Tragic hero Essays

  • Macbeth Tragic Hero

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    Macbeth with a tragedy that still burns with pity and sadness for Macbeth to this very day. From Macbeth’s tragic flaws, his continuous errors in judgement, to his complete downfall, this character actively demonstrates many characteristics of a Shakespearean tragic hero. The character Macbeth is a tragic hero in the play Macbeth. One of the reasons how Macbeth is a tragic hero is by his tragic flaws. In the play, the audience receives a sense of Macbeth’s ambition from this quote: “I have no spur/to

  • Macbeth Tragic Hero

    413 Words  | 2 Pages

    “For brave MacBeth- Well he deserves that name.” In all of Shakespearean tragedies, there must be a tragic hero. A tragic hero must have a few underlying qualities. One must come from a noble background, have a hamartia or a tragic flaw that leads to their downfall, and their death should have been meaningful. In order for MacBeth to be classified a tragic hero, he would have had to be important within society. You see him as a noble character in Act One even before you even get the chance to meet

  • Oedipus Tragic Hero

    426 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aristotle says a tragic hero defines the kind of man the protagonist must be. The tragic hero is virtuous but they make mistakes. The tragic hero is fallible. They also usually come from a status of high power, making their downfall even more tragic. A tragic hero is a flawed individual who commits massive wrongdoings that lead to their misfortunes. There is then a tragic realization of the events that lead to the downfall of the individual. The character of Oedipus from Oedipus Rex exemplifies Aristotle’s

  • Tragic Hero In Macbeth

    1493 Words  | 6 Pages

    greatly affected by the work of Aristotle and showed the effectiveness in each of his plays. In Shakespeare’s tragic play, Macbeth, the character of Macbeth perfectly fits Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. This definition paves the way for a very dynamic character who can portray an extremely tragic situation. According to Aristotle, there are three elements that make up a tragic hero. The three elements include hamartia, peripeteia, and anagnorisis, in which all are present in Macbeth. Shakespeare

  • Brutus: The Tragic Hero

    300 Words  | 2 Pages

    him to be the tragic hero. His naivety is just one of many fatal flaws that Brutus has which ultimately leads him to his downfall, proving that he is the tragic hero. Additionally, Brutus is the tragic hero because he is able to recognize his tragic flaw and experiences redemption after his death. Because Brutus is a prominent member of society, he has numerous fatal flaws that result in his downfall, and he recognizes his fatal flaw before he is redeemed, Brutus is the tragic hero. Brutus fulfills

  • Antigone Tragic Hero

    635 Words  | 3 Pages

    A tragic hero is defined to be a hero who, despite being virtuous and great, also possesses qualities that lead to their downfall. This downfall is often predestined and is a common theme in Greek literature. Antigone is the tragic hero in Antigone because of her bravery, but also because of the dangerous loyalty and stubbornness that lead to her downfall. Antigone is a tragic hero because of her headstrong loyalty to her brother and the morals of the gods, which leads to Creon’s retaliation and

  • Oedipus: A Tragic Hero

    689 Words  | 3 Pages

    Oedipus is depicted as a tragic hero who embodies many hamartia. Oedipus is a tragic hero because a tragic hero is a dynamic character who suffers for the good of his people, has a tragic flaw which leads to a downfall, and experiences many hardships. He continually causes problems for himself and further advances the central conflict of the story. Furthermore, Oedipus’ hubristic nature, quick temper, and determination depict him as a tragic hero and lead to his tragic downfall. Oedipus’ inflated

  • Macbeth As A Tragic Hero

    814 Words  | 4 Pages

    every Tragedy there must be a tragic hero and in this story it shows that Macbeth is the tragic hero, is a round character, and also a very dynamic character. A tragic hero is the protagonist of a tragedy. The tragedy of Macbeth tells a story about a man named Macbeth that wants to be king. Macbeth was a very twisted man and was power crazy he did everything to become king he even murdered innocents and whomever stood in his way. Macbeth was considered a tragic hero because Macbeth had many people

  • Tragic Hero Examples

    1890 Words  | 8 Pages

    A tragic hero is a protagonist in a tragedy who is doomed by fate to destruction. The tragic hero displays heroic traits, but also possesses a tragic flaw that brings them down in the end. However, even though the death of the tragic hero has negative effects, the majority is for the greater good. Three main theories of the tragic hero are the Aristotelian model, the Shakespearean model, and the modern tragic hero. Each model has five defining characteristics, which are nobility, hamartia, downfall

  • Antigone: The Tragic Hero

    1344 Words  | 6 Pages

    their “tragic flaw.” Every tragedy has a fallen hero known as “the tragic hero.” In the drama, “Antigone,” by Sophocles, there are two main tragic heroes, Antigone and Creon. Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus, the king of Thebes, who dies at the beginning of the play leaving his two sons Eteocles and Polyneices, fighting over his thrown. Both of his sons die in the battle leaving the throne to their uncle, Creon, who clashes with Antigone; this clash leads to a tragedy where the two tragic heroes

  • Romeo As A Tragic Hero

    430 Words  | 2 Pages

    A tragic hero is a person who is nobel person, is likable, they are high on the social standards and they have flaws to lead to their downfall. This usually makes them a person who is very likable by everyone and makes it seem like their death was very unattended and not needed. They make us feel bad about their death basically. Romeo shows us this in many ways through out the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. The first thing that popped out to me about Romeo being a tragic hero and all is

  • Is Willy A Tragic Hero

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    criterion of a tragic hero is a fortunate person of noble character who possesses a tragic flaw; as a result of the flaw, the person suffers a reversal of fortune and loses all; most important the person understands what he or she has done to himself or herself through the tragic flaw and in the process comes to know him or herself. Willy is a simple man not noble as measured by a tragic hero definition. Willy somewhat meets these criteria in the fact he is fortunate, has a tragic flaw of being delusional

  • Tragic Hero In Othello

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    of Shakespeare’s protagonist and play Othello. Aristotle’s recipe for a perfect tragic drama included three main ideas: hamartia, or a tragic flaw in the tragic hero’s character that brings about his downfall; katharsis, or a purgation of the audience’s emotions so that they feel that they have learned something from the play; and anagnorisis, or

  • Odyssey Tragic Hero

    1843 Words  | 8 Pages

    A tragic hero is somebody who is well-known and of high position with heroic or potentially heroic qualities. A tragic hero, is remarkable, however not impeccable, therefore being possible to relate to as a human being. The hero 's downfall is the result of a fatal flaw in his or her character. Their downfall is the result of free will, not of an accident or insignificant destiny. The hero 's fall is never a complete loss. There is always an increase in awareness, a gain in self-knowledge, or some

  • Daisy As A Tragic Hero

    1109 Words  | 5 Pages

    temptation of hedonism. When Daisy impatiently awaits Gatsby’s return from war, “there [is] a quality of nervous despair in [her] letters” (151). Daisy’s egocentric nature ultimately causes her to believe that the world revolves around herself. Her tragic downfall is made clear when she decides to marry Mr. Buchanan and pursue old wealth. She chooses the extravagant lifestyle that Tom is capable of providing instead of patiently waiting for her true love. The self-centered desires she displays demonstrates

  • Brutus: A Tragic Hero

    1142 Words  | 5 Pages

    Brutus is the character that I chose. The reason Brutus was chosen is because he is a great guy just mixed with the wrong people. Brutus is Julius Caesars step son. In this story Julius Caesar a tragic hero by William Shakespeare Brutus is considered a bad guy but he is not. Is Brutus a bad guy or is he with the wrong group of people? Brutus is an amazing person. The people he is around are what make him seem like the bad guy everyone thinks he is. Peer pressure is what got to him in the end. As

  • How Is Brutus A Tragic Hero

    433 Words  | 2 Pages

    Caesar and Marcus Brutus are considered as tragic heroes. While the play is entitled The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, there is a debate about whether Julius Caesar or Marcus Brutus is the actual tragic hero. This essay will argue that Brutus is the actual tragic hero by examining three elements of the tragic hero and evidence from the play. Firstly, a tragic hero is a character who has a tragic flaw that ultimately leads to their downfall. Brutus’ tragic flaw is his idealism and logic over emotions

  • Gladiator Tragic Hero Essay

    695 Words  | 3 Pages

    Title: must have something to do with Maximus In Roman times, a hero was defined as a mighty warrior who was often the son of god or a king and goes on an epic quest. There are a few different varieties of heros. They are a byronic, anti, and tragic heros. The most popular hero type was a tragic hero. A well known philosopher named Aristotle composed a list of traits a tragic hero must have. This list is as follows; the character must be noble or have wisdom, have a fatal flaw, a reversal of fortune

  • Tragic Hero In Julius Caesar

    358 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tragic Hero A tragic hero is a person usually of noble birth, who suffers a catastrophe. Brutus in the play Julius Caesar is an example of a tragic hero. He has noble birth and he has a great downfall because his of arrogance. The tragic hero has a tragic flaw. This play was written by William shakespeare. It would be shortcoming such as pride or greed. Marcus Brutus in the tragedy Julius Caesar has the characteristics of a Shakespearean hero. Brutus’ tragic flaw was his trusting nature. He trusted

  • John Proctor As A Tragic Hero

    688 Words  | 3 Pages

    is “a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning the downfall of the main character.” This very accurately describes The Crucible. Its tragic events include people being falsely accused of witchcraft and sentenced to jail or death. It has an unhappy ending in which many major characters are killed. The final trait of a tragedy is that it has a “tragic hero”- the main character which experiences a downfall as a result of a tragic flaw. In The Crucible, John