Learning disability Essays

  • Learning Disabilities Analysis

    1065 Words  | 5 Pages

    Tutor: Date: Overview of Learning Disabilities Learning disabilities comprise a group of conditions that affect the individual’s ability to acquire or use information through sources such as reading, writing, mathematical calculations, listening, speaking, or reasoning in the absence of more global intellectual disability. Learning disabilities are present in approximately 2 to 5% of the population in the Western world. As with other developmental disabilities, varying degrees of impairment

  • Theoretical Foundations In Learning Disability

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    c) Word problem Children with Learning Disability may find it very difficult to solve word problems both owing to reading deficit and a lack of analysis and reasoning skills. Most word problems involve a fair degree of abstract thinking and inferential reasoning. In the absence of concrete manipulative objects the child is unable to tackle these problems. Another area of difficulty arises from not knowing which operation or process to use. “Does the problem require addition or division”? The child

  • Learning Disability Case Study

    898 Words  | 4 Pages

    Common definition: Learning disability refers to a neurological life-long condition which affects a child’s ability to understand, assimilate and process information. “Learning disabilities can affect one’s ability to read, write, speak, spell, compute math, reason and also affect an individual’s attention, memory, coordination”( http://ldaamerica.org/) . Characteristics: Though the child may suffer from dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, non-verbal learning disabilities, etc, most children

  • Language Based Learning Disabilities

    5806 Words  | 24 Pages

    types of disabilities. Disabilities such as, physical, intellectual or mental. One disability that many students are faced with are Language Based Learning Disabilities. Often this disability refers to a student’s ability to process spoken, written, listening, reasoning and reading skills. If a student demonstrates a lack of age- appropriate language skills this can hinder their development of comprehension and communication skills throughout their life. If a language based learning disability is not

  • Specific Learning Disability Study

    1193 Words  | 5 Pages

    examined in the self-determination theory with students with learning disabilities (U. S. Department of Education, 2013). As noted by the United States Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, the most frequent special education disability classification category is Specific Learning Disabilities. According to the United States Department of Education, 13% of the students in schools are

  • Learning Disabilities And Disorders Article Analysis

    333 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the article “Learning Disabilities and Disorders: Types of Learning Disorders and Their Signs”, teaches you how to know and observe if a child has a learning disability and/or disorder and ways to treat these difficulties that your child is facing. In the article it teaches you the meaning of a learning disability and disorder, how it revolves around the difficulty to learn how to read, write, speak, math etc. It describes the signs and symptoms of learning disabilities and disorders. After this

  • Children With Learning Disabilities Analysis

    1352 Words  | 6 Pages

    There are so many different forms of disabilities that people may have. These can range from physical disabilities that people can see to ones that are hidden. Learning disabilities is one that is hidden or not physically visible. In school, teachers may be aware of these disabilities but classmates may not be. Children with learning disabilities store and organize their brains differently. They do not have intelligence problems, but rather they have problems reading, writing, and problems with mathematics

  • Learning Disabilities In Education

    731 Words  | 3 Pages

    they may have a learning disability. What is puzzling about these students is that they will understand something one day and it will click and the next day it will be gone, and they will not understand. It is important as teachers that these students are not mistaken for being lazy or dumb. They have the same amount of potential as any other child, but they may need help to reach their best. Mercer & Pullen (2009), explains that there is no one definition for learning disabilities, in fact 11 definitions

  • Learning Disabilities Challenges

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are a few problems that are faced to educate the public about learning disabilities because it differs from one child to another. They have their own disabilities in learning such as reading, writing and memorising. It is also a problem for the parents with child who has a learning disability because no parents want to see their children suffer with problems. The children are not to be blame as they are innocent and did not choose to be born that way. On the other hand, some people judge these

  • Employment Specific Learning Disability Report

    1658 Words  | 7 Pages

    Children with disabilities can improve their social skills through participation in extracurricular activities. In 2014 an experiment was conducted by lead researcher and psychologist B.A. Brooks hoping to find if children who have intellectual and learning disabilities can develop better social skills when participating in extracurriculars rather than not partaking in any activity at all, which is described in the article “Extracurricular Activities and the Development of Social Skills in Children

  • What Are The Common Practices For Inclusion In Children With Learning Disabilities?

    1077 Words  | 5 Pages

    are just as gifted with the ability to do the same as an artistic or athletic. Many still believe that children with learning disorders are not as qualified for standard education as other children. This paper will explore prevalent practices for inclusion in children with learning disabilities. A generation ago, few classrooms in the United States allow students with disabilities to participate in regular

  • 4 Types Of Learning Disabilities

    879 Words  | 4 Pages

    This research looks at learning disabilities and views it in four ways. The two categories of types of learning disabilities. Firstly, the four stages of information processing used in learning which are input, integration, storage, and output. Secondly, the deficits areas of information processing which are Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia. Thirdly, the causes of learning disabilities that are differences in brain structure, alcohol or drug use, lead in water or paint, and dementia or a traumatic

  • Learning Disability Research Paper

    967 Words  | 4 Pages

    We have always had learners with learning disabilities in our classroom but each time professionals or teachers have failed to recognise them as learners who need special instructions and attention. These learners have been always recognised with confusing and controversial labels like slow learners, neurologically disabled, perceptually disabled, dyslexic etc. These labels were given by various professionals who assess the disability and hence, are so varied. Over the years, many different terms

  • Effective Interventions To Support Students With Learning Disabilities

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    Students with Learning Disabilities The purpose of this paper is to identify the type of methods educators use to assist students with learning disabilities in the classroom concerning their instructional approaches in relation to student needs. A related purpose is to determine whether the methods provided are effective or inadequate in relation to academic success. Research Questions: How do educators plan instruction for their diverse learners, including those with learning disabilities? What instructional

  • Cognitive Strategies For Students With Learning Disabilities

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    Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities Students with learning disabilities struggle to understand content areas in math, social studies, science, reading, and writing. When students struggle academically, teachers use research-based and scientifically-based strategies to help students overcome or manage with deficits in those areas. “As students shift from grade-levels, the demand for reading and comprehension increases” (Boudah, D. J., 2013, p.148). Therefore, using different strategies

  • Learning Disabilities: Alexander Graham Bell And Theodore Roosevelt

    377 Words  | 2 Pages

    Learning disabilities can come from a biological stance. It’s based on the way a person is “wired”. It affects the brain’s ability to process or store information. More than likely, children with learning disabilities are smarter than everyone else. They just have trouble with things like reading, spelling, or writing. Sadly, it can not be cured, however there are types of medicines that can somewhat improve it and make it easier to live with. Just because you have a learning disability doesn’t

  • Describe What It Means To Have A Learning Disability Essay

    1335 Words  | 6 Pages

    GEORGINE GUETTLER M2 A1 Module 2 Assessment In your own words, respond to the following questions from the readings as if you were speaking to a parent of one of your students 1. Describe what it means to have a Learning Disability, including all the different types Good afternoon Mrs. Crawley. It's a pleasure to meet you again. It's wonderful to have George in my class. He is very kind and thoughtful. He is an intelligent young man with strengths and challenges. I know you must be proud

  • Learning Disabilities Definition

    965 Words  | 4 Pages

    the term ‘learning disabilities’ were used to refer to severe learning problems of individuals in order to provide administrative convenience and focus of advocacy. Although findings related to learning disabilities date back in the 1800s, Learning Disabilities is still a new area of Special Education and there is no single agreed upon definition of it yet. One influential definition that is accepted by most educators is the definition by the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities in 1981

  • Learning Disabilities Case Study

    1042 Words  | 5 Pages

    Altaf, Zohra, et al. "Impact of Learning Disabilities on the Behaviour of Secondary School Children." International Research Journal of Art & Humanities, vol. 40, no. 40, Jan. 2014, pp. 93-102. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=93301928&site=ehost-live. At the International Research Journal of Art & Humanities it is believed to be that all children may look normal but still have some underlying learn disabilities that's not noticeable to the naked eye. This article

  • Learning Disability Case Study

    1294 Words  | 6 Pages

    problem concerned is the learning disability. Psychologist believes that the learning disability is a neurologically-based processing problems. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and/or math. They can also interfere with higher level skills such as attention, time planning, organization, abstract reasoning, and long or short term memory. It is important to identify and understand that learning disabilities can affect an individual’s