Alvina's Grandmother In The Elves Of Red Series

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I have started reading the second book in the Elves of Red series. Alvina’s grandmother ,after a month of nagging from Alvina, acknowledges her request and reveals the truth about her family. Alvina is shocked to find out that she is the reincarnation of a powerful sorceress, and the last breathing heir to the throne of Ignis. Alvina is also angered by the fact that her kingdom has been taken over, and her parents killed by the Blue Elves. Alvina is so outraged by this that it activates her sealed powers. As a result of this outburst, her grandmother is forced to subdue her. I disagree with how her grandmother handled the situation when Alvina lost her cool. Alvina’s grandmother hit her on the neck “with a swift hit, and she fell to the

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