Alloy Essay

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Metals are hard, opaque, ductile and malleable. They can conduct both heat and electricity.
118 elements are present in the periodic table from which most are the metals, non-metals and metalloids are also present. Some common metals are aluminum, copper, gold, steel and many others which are used for different purposes.
Alloys are the mixture of two or metals or non metals. It can be prepared by adding metal or non-metals on the baser metal. Some common alloys are bronze, brass, nichrome and many others. There are different uses of alloys some common uses are preparing of wires, manufacturing of house hold utensils, for making medals, coins and for many other useful purposes. …show more content…

Carbon steel contain main additive element as carbon which is in the range of 0.12 to 2%. It is soft, malleable and tough.
PROPERTIES OF IRON: Iron is shiny bright white metal which is soft, strong, malleable and ductile having atomic number 26. Iron conduct heat and electricity. Pure iron is grayish white in color having density 7.86 g/cm^3. It has melting point 1539C.It is ferromagnetic.
USES OF IRON IN ENGINEERING: Iron is used in industries as well as in construction work materials. Ductile cast iron is used to make the crack shaft, automobile etc. Iron alloys are used to reduce magnetic losses and increase an efficiency of the electrical motor. Iron is most commonly use to produce steel which is used in …show more content…

By the process of electrolytic refining pure copper that is about 99.9 % is obtained which is remolded and use for different purposes. Copper and bronze in early civilization were used for decorative purposes. There are extremely useful copper alloys but due to their high price, they have been replaced by cheap materials. The extraction of copper from copper pyrite can be done by following processes; concentration of ore, roasted of concentrated ore, smelting of roasted ore, reduction to produce blister copper and electrical

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