The Good Earth Essays

  • The Good Earth Quotes

    323 Words  | 2 Pages

    Her novel “The Good Earth” was the best-selling fiction book in the United States in 1931 and 1932 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. The novel dramatizes family life in a Chinese village before World War I. Wang Lung is a poor, hard-working farmer born and raised in a small village of Anhwei. He is the protagonist of the story and suffers hardships as he accumulates wealth and the outward signs of success. Buck (2012) wrote “Hunger makes thief of any man” in his book “The Good Earth”. This quotation

  • Greed In The Good Earth

    942 Words  | 4 Pages

    Throughout The Good Earth we come across many tough conflicts both internally and externally, but even so, many of them we can relate to. Wang Lung, O-Lan, Lotus, Ching, and the rest of Wang Lung’s family all must deal with conflicts between each other, with nature, and within themselves. But they aren’t so different from us and we find ourselves in many of the same situations that our beloved characters do. Wang Lung deals with guilt and greed throughout the novel and it is something that most people

  • The Wang Family In The Good Earth

    752 Words  | 4 Pages

    At the beginning of The Good Earth the Wang family lived in a small house in China on their family’s ancestral land. The earth was vital to the Wangs, as they used it, not only to grow crops, but also to build their house, construct an oven, and make water pots, as well as other items. During the 1890s and 1930s, the Wang family experienced famines which forced them to move to the South. When the family returned, they became very prosperous. Being wealthy, they were able to own more land and move

  • The Good Earth Greed Quotes

    955 Words  | 4 Pages

    Greed is constantly depicted in you, however it is portrayed in a variety of ways. Wang Lung, the main character of Pearl S. Buck's novel The Good Earth, was born into a family of poor farmers and underwent a transformation into the man of his dreams as a result of his hard work and arduous duties. Wang Lung's thinking is always filled with greed, regardless of one's financial situation. Wang Lung initially upheld his traditional principles and beliefs by respecting his father, wife, and Gods. However

  • The Power Of Land In The Good Earth

    712 Words  | 3 Pages

    When I read books, I always tend to go for ones that are based on reality. For example, books that are based on a person’s experience during a war would be something that would catch my eye at a library. In The Good Earth, written by Pearl S. Buck, the author puts you right in the book with farmer Wang Lung. With her words, you can picture yourself back in China in the early twentieth century. She tells the story of his life as a poor farmer.     The theme surrounding the novel is the power of land

  • Cultural Collision In The Good Earth

    414 Words  | 2 Pages

    After reading the novel, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, the most noticeable cultural collision was by far the trek south, away from Wang Lung’s land. At this time, Wang Lung has already purchased a small amount of land from the House of Hwang, but soon after, a drought ensues and the land becomes infertile. This leads Wang, O-Lan, their first son, second son, first daughter, and Wang’s father to travel south in search of food and jobs. To begin, the trek south was not an easy one. The family had

  • Wang Luong In The Good Earth

    829 Words  | 4 Pages

    “The Good Earth” is set in the early twentieth century, in Anhwei, China. This area is mostly inhabited by peasants with the exception of the House of Hwang.The main character of this novel, Wang Lung, lives outside of this village on a farm. Lung’s land is very important to him because he relies on it for everything. When his land is affected, his life and personality are as well. During most of his life, both Lung and O-lan, his wife, work hard on the land. Lung does backbreaking labor every day

  • Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth

    1273 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck is about Wang Lung, a homely farmer. Wang Lung finds O-Lan, a servant to the Great House of Hwang. In the beginning, he is not in love with her, he just needs a wife to have many sons with. Despite their differences, they live happily together at first, even though they are poor. Since Wang Lung is a farmer that knows his stuff and O-Lan knows how to save money, cook, and make pots and pans, they then slowly become rich. But when a drought occurs, they board up their

  • O-Lan In Ernest Hemingway's The Good Earth

    983 Words  | 4 Pages

    A fresh earthen scent rises up from recently tilled land as a young Chinese man sets down his hoe and wipes a day 's sweat and dirt from his forehead. His home awaits him now, and he quickly travels back to his cozy dwelling made of the same earth upon which he daily labors. Upon entering, he is relieved to discover delicious food already lined up on the table, a new-found luxury for Wang Lung since he married. His wife, O-lan, constantly provides him with necessities for life. In this isolated area

  • Wang Lung: The Virtuous Woman In The Good Earth

    977 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the early 1900s, many women in the Chinese heritage were treated like slaves before they were married. Once they were married, their job was to bear the husband’s children and fulfill the household needs. However, in the novel “The Good Earth,” Wang Lung’s wife, O’lan, did not only bear his children and attend to the household needs, but she also worked in the fields with Wang Lung even when she was pregnant with his child. O’lan was always obedient to her husband and was always resourceful no

  • Overview: The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck

    921 Words  | 4 Pages

    Christian Rasmussen Geography 120 12/4/16 Professor Knapp The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck was written in 1931. The novel begins in impoverished, rural China at the beginning of the 1900’s. The main character of the book is named Wang Lung and he is poor farmer who has a love for the land. He marries a slave through an arranged marriage named O-Lan and they soon begin a family. Their first child is a boy and Lung is ecstatic about that. The couple harvests an

  • How Does Wang-Lung Change In The Good Earth

    1282 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Good Earth, written by Pearl S. Buck, is a novel that amplifies Chinese culture in the 1920’s. Wang-Lung, a small Chinese man, is the main character, who establishes the ideas of marriage, family, and wealth. Living in the agrarian locations of China, Wang-Lung financially matures to a wealthy man through the novel. This dynamic character struggles with lack of money in the earlier parts of the novel, and through dedicated farming and work, he rises to power, both financially and socially. During

  • How Does Wang Luck Show Honesty In The Good Earth

    801 Words  | 4 Pages

    The novel The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck, takes place in the early 1900s, in pre-revolutionary China. In the novel, the main character, Wang-Lung, sustains his family and land through both favorable and difficult events. During this time period, men were always considered the superior to women and elders the superior to young people. Those who treated women as equal or did not practice filial piety were looked upon with disdain. Most Chinese people believed in Gods that watched over the land and

  • How Does Huck Present Wang Lung's Life In The Good Earth

    579 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck, tells the tale of Wang Lung as he transforms from a struggling farmer to a rich landowner. Despite the numerous struggles Wang Lung endures, his land always remains. Wang Lung’s love for his land come from the mental and physical healing the land gives to him. “Wang Lung was healed of his sickness of love by the good dark earth of his fields and he felt the moist soil on his feet and he smelled the earthy fragrance rising up out of the furrows.” (Buck 212) Wang

  • Wealth And Morals In The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck

    1186 Words  | 5 Pages

    Wealth and Morals Within The Good Earth Affluence is a curse as much as it is a luxury, for it is often placed above beliefs and merits in society. Opulence can result in overbearing pride, which frequently destroys relationships, resulting in loneliness and dissatisfaction. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck serves as a realistic representation of how wealth and pride may corrupt one’s values by showing characters’ transformations from modest to arrogant and displaying how a new lifestyle can ruin

  • Symbolism In The Good Earth

    690 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Good Earth is set in China in the early twentieth century. As warlords and robbers hungrily roam the land for women and riches, Wang Lung tends to his land. Day after day in the sweltering summers Wang Lung’s back drips with sweat as he works his fields, bending over them in exhausted agony. In the frigid winters Wang Lung feasts on the rice his land produces, as the wind that beckons to scourge even the most miniscule piece of human flesh traps him inside of his home. Through each new season

  • The Good Earth Analysis

    1415 Words  | 6 Pages

    Pearl S. Buck’s fantastic novel, The Good Earth, draws readers with its simple story of the hardships and journeys of a young man, Wang Lung as he grows up in Ancient China. In the beginning of the story, Wang Lung marries a slave girl from the rich and powerful family in the village. O'lan, his new wife, looks simple with her unbounded feet, but works hard at everything she does and deems a suitable partner for Wang Lung. Together they farm in the sunny fields and grow their family. Life looked

  • Themes In The Good Earth

    1074 Words  | 5 Pages

    Congenial but Polar Does time truly change all things? In the novel The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, one could argue that time certainly does affect some of the major themes with a linear change. However, one could also state that the key themes seem to repeat themselves and follow a cyclical cycle. Some concepts such as money, cultural changes from generation to generation, and the characters’ drive to work and gain for themselves follow a linear pattern. While concepts such as the view of women

  • Tradition In The Good Earth

    807 Words  | 4 Pages

    defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary as “an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (such as a religious practice or a social custom)”. The role of tradition plays an important part in Pearl S. Buck’s The Good Earth as it the characters live their life around the customs. It especially shapes Wang Lung’s life as he followed certain practices, but defied others that he did not feel were so important to him. This influenced the way he related to his father and

  • Good Earth Questions

    1134 Words  | 5 Pages

    Good Earth Questions 1. Identify the full and complete setting and why it is important to the the literation? 1890s through the 1930s; Wang Lung and his family lived in a very exciting time throughout history; where It seems like every other year, there's a new war, revolution, or rebellion occurring. During this time, China begins its transition from an imperial to a communist system of government. The first section of this novel is set in Anhwei; a diminutive farming village