Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being An Only Child

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Is it Good to be an Only Child?

We see an only child as a “spoiled" one. Everything that they ask will be given to them. They may have looked at everything. Do you think that’s good? Being an only child in the family is more of disadvantages in terms of discipline, expectations, and responsibilities that have all great impacts in one’s growth and development.

Being an only child in the family is more of disadvantages in terms of discipline. First, a child may disobey one’s instructions. The child may ask everything to his/her parents. Since he/she is the only one, the parents will be forced to give whatever it is. That’s the usual mind-setting of the parent of an only child. Since the parents are always giving what the child is asking, one thing that you don’t give to the child may create hard-feeling. This case usually encountered to a family who really can afford. If a child is undisciplined, he/she will have decisions without thinking of it properly. An only child cannot discipline him/herself because that’s the life he/she is used to. It is not a good thing. There are also disadvantages in terms of expectations. Parents expect a lot to their child. They also want to make their child the best. They are expecting that their child will do his/her best and make them proud. Like in school, parents expect that their only child is studying well and one of the best in class. Some parent’s expectations are difficult to fulfil. Since you are an only child, your parents

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