
Amelia Earhart Conspiracies

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Conspiracies have revolved around human existence since the beginning of mankind. It is the nature of man to wonder about the world’s secrets. Sometimes, it seems as though these questions will only be answered by guesses made up by other people. One of the most well-known of conspiracies is the one surrounding the world-famous aviator, Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart was born in 1897 in Kansas. The first time she flew, was as a passenger with a veteran pilot in 1920. Soon after they took off, Earhart declared that she wished to be the one to fly (“Amelia”). Throughout her life, she set many records in aviation. For example, she was the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a solo flight (“Amelia”). Despite her flight records being the …show more content…

After surviving the plane crash into the Pacific Ocean, Earhart was taken prisoner by the Japanese. After World War II, American soldiers found her in Japan and received orders to secretly relocate her to New Jersey. Once in America, Earhart assumed the new name of Irene Bolam and started working as a banker (Heller). Books were published with these findings, and a woman who was also named Irene Bolam sued the authors for emotional distress. This lawsuit brought the topic back into light and continued to intrigue theorists. However, there was a different, and real, Irene Bolam. This woman was said to be Earhart 's friend and that is who she based her false name off of. One theorist claims that a friend of this Irene Bolam says Earhart changed her name because she wanted to live as a normal person and not a public figure, and after all she had been through, Amilia did not want to be herself anymore (“Examining”). Even after the mysterious, new Irene Bolam’s death in 1982, theorists continued to suspect and analize her. An investigative newspaper was published for ten days about the topic and featured interviews and quotes about Irene’s life. Records show that she regularly visited a chapel for confessions. When the priest was interviewed and asked about what the secretive woman told him, him said he could not reveal anything other than he had to keep her identity concealed and that he had never met …show more content…

Eye-witness accounts state that Amelia and Noonan were prisoners in Garapan Prison during World War II. United States marines conquered the island of Saipan in 1944, seven years after Amelia went missing. One marine, Robert Wallack, was said to have found crucial evidence to back up the eye-witness accounts. Wallack stated that he found a briefcase containing Amelia’s personal documents, such as her passport and visas, in a safe that he found on a bombed-out military base. However, there is no evidence of these documents because Wallack turned over his findings to an officer and they were never seen again. Because of this, theorists will never know if there was any truth to the

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