Khmer Rouge Essays

  • The Cambodian Genocide: The Khmer Rouge

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    years of Pol Pot's rule”. The Cambodian Genocide was carried out by The Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot (Janikowski, 2006). Their goal was to purify the nation and extreme measures were taken to meet this goal, and many people ended up losing their lives in terrible ways. The United Nations define genocide as any intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious

  • Pol Pot's Role In The Khmer Rouge

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    Who: The Khmer Rouge was a brutal group intent on changing the Cambodian society. With them they brought ideas of new hope and national peace for Cambodia. In April 1975, the Khmer Rouge army marched into Phnom Penh. Khmer Rouge soldiers came through the city, and they evacuated all citizens and told them to leave their items and walk out of town. Within days of the takeover of Phnom Penh, they began introducing extremist policies and the government had taken control of all property. What: The

  • The Khmer Rouge: The Cambodian Genocide

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    immoral action of those upstanders and bystanders that witness, initiate or, participated in the Cambodian genocide. These people that initiated the Khmer rouge and set forth the Cambodian genocide are sinners, mass murders, and cruel. To kill a babies, the elderly, and enslave many children and adults. To starve and exterminate them as well. The Khmer rouge and all its members should be tried and sentenced for their sins against the innocent. The actions and events leading a genocide happened

  • Pol Pot And The Khmer Rouge

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    border. The struggles between the Cambodians and Vietnamese seem to intensify, especially under the leadership of the Khmer Rouge. This rule has been going on for quite a few years. Pol Pot wasn’t the Prime Minister till 1976, a full year after his takeover. On April 17, 1975, Pol Pot seized the capital city of Cambodia, by leading the Communist forces of the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge, the communist party of Kampuchea in Cambodia, were targeting many Cambodians. Pol Pot believes he is “bettering”

  • Saloth Sar: The Khmer Rouge

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    During the 1970s, a regime known as the Khmer Rouge desired to erase the current structure of the Cambodian state and to replace it with a classless society based on agricultural reform; however, their primary goals were not appealing to most of the population. This led the leader, Saloth Sar, known by his nom de guerre Pol Pot, and his organization to implement repressive and murderous rule to maintain control in restoring the country to an agrarian society. Due to the harsh conditions and the arbitrary

  • Khmer Rouge And Pol Pot Similarities

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    The Khmer Rouge has taken over Cambodia. This is much like what is happening in the Soviet Union. It may look different but the mass murdering and cruelty has lead both countries into a state which is not looked at kindly. Each country was in the same situation from the standpoint of the citizens. Rights were taken away, torture and cruel deaths occurred, and the death of many was looked at by the powerful as a worthy cause to the country as a whole. These are some of the key similarities of the

  • The Khmer Rouge Regime During The Cambodia Genocide

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    Did you know the Khmer Party killed about one in half to three million people during the Cambodian Genocide? They killed many people just because the Democratic Republic of Vietnam didn’t agree with the Khmer agreement they offered. They didn’t accept the Chinese agreement too. On January 17, 1968, Khmer Rouge launched their first offense. It was aimed at gathering weapon and spreading propaganda. The Khmer Rouge regime was extremely brutal. The executed people who could work or make the journey

  • Pol Pot's Life In Cambodia After The Khmer Rouge

    551 Words  | 3 Pages

    Life in Cambodia After the Khmer Rouge Have you ever lost someone very important to you? For example, losing your grandpa because he was in the military protecting your country. That’s how it felt for families during the Cambodian Genocide. Families from all across Cambodia lost their loved ones because they were educators or soldiers. Pol Pot’s plan was to get rid of almost all the older people because they could’ve gotten in his way of the ideas he was trying to propose. Pol Pot wanted

  • Why Pol Pot Won The Khmer Rouge

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    the Khmer Rouge. In 1970, the Prince was expelled by American right-wing military forces, causing him to join Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. The U.S. also invaded Cambodia in hope of driving North Vietnamese forces from their military camps. This action, however, only led the North Vietnamese to join forces with the Khmer Rouge.

  • Film Analysis: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine

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    The Khmer Rouge killing machine was filmed in the Tuol Sleng High School which the Khmer Rouge used as a detention center called S21 and is now a genocide museum. Between 1975 and 1977, nearly 17,000 people passed through its doors where they were interrogated, tortured, and executed. Vann Nath, one of only three survivors of the detention center, was a painter whose work found favor with his captors. He consoles another survivor who is unable to speak because of the grief that overcomes him in remembering

  • Big Brother And The Khmer Rouge: A Comparative Analysis

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    communist leader of Khmer Rouge during the 1970’s, was considered one of the worst regimes in history and was responsible for countless deaths and genocide. Many of the Khmer Rouge’s philosophies and structure can be found in George Orwell 's 1984. 1984’s Big Brother and the Inner Party controlled all aspect of the people Oceania, much similar to that of the Khmer Rouge. Both had many similarities, but the many of the core beliefs are noticeable. Big Brother and the Khmer Rouge had similar ideologies

  • Pol Pot And The Khmer Rouge Cambodia Summary

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    Philippines Cambodia: Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge According (2016), Saloth Sar or known as Pol Pot came from a wealthy family in Kompong Thong province in central Cambodia. Since the Cambodia was a French protectorate during his time, he was able to win a scholarship to study in Paris where he formed his communist philosophy. Returning from France, he became one of the heads of the communist party known as the ‘Khmer Rouge’. In 1975, the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Pol Pot seized

  • Khmer Rouge Research Paper

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    Approximately 1,000 people die to Khmer Rouge each year even after thirty years. Before the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia had one of the most advanced economies in South Asia. During the Khmer Rouge two to three million people were killed which is almost one fifth of the population of Cambodia. The thinking of the Khmer Rouge during their time of control was to kill all of the educated people of the country (“Poverty”). Cambodia ever since the Khmer Rouge has never been back to its state of peace, with violence

  • The Fall Of Pol Pot And The Khmer Rouge

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    Pol Pot was the leader of the communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia that ruled from 1975 to 1979. Under the regime, approximately 2 million people died from execution or lack of food or illnesses. Many detention centers are also said to have conditions so harsh that only a handful of the thousands of people in them survived. This mass extinction was a result of aiming to create a classless peasant/farmer society. Believing this, Pot and the Khmer Rouge worked to rid the country of “intellectuals, city

  • Pol Pot: The Khmer Rouge

    1350 Words  | 6 Pages

    enemy alive” was a common slogan from the Communist regime named ‘The Khmer Rouge’, run by Pol Pot. The Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot are commonly known around the world and especially in Cambodia for their attempt to nationalise & centralise the farming society of Cambodia, to turn the country into a complete communist state and to abolish any history that came before the ‘Khmer Rouge’ over an extremely short period of time. The Khmer Rouge was the name given to members of an extremely communist party of Kampuchea

  • The Khmer Rouge: Genocide In Vietnam

    552 Words  | 3 Pages

    first Indochina war. After the War in the 1950 a communist movement ignited in Cambodia. The communist, party of Kampuchea, also known as The Khmer Rouge. A nickname adopted by the permanence that red made up most of the country 's ethnicity, the color of communism. The party came to power from the country 's struggle against French colonization. The Khmer Rouge was strongly influenced from the Vietnamese, but was not an official party until 1968. During the Vietnam War the United States

  • Comparison Of The Khmer Rouge And The Rwandan Genocide

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    permeated every aspect of life. Amongst these effects were confusion and blame that evolved into violence such as World War I, World War II, and the subject of this essay-- genocide. More specifically, the Cambodian Genocide that was conducted by the Khmer Rouge and the Rwandan Genocide. These two genocides have complex causes, justifications, and conclusions that differ greatly. To begin with, the causes and effects are quite different. The Rwandan genocide is more simple: It is directly related to European

  • Pol Pot: The Cambodia Genocide In Cambodia

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    “The Cambodian Genocide refers to the attempt of Khmer Rouge party leader “Pol Pot” to nationalize and centralize the peasant farming society of Cambodia virtually overnight, in accordance with the Chinese Communist agricultural model.” When Sihanouk becomes the head of state, he breaks ties with the US and allows North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up based in Cambodia. In return, the US begins to plot secret bombings against the North Vietnamese on Cambodia soil. In 1970, Sihanouk is overthrown

  • Cambodia Genocide Essay

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    throughout the Vietnam War, the country struggled to find a peaceful balance between the ideologies of capitalism and communism. Due to this internal struggle, more than 21 percent of Cambodian’s population was ruthlessly maltreated and murdered by the Khmer Rouge. Pol Pot’s four-year plan, announced on April 21, 1976, was to create a state where socialism controlled every aspect of the country including; agriculture, industry, health, and education. Pol Pot’s philosophy was the same as many communist leaders

  • Cambodian Genocide And Holocaust Similarities

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    pushed them into the gas chambers and within minutes the people were dead from lack of oxygen. The Khmer Rouge’s preferred method to kill the people was to put plastic bags on the people's heads and suffocate them. Although these methods of killing are both very harsh, there are still more terrible events that occurred during these two time