
A Long Walk To Water Quotes

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Success is possible if you try hard enough. A Long Walk to Water By Linda Sue Park is a memoir about a 11 year old boy named Salva from southern Sudan who is running from war for the safety of his life. Another example of strength and determination is the incident with Malala Yousafzia. I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai is a memoir about how a 11 year old girl named Malala Stood up for girls education and was shot by the Taliban. Salva and Malala used both Determination and strength to overcome their biggest challenges. Strength is often used against problems that need fixing. Salva is an 11 year old boy from southern Sudan. He had been traveling alone during a war in his home country Sudan. He was at school when the attack broke out. He had …show more content…

Salva had made it to the refugee camp and stayed there for 6 years until the camp was closed and he had to leave. Soldiers came and started shooting their guns at the sky warning the people that they had to leave. After getting forced out of the refugee camp Salva soon became the leader of a massive group of boys. He found out there was a refugee camp in a country called Kenya. “I will get us to Kenya, he thought. No matter how hard it is.” Leading a group of 1,200 boys to Kenya is not an easy job. Salva was only 17 years old and was a leader. He was in charge and had to keep everyone in line. Salva didn’t know how long it would take for all of the boys to make sure they got to the camp safely. Salva knows the challenges that will come with this journey, but his determination is helping him keep moving. Determination also helped Malala through this journey. The Taliban had closed down every education source for girls. Malala’s education was very important to her. She decided to fight for what was right. She knew that the Taliban did not have a limit in how far the punishment would go. Her perseverance led her to making a social media account and talking about the changes that need to be made. She soon gained many followers but many people told her it would be impossible.``I told the documentary makers, ‘ they cannot stop me. I will get my education if it’s at home, school, or anywhere else…” She knew the dangers that followed her actions. She was only 11 years old and she still had enough determination to make a change. There were a few bumps in her road, like when many villagers told her mother the Taliban would kill her father if they found out what Malala was doing. But that didn’t stop her. Of course her family worried but they never stopped her from making a change for the better. She continued to blog for years. When Malala and her brother were on the bus the Taliban had stopped the bus. They

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