The environmental influence could produce a long list of factors or influences that were classified under “environmental influences”. It referred to external factors of the surrounding or environment that one has no control over. The relationship within the supervisor, peer, students, and parents, innovation training (Joe, Broome, Simpson & Rowan-Szal, 2007), supervisor sanction and peer support (Mullen, Kroustalis, Meade & Surface, 2006) was commonly referred to as environmental factors. It could
many differences in their school system? The elementary school systems in Finland and the U.S. are very different. The school system in Finland is very different than the U.S school system. There are different qualifications in Finland to become a teacher than in the U.S. In my opinion I think that Finland's school system is better the U.S school system. Finland and USA have very different elementary school systems. Finland has a daycare system for babies and toddlers, the daycare system is a part
Again, I was able to do an observation other Pre-K class on two different days. I observed a second Pre –K class. The teachers were Ms. Tracy and Ms. Megan. Both are extremely qualified teacher with Master Degree in Early Childhood. I observed the environment and the interaction of the teachers and their students. Although, both classes used the same structure routines as well as the curriculum provides by Goddard, there were some similarities and some differences. The first reflection
course, I immediately wanted to challenge myself. I registered for 4 AP courses along with orchestra, and spanish on top of my extracurriculars. “Are you trying to kill yourself?” is what all my friends asked when I told them about my plan. Their worries only fueled my urge to continue with this difficult challenge. So I ambitiously went on to starting the year with 4 AP courses. However, things did not go as expected. Among my 4 AP courses, one of the classes I took was AP calculus BC. I heard
scripted for the teachers to use. Not all school districts are required to use these modules, but the ones that do are given extra state funding. While common core standards are practical to initiate in school systems, the modules are
from one habitat to the next. Explore: Students will complete their summative assessment. The teacher will provide magazines with multiple animals, habitats, and plant species. The students will individually choose one habitat they will create in a collage. They will be asked to incoperate ten pictures that describe the different needs in order to survive in that habitat for each of the species. Teacher will provide a model example of the collage. For example, an ocean collage will involve pictures
As a prospective administrator I believe it is important to instill these 4 R’s into the minds of the teachers under me. Students and teachers must have a mutual respect that is earned, not commanded. They must also form those positive relationships that motivate students to not only come to school, but also to do well when they get there. Teachers must teach students their expectations and hold them accountable for their actions. And finally, the content they
four-day school weeks need to be fully understood before an informed opinion can be formed. The four-day school week is an advantage because it can reduce discipline referral frequency, reduction in financial cost and can impulse a better morale for the teacher and the students. Even though the rising costs of education are continuing to go up, the full consequence of a shortened school week needs to be learned before long-term advantages or disadvantages
monitoring system that students, teachers, and parents can use that focuses on 4 different core subjects, Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. The skills that this program offers correlates to Oregon’s Common Core State Standards and the Oregon Early Childhood Foundations. With the alignment to state standards, this program provides unlimited practice problems tailored to each required standard. One of the key features of this program is that it grants teachers and parents the ability to view
in the future. America, however, believes that they need to do the opposite and implement the “more is better” approach on its students. It simply means that there needs to be more of everything related to education, such as the amount of testing, class sizes, etc., and that will therefore improve the quality of a student’s education. In ironic contrast, however, this systematic approach is instead hurting American students rather than helping them. One aspect of
and the top-down curriculum Both the bottom-up and the top-down curriculum are similar in that they have the same objective: teaching students to understand the text. They are different in the approach to teaching students to understand the text. The term bottom-up curricula refers to a reading model that assumes the process of translating print to meaning begins with children learning the parts of language (Letters) to understanding whole text (meaning) (Vacca, et al., 2015). The top-down model
in the #2 spot among the top 5 charter high schools who achieve this recognition in 2016. Since it is a small school, Director Mr. Ali Kuran had led determining class assignments and developing the master schedule for all students including students with learning disabilities. He had to make sure that more teachers participate in decision making process,
Get Acquainted Activities: 1. Find Someone Who: (3rd Grade) This is a fun and interactive activity for students to break out of their comfort zone. The materials I would need to complete this activity would be a marker board. The marker board will be placed in each corner of the classroom with a list of different hobbies that the students will have to complete. This icebreaker is entertaining because when the students come into the classroom, I will have them all seated in a morning circle, so I
Education is one of the most important tool that is used for the success of the world. Therefore, there has been always arguments how to improve this tool. Class Size Reduction (CSR) policy has been introduced as one of the best ways to increase student’s achievement. Class size refers to number of students for whom a teacher is responsible. There are many people especially parents who are in favor of CSR. However, some other people argue that it is not the best way. For instance, Glenn Zorpette
expectation on their grades. She began with describing her teaching experience in the American University. After she completed her student’s grading, she was bombarded with the emails questioning about the grades. As a new teacher in the university, she seeks for advices from other teachers in the apartment and they all encountered the same problems. They conclude that students believe that working hard entitles them to an A. Although university conferences advised teaches to make grading transparent in
achievement and to hold teachers accountable. Unfortunately, this is the farthest thing from the truth. Standardized tests are neither fair nor effectual, there overuse and misuse promotes a narrow curriculum which forces teachers to "teach to the test" instead of teaching to the student. This instruction style inhibits creativity and undermines our country's ability to produce innovators and critical thinkers. Additionally, state tests are tied to consequences for districts, schools, teachers as well as students
Because of this, many colleges may not grant admission, since colleges such as Texas A&M only guarantee admission to students in the top 6% of their class. In relation, this could also help a student and the score they get can make them graduate at the top of their class. Students can get so nervous for these tests that the Sacramento Bee (California's newspaper) reported that "test-related jitters, are so common, the Stanford-9 exam comes with instructions
education is very low i.e. 5% in schools. Government and NGOs are initiating a new strategical plan for inclusive and segregated special education. These include improving policy guidelines, improving practices, introducing on job teacher training programs, and recruit special teachers. In the past few years got. and private sector shows greater concern and increased awareness towards these children.
are looked down on for deciding on wearing a sleeveless top to class in the hot weather. To add, the dress code also body-shames young women. Because of the dress code, young women are ashamed of their bodies due to their restrictions in showing something as simple as their clavicles or bare shoulders. Further, the dress code “[makes] them feel ashamed of how they look” (Levy, 2016). And, “telling a young girl that she cannot wear a tank top is really telling her that even her shoulders are not acceptable
the organization of lesson plans (p. 93). The model guides teachers from the earliest stages of lesson planning (reflecting on standards considering the skills, abilities, and background of the target student population) to the post-presentation stage, where teachers evaluate the completed lesson (Serdyukov & Ryan, 2013 pp. 93-103). Although the finalized lesson plan appears in chronological order, “backward planning” may “…help the teacher focus… (and) eliminate lessons where there are too many activities