Newbery Medal Essays

  • Louis Sachar Holes

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    Louis Sachar is a Newbery medal winning adventure book about a young boy who gets sent to camp in lieu of going to juvenile jail for a crime he did not commit. He goes on an adventurous journey that brings about positive changes in his life. This book has complicated, well-developed characters and is filled with vivid, exciting adventure. It has a strong emotional effect on the reader. Holes also addresses relatively serious themes in an artfully appropriate way. The Newbery medal was definitely well-earned

  • The Giver Movie And Book Comparison

    865 Words  | 4 Pages

    The book the giver written by Lois Lowry was published in 1993 and has a total of 4 books in the series. The Giver has won numerous awards including the Newbery Medal, the William Allen White award and the Regina medal. The movie the Giver was released 21 years later in 2014 and was produced by Walden Media. In this essay I will compare the movie and the book and discuss similarities as well as differences focusing on the protagonist Jonas, the setting, rules in the community and Fiona. We will

  • The Graveyard Book Essay

    641 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Graveyard Book In the John Newbery Medal novel, The Graveyard Book written by Neil Gaiman, Bod, a orphan boy is adopted by ghosts after the tragic events that led to his family. Throughout this fictional book, Bod will learn about the importance of compassion and forgiveness and most importantly, finding out who he really came from. To begin the exposition, Jack Frost part of a fraternal organization, known as the Jack of Trades or Knaves needed to assassinate Bod’s family because of a belief

  • Essay On Maniac Magee

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    published in the year 1990. It follows the story of an orphan boy searching for a home in the fictional town of Two Mills Pennsylvania. The book also focuses on themes of racism and homelessness. It has also won many awards, including the John Newbery Medal. Jeffrey “Maniac” Magee was a normal and average boy until the age of 3, when his parents tragically died on a car crash and he was forced to live with his Aunt Doc and Uncle Dan, who hated each other and wanted to share everything. Then

  • A Review Of Lois Lowry's Number The Stars

    1515 Words  | 7 Pages

    Number the Stars: A Critique of Fiction Europe and the rest of the world were turned upside down during World War II and the German occupation. Lois Lowry’s Number the Stars, published in 1989 by Houghton Mifflin Company in Boston, focuses on the perspective of the people of Denmark at the beginnings of the Holocaust. Annemarie, a young Danish girl, discovers what it means to be brave when she finds herself and her family must come to the aid of a group of Jews fleeing German persecution, most notably

  • Objectivism In Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead

    1536 Words  | 7 Pages

    The ideal person to Ayn Rand, author of “The Fountainhead,” is someone that does not allow their decisions in life to be affected by external sources, and is able to deal with the struggle of staying an individual in a collectivist world. However, unless this person lives in complete isolation, that is nearly impossible. Peter and Toohey are both affected by the events in their past, meanwhile Roark is unchanged throughout the entire book. Staying an individualist requires one to deal with the conflict

  • Similes In Truman Capote's In Cold Blood

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    Truman Capote uses variety of language devices such as diction, similes and symbolism to vividly develop Perry Smith in his novel In Cold Blood. Truman Capote uses diction to develop Perry Smith’s character. When Perry explains what happened that night at the Clutter family home, he tells agent Alvin Dewey about his moment with Nancy Clutter. "[He] pulled up the covers, tucked her in till just her head showed…" the use of ‘tucked her in’ expresses a calm and cozy tone which contrasts with the situation

  • Heroes In Literature

    1016 Words  | 5 Pages

    #14 Anabelle Hicks Feb.13 Beta TKAM/ Scrappy Little Nobody Heroes of Literature Imagine an idyllic superhero. What superpower ability will they have? Think about the best power imaginable; it doesn't matter. While heightened strength will be helpful, a hero is made by actions. Famous

  • Frontier Ideology In Christopher Mccandless Into The Wild

    1908 Words  | 8 Pages

    Christopher McCandless, whose life and journey are the main ideas of the novel “Into the Wild”, was about an adolescent who, upon graduating from Emory College, decided to journey off into the Alaskan wilderness. He had given away his savings of $25,000 and changed his name to Alex Supertramp. His voyage to Alaska took him two years during which he traveled all across the country doing anomalous jobs and making friends. He inevitably made it to Alaska were he entered the wilderness with little

  • Summary Of The Seventh Man Haruki Murarakami

    761 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine you lost your best friend at such a young age and this situation put you in a horrific position in life. Haruki Murakami the narrator from The Seventh Man has a lot to share about this tragic situation. In the short story The Seventh Man Haruki Murakami the narrator experiences the same horrific moments. It is true that the seventh man did not intend to cause k’s death. The seventh man should forgive himself because his actions were not the best but his intentions were not bad either. It

  • Alaska Young Character Analysis Essay

    968 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Characters Miles Halter Miles, the hero of the novel, is a quite normal teenager and is obsessed with peoples' last words. He wasn't social in Florida and he would rather be reading biographies than socializing with others. But then, he starts to go to the boarding school Culver Greek because he can't stand the safe life he had before and he also wants to find out his own "Great Perhaps". He finds himself in hard situations because he is very confused and very insecure about himself. He also

  • Social Class In Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

    960 Words  | 4 Pages

    Class Is presented from the beginning you are born till the end. During the period of your life you can either change your social class or stay the same as society defines you. Jane Eyre is a english novel that explores social class that hold no boundaries that could be crossed. Charlotte Bronte focuses on status flexibility and how Jane the protagonist in the story deals with other characters and evaluates their personalities and how the economic shifts have changed them for the better or for the

  • Theme Of Lying In The Giver

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    One of the greatest commandments written in history is “Thou Shalt not lie.” From a young age we have been taught of the negative effects of lying. We are taught, as toddlers, not to cheat on tests and punished for our dishonesty when caught. But as we grow older we discover that lying is not as terrible as we were raised to believe. Sometimes lying is safer than the truth. Lying helps us to protect the well-being of family and friends. Deception and secrecy are two major themes of Lois Lowry’s The

  • Sharon Creech Walk Two Moon Analysis

    719 Words  | 3 Pages

    The people in our life play an important role in our personal growth. Relationships with others allow us to understand and see ourselves more clearly. Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, Sal’s able to accept her mother’s death because of the influence of Mrs. Partridge and Gram and Gramps. Sal is impacted and changed by her relationship with Mrs. Partridge; the mysterious woman was the person providing the messages left in front of the Winterbottom home. This message influences Sal when she considered

  • Walk Two Moons Vs. The Guest

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    Beau Dupuy Literary Analysis - Theme Comparison Walk Two Moons vs. The Guest In the two stories, Walk Two Moons, by Sharon Creech, and “The Guest,” by Uma Krishnaswami, the common theme “Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover” is developed. Both stories express the theme through certain characters’ actions and thoughts towards other characters. Characterization is the core element in the theme of both of these stories. In the story, Walk Two Moons, by Sharon Creech, the main character named Salamanca

  • Holes By Louis Sachar Essay

    1124 Words  | 5 Pages

    Holes In 1998, Louis Sachar’s book Holes was published. In 1999, the book won the John Newbery Award. In order to win an honor such as the Newbery Award, a book must meet certain criteria and stand apart from all other books. According to the Newbery Award committee chairperson said “Holes is masterfully unified in character, setting, and theme. As timeless as folklore and as outrageously funny as a tall tale, "Holes" ultimately charts the heroic journey of two very real boys.” The reason, Holes

  • Julie Of The Wolves Banned

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    Why Julie of the Wolves Should not be Banned Kyraanne R Gonzalez South Umpqua High School Why Julie of the Wolves should not be banned In Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George a young Eskimo girl named Miyax, runs away from her husband Daniel in Barrow, Alaska, and then she finds herself in a harsh journey. She is now lost and stranded in the Arctic tundra. When she comes across a pack of wolves she hopes that they could help her get access to food. Hunting

  • Jonas: Changing The Community In The Giver

    517 Words  | 3 Pages

    Imagine a community with no color, no feelings, no choices, no love. In that community there is one boy with all of those things. Jonas sees the world, emotionless, blank. He wants to change it. The community chose Jonas to be the Receiver. The most important assignment in the community. He must receive memories from the current receiver. The chief elder made the decision to make only one person bear the burden of the memories. Everyone thinks the community is perfect, a utopia, but Jonas sees all

  • Review Of Lois Lowry's 'The Giver'

    803 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Giver Are things as good as they seem? Are things as good as they seem? This is the reoccurring question I ask as I read Lois Lowry’s “The Giver.” As the story begins, Jonas, the main character, is having trouble finding the “precise” word to describe his feelings about the communities upcoming, Ceremony of Twelve. His determination to find just the absolute, exact word causes an uneasiness, a sense of something “not quite right”, it foreshadows future predicaments and turmoil ahead

  • Memories In The Giver

    1049 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry, the community takes away all memories and gives them to The Giver and Jonas. The community also took away pain, personal rights, and memories. Jonas was assigned for his job as the The Receiver. The Giver gave all of the past memories to Jonas and Jonas does not think that his community should live without these happy and traumatic memories. One person should not hold all the memories because people can learn from past mistakes, personal happiness, and diversity