Uranus Essays

  • Uranus And The Cosmic Language

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    a planet, Uranus has 14.5 times the mass of earth. It radiates 1.06 times the energy that it receives from the sun, which is less than the energy radiation of the other Jovian planets. However, only the astral plane of the Uranus sphere is of major interest to the adept. There are 48 primal genii whose powers are quite limitless and abstract in nature. Upon the completion of creation, Metatron placed the entire set of quabbalistic keys into the hands of these genii. Therefore, the Uranus sphere represents

  • Uranus Research Paper

    1328 Words  | 6 Pages

    Uranus Uranus, the first god of the sky and lord of the universe. We was born from the Chaos and Gaea. Chaos was pretty much nothing and Gaea was the goddess of the Earth pretty much mother nature. Uranus had 18 children 12 titans, 3 cyclopes, and 3 heratoncheires. His children were Cronus, Rhea, Hyperion, Mnemosyne, Themis, Coeus, Phoebe, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Metis, Oceanus, and Tethys. He didn 't like the cyclopes and heratoncheries so he locked them up in the middle of the earth which gave

  • How To Write An Essay On Uranus 7th Planet

    863 Words  | 4 Pages

    Uranus, the sideways planet with 21 year long seasons. Discovered 235 years ago by William Herschel, Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun. The first planet, in fact, to be discovered with the aid of a telescope. Although this “planet” was spotted and charted in 1781 it wasn’t classified or universally accepted as one for a whole two years because it was originally believed to be a comet or a star. After it was finally accepted and titled, a planet, more research went toward Uranus. It was later

  • Uranus And Saturn

    293 Words  | 2 Pages

    Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It has the third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System. Uranus is similar in composition to Neptune, and both have different bulk chemical composition from that of the larger gas giants Jupiter and Saturn. For this reason, scientists often classify Uranus and Neptune as "ice giants" to distinguish them from the gas giants. Uranus's atmosphere, although similar to Jupiter's and Saturn's in its primary composition of

  • Cronus Role In Greek Mythology

    1281 Words  | 6 Pages

    What happens to his children, The war he fought, His faults and weaknesses, and finally, his achievements. Gaea, Mother Earth and Uranus, father sky who sleeps with Gaea at night, had their first set of children, the three Cyclops, humanoids with only one eye and the three Hekatoncheries or humanoids with many heads and one-hundred arms. Then because of fear Uranus banished them to Tartarus. Gaea found out and was upset but did nothing and they had more children, the Twelve Titans. These first,

  • Uranus Creation

    705 Words  | 3 Pages

    would show her wrath to any human being that disrespects the gods. Meanwhile, Gaea the Earth, the mother of everything met Uranus, the sky. Uranus told Gaea “Do you want to get married?”. Gaea told him “Yes, I want to marry you, Uranus”. Together, they produced three Cyclops which were gigantic one eyed monsters, three Hecatoncheires with one hundred hands, and twelve Titans. Uranus turned out to be a very cruel father and husband. He hated the Hecatoncheires and imprisoned them by pushing them into

  • William Herschcel's Observation

    277 Words  | 2 Pages

    What was the motivation that led to the discovery? William Herschcel was self-motivated. He discovered Uranus with a telescope that he built himself. One night as he was surveying stars he noticed that some stars seemed different, and after he began to observe it many more times he noticed it orbited the sun. This lead to the discovery of Uranus and two of its moons. What questions were asked? At the beginning of his observations Herschcel thought that the planted was a star. However, upon further

  • Neptune's Biggest Planet

    862 Words  | 4 Pages

    Neptune was first seen in 1846 from the observatory in Berlin But, the existence of Neptune had actually been “discovered” a year earlier, in 1845. In the 1800s many astronomers started looking for planets farther out than Uranus. They started looking for other planets because Uranus didn 't move around in its orbit as expected. Some scientists thought that it was being because of the gravitational pull from other planets and they were right. Many people could be given credit for finding Neptune but

  • Comparing Two Planets

    1195 Words  | 5 Pages

    many ways. First of all, Saturn is the only planet within our solar system that is less dense than water. An important difference to note, is that Jupiter and Saturn are referred to as gas giants, composed of mainly helium and hydrogen gases, while Uranus and Neptune are actually more like ice giants, due to their composition of ices. All of these planets are also

  • Uranus Description

    450 Words  | 2 Pages

    The planet Uranus was discovered on March 13th, 1781 by German born British-astronomer William Herschel. Herschel found the new planet by using a telescope that he made himself. When he discovered the planet, he didn’t really know what he was looking at. He thought he might have discovered a nebular star or even a new comet. Later on he presented his findings to the Royal Society, where Astronomer Royal Nevil Maskelyne revealed that it actually had a planet like orbit, and did not seem to possess

  • Uranus Research Paper

    262 Words  | 2 Pages

    Out of the eight planets in our solar system, Uranus is the seventh farthest away from the sun and cannot be seen by the naked eye. It was actually the first planet to be discovered with the use of a telescope. The discovery of Uranus was made on March 13th, 1781 by William Herschel, a british astronomer and composer who was born in Germany. Uranus is described to be “rolling around on the sun on its side” because of the fact that is was tipped on its side with a tilt of ninety-eight degrees.

  • Uranus Observation Report

    266 Words  | 2 Pages

    On the night of Wednesday, November 11, I went to the RLM. At 7:25 I observed Uranus at approximately 40 degrees in the east southeastern sky. It only appeared as a small whitish dot against a vast black background. I found it by looking directly into the lens where the astronomers had pointed the telescope in the sky. Discovered in 1781, Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system. Even though it is bright blue, it is still nearly impossible to spot with the naked eye because it is the

  • Zeus Role In Gaia's Success

    958 Words  | 4 Pages

    From the moment the essence of Gaia is introduced, immediately there’s an establishment of the influence she’ll have towards all of the creations following, including Zeus. “…wide-breasted Earth, always safe foundation of all immortals who possess the peaks of snowy Olympus,” (Theog. 117-118). That energy and force lingers behind every decision she makes or persuades others to make. That same authority is also mainly linked to Zeus, the son of Cronus and Rhea. (Theog. 478-479). Before Zeus is born

  • Discovery Of Uranus Analysis

    642 Words  | 3 Pages

    Because of my interest in Astronomy, I have picked "Astronomy: Discovery of Uranus by William Herschel in 1781". It was very educational for me to see, how the process of science worked in this particular case, and why it is so important for observations shared and discoveries to be replicated by others. I have based my observations on the work by Simon Schaffer, St. John 's College, Cambridge called "URANUS and the establishment of Herschel 's astronomy". Below is a breakdown of the assignment

  • Solitude By Ella Wheeler Wilcox: Poem Analysis

    807 Words  | 4 Pages

    Solitude by Ella Wheeler Wilcox Solitude by Ella Wheeler Wilcox was published in 1883, it was poem which reflected that of romanticized environment as well as a mirrored narrative which depicts the harsh reality of just how cruel and twisted humanity is. She tells a tale which revolves around how a facade can take someone closer to want they want, rather than showing the world the truth behind their own being which would result in being abandoned and alone. This poem take a form that a predominant

  • Discovery Of Uranus Research Paper

    330 Words  | 2 Pages

    I choose the topic “Discovery of Uranus by William Herschel in 1781”. What was the motivation that led to the discovery of Uranus? As a voracious reader with a keen interest in science, William Herschel had an ardent desire to “obtain a knowoledge of the construction of the heavens”, which finally led him into astronomy. With a telescope made by himself, he began a systematic survey of the sky, in the hope of thus discovering some of the secrets of the universe. He continued to increase and

  • Analysis Of Uranus, The Primordial God Of The Gods

    816 Words  | 4 Pages

    ruthless Gods involves Uranus, the Primordial God of the Heavens. According to Greek Mythology, Uranus is the Primordial God of the Heavens. He was born by Gaea, who was his mother and eventually his wife. He also was said to be born by Chaos or Aether, but his true father is unknown. He has white hair, which is also present in his lengthy beard, reaching to his chest. His body displays a strong amount of muscle, which is mostly exists on his arms. Personality wise, Uranus is powerful, but instead

  • Why Is Uranus Important To Herschel?

    578 Words  | 3 Pages

    William Herschel found Uranus on March 13, 1781. This was a big deal to him and his career. As stated in a document I found “Uranus was important for Herschel because its discovery was a passport to royal patronage, a pension of 200 pounds per annum, and a substantial support for his investigations of the construction of the sidereal heavens”. Herschel used a telescope which no one found would really work and the thought of one working was unimaginable. Some small ones were in use by scientist but

  • Discovery Of Uranus Research Paper

    325 Words  | 2 Pages

    have been used. The discovery that I wrote about is the discovery of Uranus. A man named William Herschel in the year 1781 discovered the planet of Uranus. It was the first planet ever to be discovered that was not visible to the naked eye. Planet was branded the name by the Greeks, meaning wanderer. They were deemed that name because they moved around instead of the stars around them that stayed still. The discovery of Uranus marked as a huge step in discovering the rest of our solar system. William

  • Uranus: The Seventh Planet In The Solar System

    747 Words  | 3 Pages

    Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun in the solar system. It has the third largest mass in the solar system. It was William Herschel who discovered Uranus in 1781. In two years William thought it was a star or a comet. But then Uranus was accepted as a planet because of Johann Elert Bode’s observations. William wanted the planet to be called Georgium Sidus because of the king George III. But the planet was called Uranus after the Greek god of sky. It takes Uranus 17 hours and 14 minutes to