Extinction Essays

  • The Sixth Extinction

    1097 Words  | 5 Pages

    Extinction’s Conclusion Throughout The Sixth Extinction, author Elizabeth Kolbert explains how several different natural species have gone extinct or seen their populations dwindle. Each section is unique: no species dies the same way. Kolbert elaborates how extinction has never been uniformitarian or catastrophist but rather a combination of the two. Consequently, the last chapter effectively demonstrates the tragedy of an anthropogenic based extinction but fails to express any urgency or necessity

  • Animal Extinction

    747 Words  | 3 Pages

    Between 1960 and 2000, the human population `throughout the world has doubled, but the animal population has declined by 30%. This is an overwhelming fact, yet it is a staggering reality that will only get more atrocious If the human race continues to act in this self-centered way that is a cycle that has been going on for centuries. Human requisites should not be prioritized over the requisites of animals and the planet because this will disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem and will eventually

  • Neanderthal Extinction Essay

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    caused the extinction of the Neanderthals around forty thousand years ago. Some researchers speculate that Neanderthals did not develop sufficient tools that would allow them to gather and hunt food efficiently while others speculate that early modern humans introduced deadly pathogens into Neanderthal populations which led to their extinction. However, researchers led by zooarchaeologist Jamie Hodgkins have found that frequent and lengthy glacial periods may have led to the extinction of the Neanderthals

  • Bald Eagle Extinction

    1337 Words  | 6 Pages

    Extinction of an animal or plant species occurs when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world. The species has died out. It is a natural cause of evolution. Although they’re not many species to go extinct in Iowa, the modern day rate of extinctions is quite high. Many of the extinct animals listed people did not know were Iowans. Blue Pike (Sander Vitreus Glaucus). Many of the Blue Pike fish lived in the Great Lakes as recently as the 1950’s. This fish was representing

  • Pros And Cons Of De-Extinction

    799 Words  | 4 Pages

    brought back to earth? In my opinion I think that de-extinction is a bad idea. Take the wooly mammoth for example, if scientists were to bring it back they could be taking resources away from other species causing them to disappear, humans might try to harm other animals that aren’t extinct, and scientists would have to successfully re-introduce this animal back into the lifestyle they used to have. Although some people believe that de-extinction is a good thing, I strongly disagree because of those

  • Animal Extinction Research Paper

    1911 Words  | 8 Pages

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated,” (Mahatma Gandhi). People should understand that animal extinction can be slowed, even climate change deniers. By looking at pollution, habitat degradation, global warming/climate change, and solution, animal extinction can be helped and decrease. Firstly, to mention that animals are being hurt with human products because people leave their trash in the environment. Under many circumstances, pollution

  • Paleogeography: Devonian Extinction

    1103 Words  | 5 Pages

    Paleogeography This geological evidence is only one piece of the puzzle and only gave paleontologists some clues regarding the changing environmental conditions that played a role in the Devonian extinction. Examinations of the changing paleogeography during this time also shed light on factors that may have affected the placoderms. The world map of the Devonian looked very different from the world map today. Things were moving towards the formation of Pangea, which meant that continents were coming

  • The Pros And Cons Of De Extinction

    702 Words  | 3 Pages

    Since the release of “Jurassic Park”, scientists have discussed and worked to develop de extinction, or the cloning of extinct species from the ancient past using biotechnology. While the idea of de extinction is enticing at first glance, and if achieved would be a biological triumph, many oppose this plan. The actual science of de extinction has lagged behind the fictional adaptions; and with the concern of conservation, many wonder if it’s even worth it. I personally believe extinct species shouldn’t

  • Animal Extinction Pros And Cons

    2150 Words  | 9 Pages

    Species extinction has been one of the most serious environmental issues since the past centuries. Scientists have estimated that the current extinction rate is between one thousand to ten thousand times higher than the natural extinction rate. Every year, between 0.1 and 0.01% of species become extinct (Chivian & Bernstein, 2008). However, with recent breakthroughs in stem cell research, there is a glimpse of hope that this situation is about to change. The developments in bioscience technology

  • Argumentative Essay 'De-Extinction'

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    can’t do bad right?In the informative essay “De-Extinction”, “we have no idea what havoc we might cause in doing so. Many extinct creatures were fearsome killers that would be very dangerous to humans” and in the Greek Mythology “Prometheus the Friend of Man”, “But Prometheus did not utter a groan in spite of all his sufferings. Year after year he lay in agony, and yet he would not complain, beg for mercy or repent of what he had done”. Both “De-Extinction” and “Prometheus, the Friend of Man”, takes

  • Summary Of The Sixth Extinction By Elizabeth Kolbert

    855 Words  | 4 Pages

    The book title the sixth Extinction Written by Elizabeth Kolbert is based on The extinction of species. Author Kolbert discusses personal research and scientific studies of certain species that have become extinct are becoming extinct. One species Kolbert discusses in her research studies is the Panama Golden A discovery of a fugues that has brought extinction of the golden frog from wild and has speared throughout different counties including the United States. Kolbert travels to Panama to

  • Mass Extinction In Evolution

    809 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mass Extinction. Source: https://worldatlas.com Mass extinction has impacted our earth's evolution tremendously. From as far back as 500 million years ago during the Cambrian period, to as close to us now 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, and all 3 events in between have affected the animals and plants surrounding our planet gigantically. Mass extinction is when there is a rapid decrease of animals and plant species on earth due to the earth's natural disasters

  • Persuasive Essay On De-Extinction

    840 Words  | 4 Pages

    De-Extinction, a interesting topic that most people don’t have an opinion on. De-extinction is a process which uses the DNA of extinct animals and use a surrogate mother and father to bring back an extinct animal. Scientists are working on ways to bring back animals such as wooly mammoths and maybe even dinosaurs. This is a very hopeful topic from different points of view, and a very scary topic from others. Also, some scientists think it’s impossible for certain animals and not for others. For example

  • The Permian-Triassic Extinction

    1718 Words  | 7 Pages

    Georgios Kepertis Earth 102-6: Death of the Dinosaurs Paper 4: Permian-Triassic Extinction 12-7-2015 The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event: When Life on Earth Almost Ended An event that marked a great transition, an event so overwhelming that most creatures on Earth could not handle it; its power so immense that even plants and insects were almost eradicated from the face our planet. If it were to happen today, humans would most certainly be defenseless against the brute forces of nature, and even

  • Why The Mass Extinction Of Dinosaurs

    270 Words  | 2 Pages

    Around 65 million years ago a mountain-sized meteorite hit Earth and set into motion a mass extinction. Most notable being the dinosaurs. That is what scientist used to think. It is true that a huge meteorite hit the Earth and killed dinosaurs. The meteorite activated something almost 10,000 miles away in India. It was a massive volcanic eruption that covered most of India. The eruption released about 500,000 square miles of lava. That is more than enough to be consider a super volcano. The lava

  • Racing Extinction: Movie Analysis

    663 Words  | 3 Pages

    In honors biology, we watched a film called Racing Extinction. In this film, we learned that humans are the main reason that species of plants and animals all over the Earth are becoming extinct at a rapidly fast speed. The men in the film showed statistics and images that were mind blowing, that I had absolutely no idea about. Humans are more destructive than we think, and we need to do something about it before it is too late. When most people think of the word “extinct”, they relate it to animals

  • Extinction Events In Aquatic Research

    783 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Oxford dictionary defines extinction in relation to biology as a species, family or a large group having no living members (Oxford, 2016). With the estimation of the four billion species that evolved on earth during its 4 billion year existence, about 99% of them now are extinct (Novacek, 2001). This displays how natural extinction is, but it is usually stabilized by speciation (Barnosky, 2011). A major extinction event is one in which many species meet their end over a short period of time,

  • Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction

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    endeavored to unravel the enigma surrounding the Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction, which took place 65 million years ago. This event is most notorious for the halt of existence for the dinosaurs, undeterred by the fact that nearly three fourths of all flora and fauna species subsisting on Earth went extinct. Consequently, Paleontologists have proposed a profusion of theories to decipher how the Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction transpired. However, a sheer bulk of the theories makes no sense whatsoever

  • The Sixth Extinction By Elizabeth Kolbert: Chapter Analysis

    1698 Words  | 7 Pages

    Jessica Toppins Dr Burbery Eng 210 8 Apr 15 Title In the making of The Sixth Extinction, author Elizabeth Kolbert travels to corners of the Earth in search of evidence to support her theory that humans are the cause of the next big extinction. In her travels she visits the remote yet widely known, One Tree Island. While the name is not representative of the tree population on the Island, Kolbert found that the island has many other extraordinary qualities that are both beautiful and frightening

  • The Volcano Theory: The Extinction Of Dinosaurs

    502 Words  | 3 Pages

    combined with the bodies of many Dinosaurs to help come up with theories about extinction. As scientists found more dinosaurs they wondered how dinosaurs became extinct. Scientists realized that our planet had been inhabited by another mammal before humans. Numerous ideas have been discussed about why dinosaurs disappeared. Three theories explaining extinction are most common among scientists. One theory about the extinction of dinosaurs is the Volcano Theory. The Volcano Theory involves the idea