U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Essays

  • Sky Capital Case Study

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    Sky Capital LLC a/k/a Granta Holding Ltd. and Sky Capital Enterprises Inc. was charged with a civil injunctive action in the United States District Court by the Securities and Exchange Commission for using fraudulent boiler room tactics between September 2002 and November 2006 to raise more the $61 million from investors. The Commission also charged Sky Capital’s founder former President and CEO, Ross Mandell, the firm’s former COO, Stephen Shea, and four registered representatives, Adam Harrington

  • PCAOB Violation Paper

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    statements of China Northern Medical, Inc. (China Northern), a Nevada based corporation with its headquarters in China. In the years following the separate audits (2011, 2013, and 2014), China Northern filed their Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the CPA firm permitted the issuance of the client’s audit reports which were included in the Form 10-K filings without carrying out the mandatory engagement quality review and concurring approval of issuance, thus violating

  • Strict Oversight Of The SRO Entities By The US

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    participants of the market viz. the stock exchanges, the clearing agencies and the various other association of securities must register with the SEC and file their policy changes with the SEC. The SEC is armed with various tools empowered by the congress in order to effectively oversee the performance of the SROs. The SEC has the power to examine and inspect the functioning of the SROs. Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, in his public statement noted that the SROs

  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Case Study

    453 Words  | 2 Pages

    Avon Products Inc. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), enacted in 1977, generally prohibits the payment of bribes to foreign officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business (SEC Emblem 2017). On December 17, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission decided to charge Avon Products Inc. with the violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Avon Products Inc. dishonored the FCPA by doing what the FCPA says not to do, they failed to put in controls to detect and prevent gifts or payments

  • Barry Minkow: Identify The Affected Party In The Case

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    Identify the affected party in the case. (internal and external parties and consequences) Internal party Barry Minkow A federal grand jury indicted Minkow and ten other ZZZZ Best insiders on 54 counts of racketeering, securities fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, mail fraud, tax evasion, and bank fraud in January 1988. In his indictment, Minkow is accused of draining his company of assets while bilking banks and investors. Additionally, Minkow has been accused of setting up false companies

  • Bernard Madoff's Multibillion Dollar Ponzi Scheme

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    a family run business that his father in law, a retired CPA, helped him start up. On December 10, 2008, Madoff’s sons found out about this scheme and reported their father to the police. The next day, Bernard Madoff was arrested and charged with securities fraud. While Madoff is not the first person to create a Ponzi scheme – and unfortunately not the last – his accrued the most money in the entire history of Ponzi schemes. A Ponzi scheme is a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent

  • Case Study Jordan Belford

    1227 Words  | 5 Pages

    Jordan Belford violated many laws and regulations appointed by the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission). The SEC's primary responsibility is enforcing the federal securities laws, proposing securities rules, regulating the securities industry as well as the nation's stock and options exchanges. Belford used knoweldge to gain power, therby concentrating wealth in a smaller group – harming the overall societal satisfaction. H1 – The market can not function without morality H2 – Moral obedience

  • The Ethics Of Insider Trading In Major League Baseball

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    Introduction: Insider trading is when someone with privileged information about the internal, non-public information and materials about a public company trades in the stocks or securities of the company. This can be legal if the trade is reported to the regulatory body, Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, but if not reported, it is illegal and can lead to prosecution and consequences as the trade can affect other investors (Rathburn, 2023). What limits should there be on insider trading?

  • Summary Of The Bernie Madoff Case

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    17 code of federal regulations Section 240. 10B - 5. Madoff was accused of defending it, unwillfully, willfully and knowingly, by the use of mean and instrumentalities, in connection an entry interstate commerce with the purchase and selling of securities, would and could use and employ manipulative and deceptive devices. Bernie Madoff mislead misrepresented himself to invest in businesses to take part of his and engaged and his illegal Enterprise for profit no true return on investment.

  • Morgan Stanley Case Summary: Ethical And Legal Issues In The Financial Industry

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    information is contained in daily trade, it is not rare that interest-motivated insiders may make use of the access to the formation to conduct insider trading. Insider trading is defined as trading of securities in possession of relevant material, nonpublic information, in breach of fiduciary duty (U.S.

  • Bernie Madoff: Fraudulent Financial Scandal

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    Madoff cheated thousands of investors of billions of dollars throughout more than a decade through his company Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. (Interesting side note: I chose to write my ethics paper on Madoff because my roommate in Barcelona is friends with Bernie Madoff’s granddaughter). Madoff was able to cheap investors out of billions of dollars through a Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi

  • Symbolic Interaction Theory In Catch Me If You Can

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    Introduction: Frank Abagnale caught the nation’s attention when he managed to steal a total of 2.5 million dollars just by writing bad checks. The most interesting part of the story is that he did this all between the ages of sixteen to twenty-one. This was a crime so serious that he was sentenced to over ten years in prison, even though he was a minor at the time of the crimes (Abagnale "Abagnale & Associates.”). This outrageous crime spree gave birth to the movie Catch Me If You Can. I

  • Anne Frank Case Study

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    The theories on how Anne Frank and the others in the annex were discovered included one of the employees tipped off the police, neighbor or passerby could have heard and alerted authorities, or discovered by chance. For example, the article says, “Otto, who passed away in 1980, long suspected that one of his employees, Wilhelm van Maaren, had tipped off the police.” The article also says, “They’re hoping to determine whether a neighbor or passerby could have heard the Franks and alerted the authorities

  • Swot Analysis: The SWOT Analysis Of Starbucks

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    Introduction According to Lussier (2000), SWOT analysis involves the process of evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by a firm. This study aims at undertaking a SWOT analysis of Starbucks through analyzing the available opportunities and strengths accessible for Starbucks surmounting threats and overcoming weaknesses. Starbucks’ establishment in 1971 in Seattle Pike aimed at meeting the market’s need for high-quality, freshly roasted coffee served in a comfortable

  • Four Types Of White Collar Crime

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    TYPES OF WHITE COLLAR CRIME:- According to Herbert Edelhertz white collar are of four types on the basis of motivation of the perpetrator. They are:- 1. Individual basis crime like as income tax evasion, bankruptcy fraud, credit purchase or taking loans with no intention to pay and insurance fraud. 2. In the course of employment. Such employment violates their duty of loyalty towards their customer and employee. Such crime are bribery, kickbacks, embezzlement and pilfering. These type of criminal

  • Jp Morgan Research Paper

    1166 Words  | 5 Pages

    1 THE LIFE OF J.P. MORGAN: BANK TITAN The Life of J.P. Morgan: Bank Titan Brooklyn M. Ward Bethel University U.S. History II Essay 1, Unit 3 Abstract In this essay, I will break down the life of the great J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan may have never worried about money, but he came under constant scrutiny for how he spent his money. From a childhood with a judgmental father to wealthy adulthood, Morgan had to worry about what people thought of him. He came under fire when

  • Qui Tam Case Study

    769 Words  | 4 Pages

    Qui Tam Act litigation under the federal False Claims Act The False claim Act is the main Federal law that creates the legal basis for individuals or the Government to act against any company, organization or contractor who are benefiting from government grants, intentionally present a false or fraudulent, contains false or fraudulent or a false record or statement to get a false or fraudulent claim paid or approved by the Government. The provisions of the false claim, are the primary litigation

  • Cornell Fabricators Argumentative Essay

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    LIVE FREE OR DIE “Mr Cornell, sir, there’s a letter here for you.” His secretary’s voice rang like church bells on a Sunday morning. He smugly pinched the letter from her hands and raised it to a readable distance. Sender read ‘IRS Criminal Investigation Division’, receiver read ‘Cornell Fabricators’. His heart sank and his stomach churned. It took him a while to open the envelope although upon conclusion he tore it open like a kid would do to a candy wrapper to reveal the letter. ‘TAXPAYER,

  • Nurofen Specific Pain Case

    563 Words  | 3 Pages

    Relevant Facts: Nurofen, the pain-relief medication is made by Reckitt Benckiser Australia, a multinational company. The company was found misleading customers for all its specific range that contained the same active ingredient ibuprofen lysine 342mg and was seen to have same effect. The product was advertised the products as been targeting back pain, period pain and tension headaches. The Company was fined $1.7m for misleading customers on range of ‘specific pain’ relief contravening Australian

  • Bank Of America Fraud Essay

    549 Words  | 3 Pages

    by The Securities and Exchange Commission in 2013 for defrauding investors by not disclosing key risks and misrepresenting facts about underlying mortgages (Sec.gov). I believe that this is unacceptable and that Bank of America should have been straight forward and truthful about each and every account they had. Investors could have been blindsided and took a major loss due to Bank of America being deceptive in order to obtain more investors. On August 6th 2013, The Securities and Exchange Commission