Hudson River School Essays

  • Compare And Contrast Hudson River School And Walden

    820 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Hudson River School was a group of American artists who were interested in capturing aspects of the American landscape and also shared a specific genre of painting. Their focus shifted across the continent and many tried to capture the beauty of the uncultivated west. Thomas Cole and Asher B. Durand were two very significant Hudson River School artists whose almost invisible brushstrokes and muted palette defined the art

  • Alexander Hamilton's Impact On The Constitution And Politics

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    clerk. He had a very important role in writing and ratifying the Constitution. In 1524, Giovanni Da Verrazano, an Italian navigator, discovered the New York bay while sailing to France. Then, in 1609, Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson river in his ship the Half Moon, but later that year, this river was claimed by Samuel de Champlain for France. Early on, the

  • How Did Thomas Cole Influence American Landscape Painters

    732 Words  | 3 Pages

    May 2015 Honors American Literature Mrs. Phillips Thomas Cole was a painter who influenced the American landscape painters of his time and is the founding father of the Hudson River School. Cole was born on February 1,1801 in Bolten-le-Moors, Lancashire, England. When he was seventeen, in 1818, his family immigrated to the United States from England. The Cole family first lived in Philadelphia, where Thomas worked as a wood engraver. After Philadelphia, Cole lived in Steubenville, Ohio

  • Thomas Cole

    1631 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Life of Landscape Painter Thomas Cole Thomas Cole was in influential painter during the Romantic art period and who, with his love of nature, established the Hudson River School. His landscape works encompass a theme of the beauty and wildness of nature. Cole created several paintings and also some series of paintings. His work focused on the Catskill mountains and surrounding areas, where he lived. Many allegorical and symbolic references are found in his paintings because his art tells stories

  • Analysis Of The Clove By Thomas Cole Catskills

    870 Words  | 4 Pages

    nation that was just forming its own unique identity and traditions. But when it came to the subject of art, Thomas Cole is a name that will forever play a large role in the history of American art. Cole had invented a new style of art, the Hudson River School, which Americans had the right to call their own. This American art movement started in Catskill, New York, Which is where Cole’s beautiful painting The Clove, Catskills was created. This painting by Cole provides its own story to its viewers

  • Compare And Contrast The Architecture Of Thomas Cole And Louis Sullivan

    733 Words  | 3 Pages

    Early Modernist American architect Louis Sullivan and Hudson River School painter Thomas Cole, despite a shared affinity for nature, differed in their hopes of how nature and society (or civilization) would interact in the future of America in the 19th Century. While Louis Sullivan sought a new reconciliation of nature and society, Thomas Cole, saddened by the increasing replacement of natural landscape with Man’s built environment, called for Man to develop a greater appreciation for the untouched

  • How Did The Erie Canal Affect The United States

    570 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Erie canal Many events and constructions impacted the United States through history, but very few more than the Erie canal. The Erie canal was constructed for various reasons. One being for a better route for transportation. It's proposal was in 1808, and was finished in 1825. It was a huge man made waterway that connected the Great Lakes, and the Atlantic ocean. It gave Americans an easy route to the ocean, without having to cross thousands of miles on land. It was then first American, man

  • How Did The Erie Canal Affect America

    518 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Erie canal had a huge impact on America. As we know, America was already great, the Erie Canal only made America greater. This "marvel" made by the people for the people made America better because it gave us extra money, made trade easier, and it made America a better place. The way that the Erie Canal gave us extra money was mostly by charging boats that wasn’t even a big fee. For example a boat had to pay $3.50 to travel 80 miles. There was also a comparison where when you

  • • How Did The Erie Canal Changed The United States

    769 Words  | 4 Pages

    "Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven 't planted" stated by David Bly. The Erie Canal was started in 1817 and finished in 1825. It is 363 miles long and ran from Rome to Buffalo in New York. How did the Erie Canal change the United States? The Erie Canal changed the United States through increasing the economy, transportation/trade, and this all led to women 's rights. The Erie Canal changed the U.S. through increasing the economy. The Erie Canal earned

  • Tapan Zee Bridge Case Study

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Tappan Zee Bridge, an iconic structure, has traversed the Hudson River, connecting its shores for over 50 years. It has been considered "a symbolic span over which Westchester and Rockland Counties [move] virtually overnight, twenty years into the future.” (Governor Thomas F. Dewey). Up until the late 1940s, Rockland was a predominantly agricultural settlement; opposing the more urban and industrial economy of Westchester, which was growing rapidly more dense in its population. Following the

  • Westward Expansion Research Paper

    287 Words  | 2 Pages

    From 1817-1825, immigrants and native New Yorkers alike worked year round by hand and with the help of animals to complete the canal, which finally opened in October 26, 1825. Early on, horses and mules worked the canal system taking turns with boats in long shifts carrying cargo with towlines. At the beginning, the canal could accommodate thirty tons of freight. Travel on the canal to Buffalo from Albany took about five days. When traveled by stage coach, the route took about two weeks. The first

  • Analysis Of Thomas Cole's Distant View Of Niagara Falls

    500 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sabra Mousty Thomas Cole, 1801-1848 was a well known painter of his time. Many of his artworks were landscapes as he had a passion for the wilderness and environmental impacts. This is apparent particularly in his painting Distant View of Niagara Falls. Thomas Cole expertly captured one of the wonders of North America. Distant View of Niagara Falls was painted in 1930 is on display at The Art Institute of Chicago. In this painting we see two Native Americans on the cliff edge looking at the massive

  • How Did Ellis Island Contribute To The Hudson River

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    Ellis Island: Its History to the Hudson River and America At its inception, Ellis Island was a response to the rising number of European immigrants seeking to begin new lives in the land of promise. From 1892 to 1954, Ellis Island a small island in New York Bay, served as the main point of entry for immigrants to the United States. The Hudson River was the main gateway for these immigrants and the diffusion of their culture to the Hudson River Valley, and in the end, the country. With the opening

  • Captain Sully

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    Captain Chelsea Sullenberger never would have imagined to land an Airbus A320 on the Hudson river. It all happened when flight 1549 took off to Seattle carrying 155 passengers on board. Suddenly, a series of birds crashed into his left engine, leaving captain sully in a complicated situation where he either must decide to land on the closest airport, or land it on the Hudson river. He chose to land on the river which he knew was very risky for him and for his crew. Thankfully, this incident left

  • Cherry Hill Research Paper

    853 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cherry Hill, New Jersey is a very urbanized place. It has many major roads, all lined with homes condos and apartments. Before all of this Cherry Hill was full of farms, and open land. The only thing that remains from this time is a 67-acre farm, named Springdale farm. This farm is located on a very busy road, Springdale road. It was established in 1949 by Mary and Alan Ebert. They supplied fresh produce to Campbell soup in Camden such as tomatoes and also to Seabrook Farms who packed frozen foods

  • Erie Canal Essay

    646 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Erie Canal *The Erie Canal. Seemingly a tiny part of American history and development, this waterway changed transportation in the United States forever. This canal helped goods get transported all across the country, and improved frontier life. The Erie Canal turned New York into the economic powerhouse it is today, and paved the way for today's shipping systems. *New York had a problem. In the early 1800s, they had many goods coming into their ports, but it would take months to transport

  • The Quarry Analysis

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    When I visited the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts for this paper I wandered the majority of the museum looking for a piece and “The Quarry” called out to me right as I passed through the Gallery of American Art, but not wanting to miss out on a chance at another painting I toured the rest of the museum. However, in the end I came back two “The Quarry” drawn by its quiet, yet striking appearance with the light striking the cliff face. “The Quarry” painted by Romantic painter Robert S. Duncanson finished

  • Analysis Of Thomas Cole The Oxbow

    855 Words  | 4 Pages

    The two sceneries are connected by the red-and-white umbrella that is placed diagonally on the small mountain in the forest (THOMAS COLE View from Mount Holyoke). On the right side of the painting, the diagonal lines and curvature of the Connecticut River convey the energy and movement of the water. Also, the vertical and horizontal lines that outline the pieces of land symbolize the stability and power found in cultivated and civilized areas. In addition to lines, Cole meritoriously conveys contrasting

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Hydrofracking By Paul Galley

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    January 05, 2012. Galley states “Net-Net, fracking is simply bad bet” fracking poses serious risk to New Yorkers. Galley, president of Hudson Riverkeeper has worked for over twenty-five years to protect the environment and support local communities, as a non-profit, public official and educator. This piece continues his devotion to protection of the Hudson River, and the drinking water supply of New Yorkers. Galley effectively convinces his audience through his use of appeals to pathos and logos

  • Hudson River Pcb Pollution

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    Hudson River PCB Pollution is Affecting Wildlife Bird Species Introduction Studies over species in the Hudson River ecosystem have increased in recent years. This is done in return to the large amount of PCBs that have been found in the Hudson River. Polychlorinated Biphenyls or PCBs are a group of 209 organic chlorinated chemicals (DHS, 2016). PCBs are usually an oily liquid or a solid, which are colorless or have a light yellow color, with no smell or taste (DHS, 2016). PCBs are a created