The development of the Digital Repository is related to the studies of various researchers. Development of technologies has huge effect in education. In the evolution of the technology, education develops and increases its scope that gives people huge resources of acquiring knowledge. This situations happens to change the perspective of educators to develop a quality education that will promote the development of the learning process that will enhance and improve the acquisition of knowledge of
Ever wondered what was hidden behind the fences of Groom Lake, which is known to the civilian world as Area 51. Most people think that Groom Lake is an area where they have UFO’s or technology not ready for the world to see just yet. Well it is also a Nevada test site and majority of the people are going to the Yucca Mountain which is the controversial nuclear-waste storage site. This site has been proposed to accept high-level radioactive materials by the year 2005. Out of 1375 square miles 42
that lead to Yucca Mountain’s eventual downfall were the reports of possible groundwater contamination that then could not be contained, in addition the issue of earth stability as in the case of earthquakes (Lawrence). So, now the Yucca Mountain Repository is just another part of the seventy five operating and shutdown reactor sites harboring 71,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel
In Richard Muller’s essay on Chemical Waste in America, he points out many different problems in todays disposal techniques of nuclear waste. He brings in readers by appealing to American citizens with his visual texts, guilt, and how we must start feeling some empathy for our future generations and find a solution to prevent a massive chemical waste epidemic. Mullers argument bases off his visual texts, by showing us a reality that is going on today. Among the visual texts, Muller explains the
Introduction Nuclear waste is produced at every stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mining and enrichment, to reactor operation and the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. Much of this nuclear waste will remain hazardous for hundreds of thousands of years, leaving a poisonous legacy to future generations. The global volume of spent fuel was 220,000 tonnes in the year 2000, and is growing by approximately 10,000 tonnes annually. Despite billions of dollars of investment in various disposal
Many debates, or so called “hot topics”, pop up worldwide on a daily basis. Usually they are just ideas blown out of proportion by people hoping for their 15 minutes of fame, but sometimes these topics are much more. A recent topic of great discussion has hit home here in Pennsylvania, and today Governor Bodley, I wish to have your attention so we may discuss it in full. I’m here to address you today about the closure of TMI, Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant, in Londonderry Township just south
Richard A. Muller a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, expresses his concerns on the subject of nuclear waste. In his essay, Nuclear Waste, he writes about where the United States stores its nuclear waste, alternative ways to dispose of the waste and whether it would be effective. He also talks about how dangerous the nuclear by-product is, and other dangers regarding civilian’s safety. He effectively explains his concerns through pathos, logos, ethos, and other uses
Richard A. Muller’s “Nuclear Waste” addresses the problem of the storing of nuclear waste in the Yucca Mountain that costs billions of dollars that future presidents will have to deal with. He explains that the government will not be able to keep it underground for 10,000 years as the future is constantly changing, and that there could be a possible leakage due to the earthquakes that happen around the mountain (Muller 207). In “They say/I say” by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, they put together
MYSTERY: RINGING ROCKS [USA] A. Introduction of Essay (with Thesis Statement) [5 Marks] Ringing rocks is known as one of the mystery places in the world. When the rocks are struck with a hammer or another rock, they sound as if they are metal and hollow, and ring with a sound similar to a metal pipe being struck. The rocks themselves are composed of diabase, the same type of rock that makes up most the earth's crust. The viewpoints of three researchers are being presented briefly in this assignment
Nuclear Waste on our mother Earth has been a big issue since the start of nuclear production. We have lived several years with this radioactive waste traveling through our soils and farms causing damage to Earth’s nature. Nuclear wastes are normally classified as low, medium or high-level, according to the amount and types of radioactivity they contain. The high-level waste produced by nuclear reactors is the longest lasting contamination risk of a nuclear power plant. How and where do we control
Should Nuclear waste be stored in Underground salt mines and Sinkholes ? Some scientist think that we should send some nuclear waste into sinkholes and Salt mines because they think that it is a safe place and can't damage anything. But they are wrong because Nuclear waste can be very deadly when it is left unattended deep underground or in a Salt mine. The most common rock in the United States is Limestone. Limestone is a Sedimentary rock which covers about 85% of the United States , and 10% of
a leak or someone were to dig up a forgotten repository in the year 4000, they waste would still be incredibly radioactive. This is a major issue in the solution because it is very possible that someone will come across an old repository in the distant future, but the waste will still be harmful. Nonetheless, up to this point the success rates of the few existing nuclear repositories are very good. Almost never have scientists proven that a repository is unsafe after its construction. Another current
to handle the waste is to either store it in casks at the plants in the short-term before relocating them to underground repositories for the long-term, or reprocess the waste to gain useful fuel back ("Nuclear Waste",n.d.). Unfortunately, reprocessing adds more waste than useful reclamation, so storage is the only option ("Nuclear Waste",n.d.). Building
This idea of this Mondrian Collection dress by Yves Saint Laurent was inspired from the painting by Piet Mondriann who was a Dutch artist born in 1872 . Besides, Piet Mondriann’s was familiarly linked to his religious and philosophy studies and later he was get attracted by the theosophical movement which also affects his painting later on. He was also one of the members of the Dutch art group called De Stijl which is also known as Neoplasticism found in 1917 in Amsterdam, it was a mixture of art
generated large volumes of data storage. The data repositories might contain massive amount of useful information. In order to extract useful knowledge from these data repositories for making better decision, necessitate the need for proper methods of extracting knowledge. Machine learning is an important technique which extracts necessary knodledge and information such as association, patterns, changes and anomalies from various data repositories (Barka et al., 2010). The idea of machine learning
excluded if previously convicted of a violent or serious crime. However, an offender who, within the prior five years, had not been in prison and did not have certain felony or misdemeanor convictions would be eligible says UC Hasting Scholarship Repository. To be eligible for track three Generally a offender convicted of a nonviolent drug possession offense who is sentenced to treatment and probation are still considered eligible for the program. The one time someone would be turned away from this
outputs in terms of theses and dissertation are considered as an success indicator for academic/ research community of the country. Large number of institutions have system to keep ETDs on their websites and institutional repositories. There are arrangements for collaborative repositories to the extent to the national and international level. Various studies have been undertaken
Even with repositories, more and more would be needed in order to hold the nuclear waste that is created as it takes thousands of years to return to its original form because of this a many new reactors have been designed that allow for the recycling of nuclear waste
Cinderella, both lost their mother and their stepmother and siblings make their life much harder than it should be. An important character in the story is Marc Merritt, a high schooler at Fisher High and works at the New York Circulating Material Repository with Elizabeth. He shows Elizabeth the ropes after she is hired and is described as being “cool
The ultimate goal is the data maintained in the repository without any damaged, lost or altered in bad faith. In addition, the data can also be found, extracted and serving the users and can be constructed and are comprehensible to user. The digital preservation issues also have the several goals. First goals is essential to get the repository is handled by any digital repository. Repository to support search and retrieval to improve access to information is a second