Sino Tanzania Essay

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Sino- Tanzania economic engagement has been momentous area generating highly positive results; Chinese operations in Tanzania receive positive reception and the prevalent growing discontent with the performance. In that respect, the main question that the study uncovered as to answer why Tanzanians have mixed reactions towards the existing Sino-Tanzania economic engagement?
Together with the general question, the study rationalized the local integration of Chinese companies and business operations hence the following specific questions were asked.
- What are the social and economic advantages of the existing Sino- Tanzania economic engagement?
- What are the social and economic disadvantages of the existing Sino- Tanzania economic engagement?
- What are the background factors leading to issues causing negative perceptions towards Chinese operations in Tanzania?

1.6 Objective of the Study
The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of Tanzanians from various sectors or groupings on the existing Sino- Tanzania economic engagement with …show more content…

There have been few researches that have been conducted to assess public perceptions in advantageous/ disadvantageous groups. Accordingly, most of researchers tend to focus on comparative studies between China and other Western Countries; hence China’s position offsets the former colonial powers or scholars tend to ask guiding questions that do not provide a chance for respondents to raise their direct concerns. Therefore, this study stimulates other researchers, local and international, to venture into various aspects to signify the area. Again, the study helps policy makers in both countries to solve social cleavages as they

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