear. Point 3: The monkey's paw cultivates an apprehensive understanding of overseas cultures. Paragraph one Restate Point one: The monkey's paw is symbolizing our