United States Environmental Protection Agency Essays

  • Superfund Case Study

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    government programme which its effort is to sanitize lands in the united state contaminated by various wastes that are hazardous. (US EPA, 1994). In actualizing this mission, the environmental protection agency is to oversee and work in partnership with the communities, scientists,

  • Air Pollution: Annotated Bibliography

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    other health problems. The source is credible because it is a peer-reviewed article published in a respected journal. Each author works in specialized fields, such as Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, and Epidemiology consult services for the United States Air

  • Overview Of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

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    “Protecting human health and the environment” is the Environmental Protection Agency, arguably one of the most impactful agencies in the United States’, purpose. The EPA has strengthened America by .Additionally, EPA programs such as ----- and ------- or regulations on car emissions and efficiency making them “75-90 percent less pollut[ant] for each mile driven than their 1970s counterparts” The EPA’s mission may focus protecting on the United States, but numerous of its goals impact the global environment

  • The Environmental Protection Agency And Clean Air Act Of 1970

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    As the Environmental Movement grew, more people began paying attention to various environmental issues, which lead to many organizations and policies being created. Two of the most significant outcomes of the movement were the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the creation of the Clean Air Act of 1970. Both of these outcomes represented the growth and importance of the Environmental Movement. On December 2, 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established (Staff

  • Volkswagen Emission Simulation Paper

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    The final assignment for this course will discuss the Volkswagen emission scandal. The United States is very rigorous when it comes to emission regulations. Many screens are in place to assure that organizations are in compliance and when they are not in compliance with regulations, it is a serious offense. The focal point of this paper is Volkswagen Group. Volkswagen is a German based automobile manufacturer that has its headquarters located in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. Volkswagen began

  • Should The United States Role In The Establishment Of Environmental Impact Assessment Policy

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    international organization to placed high focus on environmental health and safety management thus, prioritizing the concept of environmental management so as to confront our current environmental challenges globally. In so doing, the United States has played a leading role in the establishment of Environmental Impact Assessment policy (EIA) policy framework which is centered on a transparent procedure anticipated to provide policymaker with environmental planning as well as the inclusion of public participation

  • Environmental Racism Vs Environmental Justice

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    original state of the American environmental justice movement can be traced back to the emergence of the American Civil Rights movement. Prior to the concerned environmentalism with humanity’s adverse impact upon the environment, but there are arguments that are primarily concerned with the impact of an unhealthy environment that forcefully pushes upon a collective body of life, entailing both human and non-human existence, including in some instances plant life. I found the Environmental Racism

  • Clean Water Act Of 1977 Essay

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    The Clean Water Act of 1977 was an important and controversial environmental regulation the United States Congress had passed. As the modification to the Federal Pollution Control Act of 1972, the Clean Water Act of 1977 is the most important federal law that protects the sanitation of water, which includes lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. The Clean Water Act’s main goal is to restore and maintain pure water for the nation and to stop the releasing of harmful pollutants in water. It was also created

  • Ocean Dumping

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    Introduction The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (MPRSA, P.L. 92-532) aims at regulating intentional ocean disposal of materials, and authorizing related research. The first part of the Act forms the Ocean Dumping Act which contains permit and Enforcement provisions for ocean dumping. It provides the legal and regulatory framework so as to reduce dumping in the United States territorial waters. Environmental Effectiveness The Ocean Dumping Act prohibits all forms of ocean

  • Film Summary Of The Film 'Gasland' By John Fox

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    Gasland Summary The documentary Gasland, structured in the form of a travelogue, is written, directed and narrated by John Fox. Fox travels through various parts of the United States in search of instances where water, and waterways, are polluted by “produced water” (industrial term for waste water) of hydraulic fracturing. He had heard of various instances of water contamination and other hazards caused by fracking. He wanted to investigate the likelihood of him facing the same circumstances, because

  • Marsha Coleman Adebayo Case Study

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    Marsha Coleman-Adebayo- A Whistleblower INTRODUCTION-BACKGROUND In 1996, Marsha Coleman, the MIT trained expert working as a senior policy analyst for United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in South Africa filed a complaint against a mining company operating there and extracting vanadium which was harming not only environment but also human and animal health. Her complaint in the same department for which she was working went unheeded due to the connivance among the alleged company

  • Social Movement: The African American Environmental Justice Movement

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    1970s, American environmental justice movement is a social movement stimulated by the waste dumping problem of African American. The public and scholars threw themselves into the movement and put forward the concept of “environmental equality”,which contends the fair distribution of environmental risks and benefits regardless of races and economic status. The term was replaced by another comprehensive term “environmental justice”. In 1992. many organizations have defined “environmental justice”, among

  • Pros And Cons Of The Nsr Process

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    controversy for over a decade regarding several amendments to the Clean Air Act that identify a permitting process to ensure environmental control. These amendments, referred to as the New Source Review (NSR) process, apply to the construction of new air source emissions and to any major changes in existing facilities. The NSR process requires a review by the Environmental Protection Agency prior to new facility construction or current facility modifications in a case where there is a significant increase

  • EPA Pesticides Case Study

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    The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Office of Pesticide Programs handles most of the issues involving pesticide issues. The FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) allows the EPA to choose which pesticides can be used and how they can be used in the United States. Each pesticide made must be registered and checked by the EPA before is can be sold to the public, however, if the pesticide doesn 't meet certain regulations made by the EPA while it is registered and deemed safe

  • The Pros And Cons Of Volkswagen's Clean Air Act

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    place, there are still issues due to lack of enforced regulations and the amount of destructive gas that is produced from these metal beasts, which is still harming the environment. One of the first attempted victories in this war was when the United States implemented the Clean Air Act of 1963. In summary, this act was passed to regulate the cleanliness of the air on a national scale. So far, it has worked fairly well for the past 53 years. However, there have been modifications to it throughout

  • Air Pollution California Essay

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    air pollution in the United States and the complaints of the public pressured the government to do something about the problem, the government regulators had to act. The smog that formed around Los Angeles and other big cities around began to report air quality degradation. California was the first state to pass air pollution regulations. In 1947 just shortly after California acted the government convened the first national air pollution symposium consisting of the environmental experts and the representatives

  • EPA Mission Statement

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    Mission Statement: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) serves as a means to help protect the health of all Americans and their environment. In their efforts to do so the EPA 's purpose is to protect U.S. citizens from being exposed to possible health issues in all aspects of their lives, whether it be at home, school, or even work. These efforts are being made all over the U.S. to try and reduce external costs on U.S. citizens, by using the best info available to the EPA about

  • Particulate Matter Research Paper

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    Particulate Matter Air pollution is a serious environmental issue in the United States. Here in the states it majorly affects the air qualities of large cities, which exposes many people to its negative impact. There are specific tools that consider this issue, and observes factors that lead to it, as well as measure the quantities of specific matter in the air. Online there are maps and allergen count graphs, that provide data on different matter in the air. Researches look at pollen heavily

  • Essay On Salt Lake City Air Pollution

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    the air quality grade of an F during the “state of the air” grading period of 2015. Many groups and research grants have been formed and given to start working on the issue of Utah’s air quality and what can be done to help better it for now and future generations. There are many solutions on the government, business and individual level that can be implicated in order to lower the air pollution for Utah and that can also be used anywhere in the United States and World. Salt Lake City Air Pollution

  • The Clean Water Act (CWA) Of 1972

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    While wetland loss is happening globally, the destruction is most severe in the forty-eight conterminous United States where almost half of the wetlands were lost by the middle of the 1980’s. Over the past thirty years “the wetlands have been recognized as complex, diverse ecosystems whose functions provide an incredible range of beneficial functions and services within the landscape” (BenDor et al. 342). Areas where wetlands were once located were considered wastelands and little was done to protect